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Everything posted by enderowl

  1. I want to know what the base stats and moveset is for Aevian Lapras so I can come up with a good set for it.
  2. It was pretty awkward when I used the original name for Aevis, but I just thought it was very funny because of the scene where the NPC of the main character would go into *eternal* sleep and be replaced by the name I chose, which was Aevis. So, Aevis replaced Aevis, lol.
  3. I think it has to do with the new item, Interceptor's Wish. Because there was an option to use the item and if you said yes I think that you use your own pokemon team and not Erin's pokemon team. The same option showed up at path 2 and I said no to using the item and during the entire path 2, I was using Melia's pokemon team.
  4. Wasn't there a tradable Buneary that you can get by trading over a Male Cherubi?
  5. I was wondering what the encounter rates are for Geodude and Mankey in Gearan Park and Sewers and can you still find a Woobat in the Sewer?
  6. That is a galarian Yamask and to evolve it you just need to with a Dusty Bowl. As for where you can find a dusty bowl, I have no clue.
  8. enderowl


    I'm going to take note of this and say that the trailer showed 2 out of the 4 routes that we'll be going on in V13
  9. enderowl


    That is a very interesting trailer, also HYPE!
  10. Since V13 is going to be coming out tomorrow, I am making this post to see if I should change up my team a bit for the next chapter and if there are any suggestions for swapping out team members for one of the generation 8 pokemon. This is a casual playthrough of the game until I finished up the new story content so that I could do a intense playthrough for the revamped story. Torterra - Lvl. 85 - Torterra Crest - Shell Armor - Brave - Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Curse, Leech Seed Rotom-Wash - Lvl. 85 - Mystic Water - Levitate - Modest - Substitute, Discharge, Hex, Hydro Pump Hydreigon - Lvl. 85 - Dread Plate - Levitate - Mild - Dragon Pulse, Work up, Dark Pulse, Magma Drift Volcarona - Lvl. 85 - Flame Plate - Flame Body - Modest - Bug Buzz, Fiery Dance, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance Metagross - Lvl. 85 - Muscle Band - Clear Body - Adamant - Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash Sylveon - Lvl. 85 - Light Clay - Docile - Pixilate - Draining Kiss, Light Screen, Calm Mind, Hyper Voice
  11. I'm just wondering who is the one opening up the packages, since it seems that it isn't the player character who is opening these presents up but someone else.
  12. I'm going to do the new content on my save data, then go into a new game on Intense which will be my first time doing
  13. What if it is a type of password with the numbers being 2, 0, 0, and 9 in some kind of order.
  14. There will be spoilers for the post that came out several hours ago and if you had not solved it yet, do so and then come back to read.
  15. Alright time for the second part and I have no clue what I'm suppose to do.
  16. Just need a hint for the first riddle.

    1. Bitchboi


      its something very valuable, its made by putting something black under immense pressure, people gift it to someone they love

    2. enderowl


      Oh, thank you.

  17. Welp, time for me to take all day trying to solve this seemingly easy puzzle.
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