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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by enderowl

  1. I wonder if there is a Shiny Charm inside of the box.
  2. Had a feeling it was gonna end sooner or later. To bad that it was sooner.
  3. I was thinking back on the Melia is Maria theory and was pondering on somethings. I know this theory has some flaws to it (especially the part were Maria is great at mathematics and Melia is atrocious at it), but I was wondering if Melia was one part of Maria's personality. What if Melia, Erin, Allen, and Alice are all just different parts of Maria. I may be jumping the gun since it has been some time that I last played the game, but I would believe that Erin is the one who is great at mathematics due to her going to the library in GDC. (I do want to clarify that I don't know if Erin is good at math, I'm just making some assumptions) I don't know what Allen and Alice would be for Maria's personality though.
  4. Torterra, makes an alright pokemon into an absolute BEAST! Since it reverses the types it is weak against and strong against.
  5. I wonder if we can get this Discussion Thread to Page 70 before the progress bar is gone.
  6. I wonder what new Pokemon will be in the mystery egg.
  7. I either look through the game files and see the shiny Pokemon there and replay the game.
  8. For some reason, it feels like the progress bar went up just about a small percentage the last time I checked. Or maybe it has been at 86% for a while and I was thinking it was a different number that was still in the 80%.
  9. I remember noticing some details about the Mansion in Chapter 3, mostly around the area where we face off against Maria. The placed almost had the same layout as the Pyramid and it was behind the Chrysalis Mansion.
  10. They did confirm that you'll be able to get the Mega-Z Ring in the next update of the game and it will be obtain during the Main Story.
  11. I highly recommend not reading this post to those of you who have not played through the current version or are playing the game for the first time. There will be spoilers for all of the Main Story and for all of the Side Quests in the Fan Game. You have been warned! And to those who don't care about spoilers, need a recap on the story, or have played through the game and did every nook and cranny in the game, you are all welcome to stay and enjoy the experience. Hello everyone that happens upon this post. As the title says, I will be doing my first intense mode run. For some time now I've been pondering whether I should start to do my first run of intense mode before or after V13 drops. I even made a post about whether or not I should do it after V13 since I never played Gen 8 and I was actually thinking I should do my intense mode run after V13. As time when on, I thought how about I do the run now just so I can see how it is going to be changed in the next version of the game and that I need to do something in my spare time while waiting for the next version update, so here I am writing this post before I even get to do my Intense mode run. Guess I rambled on about this for a bit, then it is time for me to explain how I am going to do this run. How I am going to do my run: 1. I am going to catch every available Pokemon in the game because I really want to mix and match my team a lot for each Side Quest Boss, Rift Pokemon, Team Xen Bosses, Rival Battles, Legendaries, and Gym Leaders. 2. I will use debug mode just for IVs since I don't really want to spend my entire time hatching eggs and trying my luck to see if I get Perfect IVs. 3. I have to pick all of the good choices and do all of the side quest since I'm a sucker for being Mr. Goody Two Shoes and I want to get the best outcome for everyone. 4. No Torchic or Froakie because I want my first experience to be a good one and having those two Pokemon can make Mid-Game easier than it should be. 5. Nickname all of my Pokemon either with names that fit their personality or may be cool in my mind but look dumb for others. 6. I am going to soft reset for each time I lost during an important battle because I don't really want to lose first time and lose money or get negative relationship points. (but I will put down the amount of times I did lose) 7. I will be using guides to help me because I'll need the help a lot for all of these battles that are going to be coming up in my near future. That is all of my rules on my run, next is how I'll be telling my experience and what strategies I'm doing for all of these battles. So, I will be telling my experience through journal entries that the main protagonist is writing on their way through the Aevium Region, each entry will be about each chapter that I have done. The journal will be in italics and my own commentary will just be normal just to differentiate between the two. After I am done the journal entry for a chapter, I'll write down how badly or well I did during the battles within those chapters. I'll even write down why I chose to use certain Pokemon for different fights, like for example use Pyukumuku and Shuckle for two certain double battles (Yes, I will be using those Pokemon together for some double battles because I think it will be funny.) So, that is it on how I will be doing my run. Thank you everyone for taking your time for reading or skimming over this post. It will take me a while to update on this post since I need to complete each chapter and write down the story and important things I did during this run. Hope you all will enjoy my first experience.
  12. So. Many. CHOICES! I have no clue which to do first, I'm really interested in Erin's path but I also want to know why in Melia's path that group is in Goldenwood Town. Also, I'm very interested in what the (MC)'s path is like based on that one teaser picture back when the entire V13 Discussion Thread was just started.
  13. Can't wait to see what Version 13 will have in store. On a different note, been looking back on the past blogs to see if I can guess the grouping of characters.
  14. What would be a good starter to pick when doing Intense mode besides Torchic and Froakie?
  15. Don't know if anyone will see this or not, but I am going to write it down anyways just to remind myself.

    Once V13 comes out and I go through the story on my casual playthrough, I am going to restart the game and do my first intense run of the game while experiencing the new Pokemon from gen 8 for the first time as well.

    And for this run, I am going to write a post on my experience and make it like a journal detailing everything I am doing in the story through the eyes of the protagonist. And to set some ground rules for this run.

    1. Starters that I can not pick due to their hidden abilities are; Torchic, Grookey, Froakie, and Scorbunny.

    2. I must do all of the side quest and pick choices that lead to the best ending of the game.

    3. Get 6 Pokemon from all of the typings (I can put pokemon with dual-typing in one of the types so that it doesn't fill up a slot for another pokemon. Ex: Putting Bulbasaur in the poison type category so that there are 5 slots in poison and still 6 slots in grass.)

    4. I must have at least one shiny in all of the type categories because why not.

    5. I can reset a battle just to not lose any money.


    So if anyone is reading this than thank you for reading my plan for my first intense mode playthrough.

  16. Will some of the pokemon get recolored shinys?
  17. Since most of the starters either have a mega stone or a crest and Greninja is just good without a crest, I'll just propose crest for the rest of the starters that don't have one. Serperior - activates sunny day (expect it only lasts for 3 turns instead of 5) and gives the pokemon the dry skin ability and increases def and spdef stages by +1. Samurott - switches spatk with speed and gives it a secondary typing of fighting (don't know if giving another typing is allowed or not). Emboar - increases spd stage by +2 and gives the pokemon the ability Rock Head. Chesnaught - gives the pokemon the iron fist ability. Delphox - gives the pokemon the drought and solar power abilities. Decidueye - increases spd stage by +1 and gives the pokemon the ability sniper and super luck. Primarina - gives the pokemon the misty surge ability. Incineroar - swaps spdef with speed, gives the pokemon the ability guts, and increase the damage of dark type moves by x0.5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meme Crest (this is possibly not going to get in but thought it maybe funny to look at): Shedninja - gives the pokemon the huge power, wonder skin, magic guard, disguise and illusion abilities.
  18. Does anyone have a full list of the encounter rates that pokemon appear in each route?
  19. Can't wait to go and explore all of the nooks and crannies of A.H. It is going to be a fun ride for version 13 and take all of the time you need to finish it, not like someone in the game is going to get King Dragon's regards.
  20. Only one day left. Can't wait to see who is gonna be on top.
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