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Michael_ last won the day on February 26

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About Michael_

  • Birthday March 25

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  1. Trubbish does not evolve. It has the stats of Garbodor by default
  2. You're probably playing on and older version. As such, you'll need to redownload the game and then run the updater.
  3. You need to give the Darmanitan a Rage Candy Bar to catch it Storage Facility is Case 20 And thanks!
  4. You likely missed the Python's section. Head into the store at the bottom-left of the mall next to the entrance and complete his related content to get the Spa Card
  5. That depends on the platform. - If you're playing on Windows, there should be a file called "updater.exe" in your game's folder. Run that. There's a chance it'll activate your windows defender, so you may need to add an exception for it. - If you're on Linux, it's the same sort of process. Just click on the file called "updater." - If you're running on Mac, right click on Ashen Frost app file -> Show package contents -> ./Content/Game and run the updater
  6. Yeah, this is a Mac-specific error. Caused by having accents in filenames. Run your updater to get up to v1.3.1 - this should resolve the issue. Is there a specific error associated with this? Or just not booting?
  7. As mentioned in the update post, the game still only goes up to case 20. If you don't have v1.2.0+, redownload the game from the link in the OP and run the updater included in the file
  8. If this is related to the pokedolls SDLError, run the updater in the game folder. It has already been patched
  9. If you've downloaded a version previous to 1.2.0, you'll need to redownload
  10. [PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE 21+ AND POSTGAME RELEASE] Ashen Frost 1.2.0 is now out! This is a large release containing many fixes and technical improvements, not limited to: The game now supports four platforms natively - Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Joiplay. Each platform has its own respective build. Currently the game is only offered via Google Drive due to problems with uploading, however, I will try and support more upload methods in the future The Windows, MacOS, and Linux builds now all have an updater included in the game folder. Any future releases should be as simple as running the program. Due to the nature of the Joiplay build, it will still receive patches manually if/when they come MKXP-z has been updated to v2.0.0, bringing faster speeds as well as new controller bindings in the F1 menu The game now supports a fully functional text log. Just click the a/scroll up to view recent conversations All instances of royalty free music have been removed to avoid future copyright claims on YouTube uploads of the game Several GUIs including Tutor.net, Poker, and Blackjack have been updated to be easier to use New Pokémon have appeared across Riverview. See if you can find them all! New TMs have also been made available and some quest rewards have been updated. If you have already completed a quest with a TM reward, you can receive it at Garbodor's Grotto in the Factory Outskirts Several team/AI adjustments have been made to the battle system. Additionally, a new setting has been added Ban Bag In Battle which bans item use for both the player and their opponents Several controls have been rebound. As well, controls for KB/M on the Windows, Linux, and Mac builds can now be edited in the controls menu in the pause menu, instead of through the F1 menu Several characters have now received their own custom text colours as opposed to the standard red and blue. I've tried to fix as many bugs as I could find across the entire game. Here's hoping there are every few left now! There's probably some other stuff I'm forgetting - that should cover the majority though! Please Note If you are playing on the Joiplay build using a Google phone (like I do), the game will freeze unless you downgrade the RPG Maker plugin to v1.20.53 and Joiplay version to v1.20.53 as well as switch the RPG Maker plugin to use ANGLE instead of OpenGL. This is currently a fangame-wide issue. If you were playing on one of the previous test versions of 1.2.0, you will likely need to enter the controls menu and reset to default to ensure everything works correctly! To utilize the MacOS build, you will need to drag the game file into the Applications window and install. To utilize the Joiplay build, you will need to use Joiplay's "install packages" function. We hope you all continue to enjoy Pokémon Ashen Frost!
  11. Just checked, seems like something is up with the setting. Try changing it in the settings menu on the loading screen
  12. If you're playing on hard, set mode is always enabled
  13. Ashen Frost has received a myriad of updates since the last post, and we are now at version 1.1.1. Apologies to those who check the thread, I keep forgetting to update it! If you are not on version 1.1.0, please redownload the game (to be on version 1.1.0, you must have downloaded the game on January 10th or later). If you are on version 1.1.1, you can just apply the provided patch file. Changelog:
  14. Yes, all future updates will be compatible with the save file from this release as there will be no more major revamps going forward
  15. After almost two years of work, Ashen Frost has released its Case 20 + Revamp update. Previous save files are not compatible with this version. However, a save file at the end of Case 19 containing some of the most popular mons on player teams has been provided. If you encounter any bugs, feel free to make a report here or in our Discord server! Thanks to everyone who has supported us! We hope you all enjoy Pokemon Ashen Frost!
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