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Everything posted by jbastian1
Hi Everyone! Not sure if this is the right location to post this tbh, but I was curious about the randomizer. I've always wanted to do a randomized run, and I started it recently. However I started thinking, does this eventually prevent you from completing the quest of returning everyone's stolen pokemon later in the game? Your purchasing of them in 7th Street would give you a random mon. Because it isn't the mon they're supposed to be returned, will this prevent you from completing that quest line and obtaining the Mega-Ring? Would love to know if other people have encountered this, or if the mod already took this into account and it actually isn't an issue. Just trying to plan ahead I guess! Thanks everyone!
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Kind of late to this discussion, so I don't know if anyone is keeping up with it currently but I am in the process of finishing up my Flying monotype run through and I have to say I am quite impressed. The hardest part of the game has to be the beginning with Julia just due to lack of early options. Even still, some early pokemon have great abilities to help you carry through like Super Luck Pidove. Additionally you have a good balance of physical and special attackers. After Julia, there really isn't much of a challenge until you hit Blake. Ice Shard can do a number on you, but with a Charizard and Aerodactyl, you can take a surprising amount of his team down without much stress. Especially if you set up a tail wind to help counteract Slush Rush Sandshrew (same goes for Titania's), or if you use a Pelipper with drizzle you can just get rid of the hail. Hardy was a bit of a challenge because of Rock Slide, but having a tank like Gliscor who can Bulldoze alot of the team made life easier. Also Moxie Gyarados was amazing. My favorite pokemon is Aerodactyl who honestly carries so hard late game that you almost never need to switch out of him, especially if you use his mega evolution. Also, alot of the rock weakness can be countered with Swanna, Hawlucha, Pelipper, Tropius, etc. You don't really get access to much in the way of electric types, other than Emolga (bleh) but you really don't need it. The only gym electric really would benefit in is with Amaria, but using Gyarados with Moxie in that field actually still lets you steam roll, especially if you dragon dance. Honestly, I think I had an easier time doing the monotype playthrough than I did my standard base game with no type restrictions. Hell even the big guys like Ditto Arceus can be brought down with a Perish Song from Altaria. Speaking of Altaria, you also get two other amazing dragons: Dragonite and Salamence. All in all, I have definitely had a blast with this run so far. The amount of team comps you can create for a mono flying run is impressive and its a fun sweeper-styled gameplay. Oh yeah, and did I mention you get access to one of the best healing moves ROOST... Yeah its a good time.
Ahhhh gotcha. I was so confused haha I even attempted to de-level it down to 19 and level it back up to 20 and I was like what is going on hahaha.
So I finally picked back up with my Mono-flying run of Reborn and I got my favorite Mon, Aerodactyl. I went ahead and fully EV trained it, but then I found that it never learned Rock Slide? Move relearners do not show it, but it is supposed to learn it naturally at level 20... Is this a glitch??
I agree with the person above about Metagross. Also, you have a bronzong too that could work well too! Gyro Ball her whole team and that levitate will help incase she has some ground moves to combat the steel typing since we all know the gym leaders love to have their coverage. You could also pull your Typhlosion out of the box for the fight too for more fire power (literally) and just rebox him afterwards. I find it useful to train up a good rotation like that so you are prepared for any situation.
One thing to consider though is aside from Alakazam, you only have physical attackers. It might be useful to try to balance out with some special attack as well just to help with certain parts of the fight. Your Alakazam should be able to outspeed the Garchomp too, maybe try using Dazzling Gleam on your Alakazam, you might be able to OHKO it since Garchomps sp def is one of its lowest stats.
Yeah I would diversify the team somewhat. Definitely good to have multiple types trained up but I wouldnt use them at the same time unless you're working on a specific gym, like the fighting gym for example. If you look you have multiple members weak to Steel. Fire and Ground and poison are also some weak areas for you. Look at this chart or go to https://marriland.com/tools/team-builder/ to help plan out a team so you can see how well your type coverage is. While you do have coverage, losing one mon, like Talonflame for example could really hurt you during Reborn. For example, a good Alolan Sandlash would BODY your team. So finding those weak points and covering them will be crucial, especially in the late game.
Train both, grinding up a few extra mons never hurts. Sure it takes some time, but as long as youre doing it as you go along, especially as they approach the level cap, its not too bad. Also theyre both useful in the longrun depending on the fight. I wouldnt use them both at the same time unless you're in a specific battle that they both could be useful like fighting that dang bug nerd but other than that I don't forsee any issues having both. Also shiny Noivern is wicked so like definitely keep him around!
