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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by frogs

  1. From what I can remember from my last fight against her, I used an Adaptability Crawdaunt w/ Crabhammer to absolutely destroy her. This was however in doubles with our fight underwater and the only problems were the Vaporeon and Seismitoad lead which both have Water Absorb I think, but I'm sure you can rid of them with foliage or something
  2. How about a run where Pokemon use attacks that contradict their Attack/Sp.Atk stat? For example, using a Non HA Darmanitan with only special attacks Problems arise when Pokemon that can be mixed attackers are considered, but I'm sure that can be fixed somehow, just too lazy to think of a way rn :))
  3. For Reborn, The easiest for me was Amaria, didn't use anything but a Florges The hardest for me was Shade, granted it was during my first playthrough, I was really just super lazy to think of anything but use attacks and win For Rejuvenation, The easiest leader was Amber, albeit I cheesed the fight with Double Team Dragalge The hardest leader was Angie, took RNG attract to get past her first few mons, but once i got rng on my side, my roided chicken cleaned house
  4. In my playthrough, Florin was the hardest due to the terrain and the inevitable rain and it didn't help that half my team consisted of Pokemon weak to grass. The circumstances forced me to catch and try some cheesy strats to win, needless to say, the fight and victory was one of the most fun and satisfying things I've experienced in Pokemon
  5. I'm sad that Nexus didn't go and get Misty Terrain and Light Screen for his Sylveon, would've not only been useful here but for battles after too. Oh well, I'm guessing he retaught it off-screen and we'll see them next episode. Also, loved the random ass commentary Nexus provided while getting fucked by Mew "sperm cell" two. Can't wait for the 54:56 Minute Episode for Terra, gonna be quite the blast
  6. Usually named my Pokemon random shit that would never be re-used but lately I've got some keepers Swampert will now always be known as "FISHURE" (in all caps because it seems better). I punny mix of two words related to the Pokemon (also the carry of my first reborn playthrough :D) Decidueye will now always be known as "Tokoyami" because I'm a sucker for bnha and both birds have that "edgy" look to them Garchomp will now always be known as "YARCHOMP" because it was the name of the Garchomp that I caught early into a randomizer and would then carry me throughout the entire game w/o dying Excadrill will now always be known as "Molar Mass" because hehe Chemistry Arcanine will always be known as "fanservice" because it was the name of a recent Arcanine which grew on me throughout my adventure
  7. Fuck yea, I love answering this: Gen 1: Venusaur: Viable w/ or w/o it's mega and it has a cool design. Bonus Points for being the starter no one really cared for Gen 2: Typhlosion: Was the starter of my choice in HG and using it again in Reborn made me re-kindle my love for it. Feraligatr is a close second though Gen 3: w/o a doubt Swampert. Despite Blaziken being stupid op and using Sceptile in the Gen Threemakes. Reborn made me love Swampert due to how useful it is and how many times it has come in clutch, living hits or dishing them out. I fucking love this Pokemon, my 2nd favourite Pokemon overall Gen 4: Another hard one, since they're all good. But Empoleon wins due to nostalgia reasons. Being the stupid kid I was and refusing to train up anything else but my starter, I struggled against Gardenia. So I levelled up my Prinplup all the way up to an Empoleon via level 16's and beat the gym. Those were good times, when I was stupid overlevelled for the next few parts of the game Gen 5: Samurott: All the starters in this gen were super "meh", but Samurott takes the cake due to, once again, nostalgia reasons. Played White 2 before White/Black, picked Oshawott which would then become a Samurott and my first level 100 Pokemon Gen 6: Greninja. I really like the other two, but Greninja is just too cool and good to pass up. Gen 7: At first, it was Decidueye due to purely design. But despite using it for S&M, US&UM and Rejuvenation, Primarina takes it. This is purely because of Rejuvenation, where Popplio was randomly given to me and from there, I saw how good the Popplio line was. Primarina is amazing, high Sp. Atk and Sp. Def and has a pretty design.
  8. Hello, welcome, nice Todoroki'ed sprite and good luck with Uni, it's tons of fun :)))
  9. Too bad my fucking computer makes me do like 5 steps to take a screenshot, now you can't see my "amazing" nicknames Anyways, it's been a while since I beat E18, so from memory: Team that Beat Hardy: Galvantula Talonflame Swampert Garchomp Chesnaught Empoleon Main: Swampert Typhlosion Chesnaught Galvantula Crobat Florges
  10. I made this account on Christmas, Merry Christmas also Hey
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