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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by enderowl

  1. I have played through .Karma two times before. That section still confuses me.
  2. Writing this down for my next playthrough of Pokemon Rejuvenation.


    Stealable worthwhile items from Trainers (Using Recycle Abuse) for Chapters 1 - 5.

    Chapter 1: 

    Challenger Mars: Sewaddle - Light Clay, Swadloon - Dragon Fang, Leavanny - Leftovers

    Chapter 2:

    Nim: Lunatone - Passho Berry. Solrock - Rindo Berry

    Sidequest | Stolen Cargo | Gang Member Samwell and Jacksin: Flaaffy - Eviolite, Porygon - Eviolite

    Sidequest | Battle Me Again! | Rorim B. and Novae: Oricorio - Maranga Berry, Lombre - Mystic Water

    Keta: Farfetch'd - Eviolite, Combusken - Charcoal, Machoke - Coba Berry, Lucario - Black Belt

    Ally | Aelita: Staravia - Sharp Beak, Hawlucha - Sharp Beak, Clobbopus - Black Belt, Combusken - Black Belt

    Ally | Keta: Farfetch'd - Eviolite, Combusken - Charcoal, Machoke - Coba Berry, Lucario - Black Belt

    Madelis: Floette: Wise Glasses

    Chapter 3:

    Amanda: Brozor - Heat Rock, Weepinbell - Miracle Seed, Hatenna - Twisted Spoon, Druddigon - Charcoal

    Ally | Marianette: Delcatty - Splash Plate, Indeedee - Fist Plate, Stantler - Icicle Plate, Zorua - Focus Sash, Chatot - Iron Plate, Bewear - Leftovers

    Marianette: Delcatty - Splash Plate, Indeedee - Fist Plate, Stantler - Icicle Plate, Zorua - Focus Sash, Chatot - Iron Plate, Bewear - Leftovers

    Chapter 4: 

    Aelita: Hawlucha - Flying Gem, Clobbopus - Sitrus Berry, Combusken - Charcoal

    C: Ariados - Poison Barb, Galvantula - Magnet

    Eli and Sharin (Sharon): Tangela - Eviolite, Lickitung - Leftovers, Honchkrow - Sitrus Berry, Mismagius - Sitrus Berry

    Geara: Persian - Normal Gem, Marowak - Thick Club, Masquerain - Charti Berry, Morgrem - Light Clay, Clefairy - Eviolite, Haunter - Wise Glasses

    Ren: Sableye - Leftovers, Arcanine - Sitrus Berry, Cacturne - Occa Berry, Frogadier - Mystic Water, Corvisquire - Eviolite

    Narcissa: Drifblim - Kasib Berry, Polteageist - Colbur Berry, Mismagius - Spooky Plate, Dusclops - Sitrus Berry

    Chapter 5

    Banette and Scrafty (Pokegang): Banette - Muscle Band, Scrafty - Muscle Band

    Ally | Nim: Darmanitan - Kee Berry, Malamar - Twisted Spoon, Duosion - Eviolite, Lunatone - Passho Berry, Solrock - Twisted Spoon

    Nim: Darmanitan - Kee Berry, Malamar - Twisted Spoon, Duosion - Eviolite, Lunatone - Passho Berry, Solrock - Twisted Spoon

    Keta (Memory) - Roserade - Icicle Plate, Krookodile - Dragon Gem, Lapras - Sitrus Berry, Gallade - Black Belt

    Madelis: Sharpedo - Focus Sash, Houndoom - Wise Glasses

    Ally | Aelita: Blaziken - Focus Sash, Gligar - Flying Gem, Hawlucha - Flying Gem, Staraptor - Focus Sash, Mienfoo - Eviolite, Grapploct - Black Belt

    Neved: Manectric - Magnet, Barbaracle - Sitrus Berry

    Melia: Zoroark - Dread plate, Meganium - Leftovers, Snorlax - Silk Scarf, Togekiss - Sitrus Berry

    Alex and Sam: Golisopod - Wacan Bery, Machamp - Coba Berry, Pelipper - Wacan Berry, Ampharos - Shuca Berry

    Novae: Toucannon - Yache Berry, Vikavolt - Sitrus Berry, Lycanroc - Rock Gem, Tsareena - Grass Gem, Palossand - Leftovers, Passimian - Sitrus Berry

    Valarie: Qwilfish - Poison Barb, Lanturn - Leftovers, Floatzel - Muscle Band, Seaking - Rindo Berry, Primarina - Wacan Berry


