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Reborn Development Blog
Rejuvenation Development Blog
Desolation Dev Blog
Everything posted by enderowl
Writing this down for my next playthrough of Pokemon Rejuvenation.
Stealable worthwhile items from Trainers (Using Recycle Abuse) for Chapters 1 - 5.
Chapter 1:
Challenger Mars: Sewaddle - Light Clay, Swadloon - Dragon Fang, Leavanny - Leftovers
Chapter 2:
Nim: Lunatone - Passho Berry. Solrock - Rindo Berry
Sidequest | Stolen Cargo | Gang Member Samwell and Jacksin: Flaaffy - Eviolite, Porygon - Eviolite
Sidequest | Battle Me Again! | Rorim B. and Novae: Oricorio - Maranga Berry, Lombre - Mystic Water
Keta: Farfetch'd - Eviolite, Combusken - Charcoal, Machoke - Coba Berry, Lucario - Black Belt
Ally | Aelita: Staravia - Sharp Beak, Hawlucha - Sharp Beak, Clobbopus - Black Belt, Combusken - Black Belt
Ally | Keta: Farfetch'd - Eviolite, Combusken - Charcoal, Machoke - Coba Berry, Lucario - Black Belt
Madelis: Floette: Wise Glasses
Chapter 3:
Amanda: Brozor - Heat Rock, Weepinbell - Miracle Seed, Hatenna - Twisted Spoon, Druddigon - Charcoal
Ally | Marianette: Delcatty - Splash Plate, Indeedee - Fist Plate, Stantler - Icicle Plate, Zorua - Focus Sash, Chatot - Iron Plate, Bewear - Leftovers
Marianette: Delcatty - Splash Plate, Indeedee - Fist Plate, Stantler - Icicle Plate, Zorua - Focus Sash, Chatot - Iron Plate, Bewear - Leftovers
Chapter 4:
Aelita: Hawlucha - Flying Gem, Clobbopus - Sitrus Berry, Combusken - Charcoal
C: Ariados - Poison Barb, Galvantula - Magnet
Eli and
Sharin(Sharon): Tangela - Eviolite, Lickitung - Leftovers, Honchkrow - Sitrus Berry, Mismagius - Sitrus BerryGeara: Persian - Normal Gem, Marowak - Thick Club, Masquerain - Charti Berry, Morgrem - Light Clay, Clefairy - Eviolite, Haunter - Wise Glasses
Ren: Sableye - Leftovers, Arcanine - Sitrus Berry, Cacturne - Occa Berry, Frogadier - Mystic Water, Corvisquire - Eviolite
Narcissa: Drifblim - Kasib Berry, Polteageist - Colbur Berry, Mismagius - Spooky Plate, Dusclops - Sitrus Berry
Chapter 5
Banette and Scrafty (Pokegang): Banette - Muscle Band, Scrafty - Muscle Band
Ally | Nim: Darmanitan - Kee Berry, Malamar - Twisted Spoon, Duosion - Eviolite, Lunatone - Passho Berry, Solrock - Twisted Spoon
Nim: Darmanitan - Kee Berry, Malamar - Twisted Spoon, Duosion - Eviolite, Lunatone - Passho Berry, Solrock - Twisted Spoon
Keta (Memory) - Roserade - Icicle Plate, Krookodile - Dragon Gem, Lapras - Sitrus Berry, Gallade - Black Belt
Madelis: Sharpedo - Focus Sash, Houndoom - Wise Glasses
Ally | Aelita: Blaziken - Focus Sash, Gligar - Flying Gem, Hawlucha - Flying Gem, Staraptor - Focus Sash, Mienfoo - Eviolite, Grapploct - Black Belt
Neved: Manectric - Magnet, Barbaracle - Sitrus Berry
Melia: Zoroark - Dread plate, Meganium - Leftovers, Snorlax - Silk Scarf, Togekiss - Sitrus Berry
Alex and Sam: Golisopod - Wacan Bery, Machamp - Coba Berry, Pelipper - Wacan Berry, Ampharos - Shuca Berry
Novae: Toucannon - Yache Berry, Vikavolt - Sitrus Berry, Lycanroc - Rock Gem, Tsareena - Grass Gem, Palossand - Leftovers, Passimian - Sitrus Berry
Valarie: Qwilfish - Poison Barb, Lanturn - Leftovers, Floatzel - Muscle Band, Seaking - Rindo Berry, Primarina - Wacan Berry
Will do Part 2 sometime