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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dkr1982dn

  1. Idk....anything you think that could help you against flying types/abuse the flying field
  2. Sorry for the late reply. If it helps you make the game more manageable, then you should do it. I sometimes do this when I do monotype runs
  3. For me when I did my grass mono, I hacked in a cradily just for that battle, then released it afterwards. You may have to hack in a pokemon which can help or pick a different type which is easier
  4. Even if there are pokemons you don't like, they're most likely necessary to help you with the battles. Just switch them out for the story
  5. Hopefully, it brings a different dynamic to the game and it'll make battling more interesting.
  6. Oranges weren't named after the colour but the other way around
  7. Need to start posting more on the forum 😕

  8. You could perhaps go back to a previous save file by going to C drive, users, (your username)file, then saved games, then pokemon rejuvenation. Delete the current game file and rename a previous save: 'Game'.
  9. It would help if natures and held items were also included. What type Silvally is it? and I would suggest ditching dragon pulse if you are going to run a drag move. Also get rid of power trip on Corviknight because it's useless without any stat boosting move, maybe replace it with roost and also get rid of flash cannon since it's not really a special attacker.
  10. C drive, then Users, then your (username)file, then saved games and it should be there. Copy your regular Reborn save and insert it into sandbox save folder, after you are done, move it back
  11. If you have RPG Maker then it's easy to compile the data because you can run the game on it and it will compile everything in the PBS file including the changes you've made and it should take effect - that's how worked for me at least.
  12. Mental disorders take a big toll on your body, especially how we think. I don't have MPD so I can't relate but my personality changes quite often, for reasons i can't control. Usually what I'll do is try to think long and hard about whether I want to be this person, even if it clashes with what my mind tells me. Maybe Therapy could help? - I'm sorry if i couldn't offer much but stay strong.
  13. Pokemon Rejuv: Gorgeous scenery on Route 2(and music). Nothing major but it's something that I enjoyed about the game. The battle against Flora(Ryland). Also when Venam was fully healed from the spring and revived.
  14. you can get ralts before th 8th badge. you need to obtain a certain key.
  15. I've been trying to get Snorlax in Honec Woods, I'm supposed to get the Pokeflute, I heard you can get it from Kelvin however he doesn't mention anything about a Pokeflute. Also, It says that Munchlax is in Nectar Woods, where is that? All I see In Honec Woods - All I need is leftovers.
  16. Yeah, I tried it but it just said 'Unable to locate file' or something. I already know how to get debug, it's just that I wanted to speed up the game.
  17. I was just wondering what script codes we have to edit in rpg maker to get the speed up button.
  18. Currently doing a Poison Mono run of this. You've really upped the difficulty, nice work. (Samson is impossible for me) (Now it's Ciel LOL)
  19. I''m not actually the best pokemon trainer, I just say that to make myself look cool. Been playing Pokemon only for a few years and I've never played gens 1-5 (DON'T JUDGE ME!!). Love playing pokemon in my free time, which is always LOL but that's not all I do: I'm a trumpet player (bet you didn't expect that), I love chocolate and I like to bury my face in chocolate. Some people say I'm a chocolate fanatic but I don't think so AND I'm into crime and all that so you better not do anything reckless otherwise I'll be on the case I can actually spell, which I heard it's not going to matter since it's pokemon.
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