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MDM1 Beans

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9 Fledgling

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  1. Is there a list of pokemon that were moved from their original locations? Currently can't find Corey's Croagunk where it typically is.
  2. Anybody else have an issue with Julia's signature move not doing recoil damage like it's supposed to?
  3. I'm reviving this because when I checked on it in the bug report page they've listed it as a user error caused by playing the mobile version. I am not playing the mobile version. I'm playing on PC. I get this error every time I try to go to the options menu. It's affecting my ability to play the game. Please help to solve this issue.
  4. Does anyone know when the unreal time password actually starts to work? I entered it at the start of the game and it didn't work so I submitted a bug report but they said it wasn't a bug, it's intended. I'm now midway through Chapter 2 and it still doesn't work.
  5. So I've just started over and was shocked by how different the lab is (and mildly annoyed that I have to run everywhere because I can't go to the options menu without the game crashing), but my first question is: Do we not have item storage in the PC anymore? Is this intentional or a bug? I went there to grab my free potion, but I also actually use my item storage typically...
  6. So I'll preface this by saying that I submitted a bug report already, but I'm creating this topic because I actually had the exact same issue with Desolation and never found a resolution to it and I'm wondering if there is something I am doing wrong in some way. I just downloaded 13.5 using the updater and the first thing I did was went to the options menu. I can open it, but as soon as I try to move down the menu or change a setting, the game crashes. I then started a new game and went to the options menu in game and had the same issue. For context, I've deleted v13 and my save files and have no mods or anything installed. Has anyone else had this issue, and if so have you found a way to fix it?
  7. Can anyone explain the different difficulties? Are the item limitations the same for each? Is it just no items in battle unless you are on easy mode?
  8. Thank you so much, you are completely right! I went into the Xen lab in the Wetlands and I was in fact able to catch shadow pokemon despite never seeing the snag machine get repaired.
  9. That's interesting, was there a cutscene for it?
  10. Hey all, I was wondering when the snag machine is supposed to get fixed in v13. I remember in past versions it gets fixed when you are leaving Blacksteeple on the Xen ship, but that didn't occur this time through and now I'm in the Wetlands and want to make sure I'm not going to miss shadow pokemon that I'm not supposed to miss.
  11. Hey guys, I was wondering when the snag machine gets fixed in v13? The guide says it should get fixed on the Xen battleship as in past versions, but I've already crashed into Terajuma and Saki is gone and she never came over to repair my snag machine.
  12. I'm confused by what typing Rift Gyarados is meant to be. The Rift Dex says that it is pure water type, but when battling it was immune to both Normal and Fighting type moves. I'm not seeing anything in the Field Effect Manual that would cause this, so what is the deal? Is this somehow related to the new style of Rift battle or...?
  13. This sounds really interesting. So you initially just make a team of 6, each from a different gen, or 8 team members? And then each badge you release someone random, but how do you determine who to add to your team next?
  14. @Dry Ham I have tried a monotype run in the past, but I think I didn't like the lack of diversity, though it's possible I just didn't pick a good typing. However I do really like your idea for using only untiered pokemon, I think that could be a really good mix of new mons and a good challenge, thank you! And I totally hear you on taking a break, which is what I've been doing for a while now and I'm itching to play now. @Cyphre I like the idea of just using crest pokemon, that could be interesting! Especially since I've never actually made it to a point where I could use crests before. Thank you!
  15. Hey all, so I'm having a bit of trouble. Rejuvenation v11 was the first Pokemon game I ever played that was not an official Nintendo game, and the first game I'd played that went beyond gen 3 pokemon and mechanics. And I loved it so much. I loved the story and the increased difficulty, I loved being challenged by the game and having to actually learn a bit about the game, stats and battling. I played all the way through, completing as many of the sidequests and all as I could, and had a blast. I then took all this newfound knowledge about EVs/IVs, natures and abilities, physical v special attacks, and team building and played through Reborn. I built a much better team that was better equipped for tough fights, but the building of that team became much more of a grind. I understand some people enjoy that grind, the resetting or chain breeding, but it's not for me. So after finishing Reborn (which I also enjoyed), I played through Desolation but used a debug mod, not to add anything in but just to more quickly refresh stats and natures to reduce the grind. I love this style of game, and every Pokemon game I've played since I've been looking for similar games. The trouble I'm having is that I've since come back to Rejuvenation and am struggling to find a way to play through it that I enjoy. I deleted my original save file as I didn't like my team at the time and wanted to see all the early game changes the team put so much time into. I still love the maps, the stories, the characters, but for some reason I still haven't made it to any of the v12 or v13 content before I get burnt out on my run, despite the fact that I very much want to. So I was hoping that anyone who has read this far could share some ways they've played through the game and built or restricted their teams that they found both fun and challenging, so that I can try something new to get through the early game and on to the new content.
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