    Will do Part 2 sometime


  3. Out of all the characters, who has the most trauma?
  4. 1. Will there be more uses for the Puppet Doubloon? 2. Does Melia have a british accent? 3. Will there be more ice cream flavors in the game?
  5. From what I can guess since I am not at that point of the game and going for the Paragon route, pick all of the bad options, be a dick to everyone, and don't do any sidequests. And there is a certain calculation in the game that once you get to, you will get a new scene near the end of Chapter 14.
  6. Trying to find a Data Drive in Chapter 2. I don't wanna reset my progress and I want to use the fullivs password.
  7. Was thinking about getting back into Rejuvenation to refresh my memory and also play Where Love Lies for the first time after completing chapter 12. I'm just wondering how long it would take to 100% Where Love Lies and do mostly everything you can do in a single Rejuvenation playthrough.
  8. It's been a while since I lasted played the game but I am just gonna give this a go. Feraligatr @ Feraligatr Crest Ability: Sheer Force EVs: 252 ATK / 252 SPE / 4 HP Jolly Nature | + SPE/ - SPA Moves: Dragon Dance (Swords Dance can also work but is not available as of yet) Crunch Liquidation Ice Fang Since the crest gives Feraligatr a free priority in any moves, I think it would be great to use Dragon Dance first to get a free set up and then sweep with crunch since sheer force and the increase to bite attacks will increase a lot. Kind of wish that Feraligatr has access to Fishious Rend for a stab water move that can benfit the crest more than liquidation. But thinking this now, that might be way too overpowered.
  9. It has been a while since I last uploaded here, so here is a new batch of new custom shinies. This time is the Oshawott line and I think this turned out pretty well. Next up is the Tepig line.
  10. Hello everyone, While waiting for the next version of Pokemon Rejuvenation to do my next playthrough on, I'm trying to make a fun weather team that I should use for the next version. The current Pokemon that I'm thinking about using are; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castform Item: Castform Crest Ability: Forecast + (Solar Power or Rain Dish) Moveset: Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hurricane, Weather Ball Nature: Timid EVs: 252 Sp. Atk./4 Sp. Def./252 Speed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charizard Item: (Magic Seed or Choices Specs) Ability: Solar Power Moverset: Weather Ball, Hurricane, Scorching Sands, Heat Wave Nature: Modest EVs: 252 Sp. Atk./4 Sp. Def./252 Speed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silvally Item: (Type) Memory Ability: RKS System + (Ability that it would get from one of the Memory items from its Crest) Moveset: Multi-Attack, Defog, Parting Shot, Tailwind Nature: Careful EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk./252 Sp. Def. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swampert Item: Swampertite Ability: Torrent (Base) / Swift Swim (Mega) Moveset: Earthquake, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Roar Nature: 252 HP/252 Atk./4 Sp. Def ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone has recommendations for the last two Pokemon that would be a good synergy for a mixed weather team or to replace some of these Pokemon, I would be very thankful.
  11. Looks really cool0 Can't wait to do a new playthrough.
  12. Was wondering what the different nicknames that Marianette calls you depending on what player character you choose, since I know she would call the first male protagonist choice Willow.
  13. I was thinking about using snivy for my next run for Rejuv and thought I should create a new custom shiny for the Snivy line. Here is what I made. I based the colors off of the cherry blossom leaves because I thought it would look cool.
  14. Evolve the Magby and Elekid that you got and show it to the new professor in Gearen Lab after chapter 5.
  15. Been doing a lot of the Rift Dens to grind for 10000 points to get Chespin. Don't know how much more I would need though so is there a way to check how much I would have?
  16. I was wondering the earliest Pokemon that you can get that has the ability Drizzle and Drought before the 7th Gym Leader? And what other useful pokemon would be good for gym battle against Angie? I just want to know in advance because I just restarted playing Rejuv again and just beaten the first gym.
  17. Wasn't there two castles right next to each other on Blacksteeple? One that we are in and the other that no one could even get into. What if the one that we were in was Nymeria's castle, hence the Xerneas statues in the courtyard and garden, and the one that no one could even get into is Indriad's castle?
  18. When I first played through V13 on my Casual Run, that freaking Aegislash was one of the main issues I had because it felt like I was on intense mode and not on CASUAL! It was a hard casual run after that point.
  19. Hello everyone. I just wanted to make this poll to see what everyone's opinions are for the best starter to pick in Intense mode for early-game, mid-game, and late-game. I wanted to choose starters that aren't available at all through out the entire game and that you can only get at the start when choosing your first starter, but then I realized I should have all the starters to see if anyone will pick them. I also want to know the reasoning why a certain pokemon would do well in any of the parts of the game were others are not. :D
  20. Only complaint that I had is I hate the segments that are time based. Like there are just about two instances where the game puts down a timer, but it was so annoying because of that one puzzle during chapter 3!!! Over than that, I loved the entirety of V13 with all of the lore drops and changes in the story that makes the games story flows more fluently. And my favorite addition to the game is that the main MC has dialogue options and they aren't muteopath anymore (Kind of).
  21. I was wondering, since the PC and Aelita are the leaders of the group and Erin is the tactician. What would the other rolls be for everyone else in the group?
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