Honestly, I would say train both separately. There are so many times that you will be swapping out your mons depending on the challenge you face ahead so it doesnt hurt to train a few of each type. I know I have a box almost completely full of mons that I can swap to if need be. You obviously can win through other methods but its so much easier to have a couple of each type that you like. I know I kept my Slugma til late game and there were many times it came in handy. Additionally though, I used a Rapidash and a Darmanitan just depending on the battle. So I say keep both and level them up accordingly as you play along and you'll probably be glad you did in the long run!
Oh no worries at all! With everything going on in the world right now, I completely understand how it could be challenging to focus on this. Hope you have a great time though when you do start!
See, I do disagree with your theory even though I think it is extremely well thought out and here is why. If Arceus is the god pokemon, I don't think it is something that would truly be evil. Lin (at least in the adult form we know her as) is truly evil. Forcing friends to fight and torturing (not just killing or trapping to get rid of those in her way) but truly torturing is evil. Additionally, she cares nothing for loyalty or family, only "unbridled power". My personal take, is that perhaps the Lin we see as an adult is Giratina and Child Lin is somehow with Arceus. Perhaps Giratina took this form or is making a projection of Lin to Spite the god that condemned him. Idk it just doesnt seem like the current Adult Lin's traits would fall in line with the ideals of the Creator pokemon.
So I think you have a pretty solid team tbh. Gallade is great, you could also try out Medicham, with Pure Power it certainly hits harder, but it is a little slower. I would agree that adding Thunder Wave to your Togekiss would be beneficial as you have no hazards on your team right now. If you had a way to set up Sticky Webs or Stealth Rock youd be set. Maybe even toxic spikes or something. It is usually really helpful to have some form of hazards that eat up your opponents health or force them to take a turn to get rid of them.
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jbastian1 replied to Ezlo Farcarver's topic in Team Showcase
Honestly though you have some great options in reborn. Aerodactyl, Turtonator, Hawlucha, the issues I guess are with early game getting access to decent ones, but late game you'd be fine.- 26 replies
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Hey bud, how is the playthrough going? I am curious how far you've made it so far and what your team is looking like? Hope you're having fun!
What did you end up utilizing in its place?
So I know I haven't updated this in a MINUTE so here we go. I beat Shade eventually, I am not sure why it took me so long because when I beat him, I beat him bad, I exorcised his ghosts bad. But anyway I moved on to bigger and better things. I opened the doors and watched the kids get kidnapped and had to go shrek Kiki to get strength but no badge.. RIP... and then did the faceoff with Garchomp. I somehow managed to outspeed with Jumpluff and him to sleep and Leech Seeded him. Then I just revived til it died, took me a few tries but did it eventually. Found Cain and went to AYA. She was so easy. TBH I just used Calm Mind on my Swoobat a few times (Its simple) then one shot everything with Psychic for the most part. I finally followed to Yureyu to help out. I made my way through and faced off with Sigmund because why not. Guess who got their ass kicked considering I was using a mono flying team and he uses electric typing? Not me, I beat the living shit out of him. Moving on, we fled to the Lake house and I had to go assault the team meteor base and face Serra, but caught a Ducklett beforehand and swapped out Drifblim. Another case of the Bill Cosby sleepies from Jumpluff made everything a breeze. Oh yeah, I also caught an Oricorio named Cha Cha and I also got Toucan Sam the Toucannon. Barely used them though. I did the side quest though at the museum and got an Archen so that I could use Archeops in lieu of not having my Aerodactyl yet... but soon.... I continued onward to Radomus but danged Luna got kidnapped so I had to deal with that whole sidequest. FORTUNATELY, I caught myself a Swablu and evolved it to Altaria. One quick claw later and I perish songed the Arceus Ditto and moved on with my life after catching a Sigilyph and Natu. Completely THWOPPED Radomus and I am currently making my way to the Dark Gym. I am ready though to unleash hell with my Vivillon as it has come sin handy being able to Sleep Powder and Quiver Dance. Then I Hurricane Katrina her enemies out of existence. Although for Luna I'll probly Bug Buzz most of her team. My current team is: Vivillon Archeops Talonflame Jumpluff Swanna Rotating- Altaria, Swoobat, Xatu, Sigilyph After I head to Agate I will be getting a Braviary and a Hawlucha which I am very excited for.
