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  1. This quest is in north celia in of the building north of the teal panthers and it seems like after talking i cant move either
  2. Deino i know you have to collect certain items for. I thinks it dark matter???. For gible its late in the game around chapter 12 or something. Idk where honedge is tho
  3. So i been trying to find the switch that will let me raise the crystal bridge in the hidden cave behind that locked rangers hideout in silver rise. I just cant find it anyone know where it is?
  4. I am so hyped for this game
  5. should we even be talking about the saki thing here? I mean i know its pretty much teasing future events for v13 but still.
  6. Well her Daraludon is gonna be quite the interesting fight
  7. I think i had a pokemon with rain dance to weaken her attacks. Then just switched to my swift swim floatzel and aqua tailed most things to death
  8. wow I never knew how bad Keta looked health wise and now I feel even worse for the guy.
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