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jbastian1 replied to Ezlo Farcarver's topic in Team Showcase
Here is another challenge idea that I have that I quite like. You can only obtain a new pokemon after defeating a gym leader. So you would have your starter until you beat Julia. Then you could catch a second pokemon. Once you beat Florina, you can catch another, and so on and so forth. You can have more than 6 for a rotation as you progress. Additionally, I think its worth saying you could catch mons for the gyms that dont give you badges as well (Looking at you Corey and Kiki). I think this would be a challenging run because it would REALLY make you consider what singular pokemon to capture moving forward in the game. This type of format could be combined with other game types as well such as mono-type runs or even the 450 and under runs.- 26 replies
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Personally, I think the game is quite remarkable. From a story telling standpoint, the game encapsulates an authentic pokemon experience, while making it more in tune with its older audience that have been playing the original games since early childhood. The evil Team Meteor is reflective of the Team Rocket/Team Galactic/Plasma/etc. with great, albiet cruel plans to reshape the world in their image. The background music is amazing and unique while still feeling like a classic pokemon game. The fact that you can see your characters influence on the world as Reborn grows and is renovated is amazing as well. It truly makes you feel a part of the pokemon world. I think the creators do a great job at listening to its fans, making changes with updates that effect the overall gameplay and challenges you face. I think it respects its players as well by challenging them, and when it is noticed that something makes the game too easy, such as early access to a powerful pokemon, they recognize that and move the encounter to later in the game to keep the challenge even throughout. Additionally, I think the introduction of queer characters not only makes the game unique, but feel more realistic as that is a definite demographic in todays world. I also think its worth noting that there are numerous POC in the games that are rarely present in the actual games. I will say, I think the introduction of Adrienn's gender neutral pronouns was a little odd. It didn't exactly feel like a natural conversation and came out of no where. I feel like it would have been more effective to just have xym referred with the xe pronouns either fresh out of the gate so that we knew without dedicating cutscenes to it, as it would just make it seem like another encounter without it needing to be a "moment" I guess. Like, moving forward into the game, it is quickly normalized, but I feel like that introduction didn't make it seem normal at first. The fact that Cain as a queer character states they are confused with the Adrienn encounter as well just baffled me. All in all though I appreciate the characters as they both add unique elements that aren't encountered often, such as Cain's flirty perversions yet sweet caring acts, and Adrienn's passion and kindness toward Reborn.
So to be completely honest, you have a fairly solid team. The only issue that I see is you have almost no fairy coverage save for your Empoleon. Fairy can take out your Noivern, Gallade, Mega Ampharos, Umbreon, Absol, and Krookodile. I would recommend looking into some additional poison or steel types for your team. Steel would be useful for the late game when you have to deal with the rock type gym.. Additionally, it would be useful to know exactly where you are at in the game? Have you completed the gauntlet yet? I certainly think you have a good team, but I could see areas that it could improve in. For example, as good as Noivern is, it may be worth getting yourself a Dragonite or Salamence (if you are far enough into the game). I personally, would recommend adding Magnezone into your rotation. Magnezone demolishes Fairy types while also having the sturdy ability that lets you get off paralysis. It can learn Magnet Rise to rid its Ground weaknesses as well. I think it could be a good substitution for your Ampharos at times. I also notice that you are a fan of starter pokemon. Get yourself a Blaziken if you can as its ability Speed Boost is incredibly useful and it can Mega Evolve. I personally think it is better than Gallade and Typhlosion. One could replace both, opening up another slot on the team if you sent the other two into your rotation.
Have you tried the Agate Circus? There is that Rainbow Challenge clown and its a good way to get some shards too.
So Amaria is one of those Gyms where I recommend fighting fire with fire, or in this case, water with water. I solo-swept Amaria with a Kingdra. If you Dragon Dance a few times, taking advantage of Dive should have you dealing MASSIVE damage to her team. Additionally, you can outrage to get rid of her Kingdra if you are nervous about being KO'd. I'd recommend, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dive, and whatever other move you would like. I had surf for the convenience of being able to use it to get around the gym, although the move did nothing in the battle for me. Kingdra truly made that battle SO much easier and I never would have expected it. If you are really stuck, try it out. Additionally, you could always try to use a solid electric type like Magnezone.
anyone wanna trade good bug types? looking to do a bug run
jbastian1 replied to Peej's topic in Online Play
Ever consider using a Vivillon? Compound eyes means Sleep Powder and Hurricane almost never miss. All you do is use Sleep Powder then Quiver Dance your Special Attack, Special Def, and Speed through the roof, then finally Hurricane Katrina all who oppose you into oblivion. Seriously, she is one of the best Pokemon for single battles- period. Literally have swept NUMEROUS gym battles with her, such as: Serra (Yes you heard that right, a Flying/Bug type solo-swept the Ice gym), Noel, Radomus, Luna, and Samson. She stomps Bennett out of existence and can even destroy Solaris if you keep Draining Kiss on to deal with that Garchomp. -
Aerodactylite is available as well for those who would use Aerodactyl
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jbastian1 replied to Ezlo Farcarver's topic in Team Showcase
A run where you can only utilize the first 6 pokemon you encounter. If you miss catching one of them, sucks to suck you can now have a max of 5 on your team.- 26 replies
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As far as I am aware, it can only learn Roost by TM and I think that is only available at the Desert but I don't recall where so I always just run that build as it works relatively the same. Plus, I typically have a sun setter on my team I guess.