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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by enderowl

  1. Found a small visual glitch in Grand Dream City with a lamppost. Also, I thought that the black lamp was a Lampent. lol.
  2. This is going to be very interesting to see this guy in the game. Also, on a separate note.
  3. We'll be able to play as Erin (And maybe Kanon?), from the looks of this one picture back in December (or was it January, sorry wasn't looking)
  4. Here is a new conspiracy theory. What if Blacksteeple castle, that was used as a prison, is Vitus's (Or whomever they are called now) castle and the one that has a barrier around it is Nymeria's castle?
  5. I think the dialogue with Ren about him wanting to fight Narcissa first is suppose to be in Chapter 4 and not in Chapter 3.
  6. That happened to me before, but it isn't a Easter Egg it is a Field Effect. The Rainbow Field.
  7. I am going to make a funny comment on all of the characters that are shown. Not that I think that they are bad (They all look very amazing and each has its own personality behind it), but the way they express themselves. Maria: Younger version of Cynthia, but is constantly worried something is going to go wrong at any moment Indriad: Soulless Human Being Cultist who is giving off the look that he wants to murder everyone in the entire room. Eli: Questioning everything in existence and wondering if they are all real or if Shamon... Shellon... Sherry? is bored. SH-ar-On (Sharonn?): Giving the impression of a bored adult who has nothing to do, but regret life choices or regret the name her mother gave her. Geara: Smug-looking 13 Year Old Edgelord who thinks he is so high and mighty until all of his molecules are scattered everywhere due to his edginess. Narcissa: A Dva that seems to not care about anything in the world, yet wants to do something to change it.
  8. No. Look at the first page. It will tell you how percentage there is.
  9. What if Zumi was Risa Raider who is actually Freya?
  10. Just putting down which legendaries / Ultra Beasts some characters have and/or may have. Also putting down characters that used to have the legendaries or are them.
  11. Is it a coincidence that the name of the Region is Aevium and we have two protagonist's names that are called Aevis and Aevia or does it delve deeper than that?
  12. The thing I want to know about is the location of where the protagonist and Keta are. Only thing I remember having that color scheme was the pyramid, the underwater buildings, and the obelisk that is near Sashilla Village/the place where Nymiera and the protagonist will meet again (According to Nymeria herself when she and the rest of the Protectors of Aevium went into that room that was sealed off before the Rift Gardevoir Fight).
  13. You can still get Ralts and East Gearen City Neo is the still East Gearen, but it has a whole new look. Also, the trainers there are around level 60s-70s
  14. I keep on looking at Saki's Twitter, and I am worrying about it. She hasn't post anything since the last tweet of her saying that someone is stalking her at around 11:50 pm last night. Normally she would post daily, but I don't see any tweets yet.
  15. Why do I get the feeling that either Freya or Nim/Lorna is following Saki? The time she posted this was nearing Midnight and she is saying someone is following her around Grand Dream City. Only person I know of doing that is Nim.
  16. Do Nothing. Funniest Option, for me at least, and also leads to the best scenario for the situation.
  17. What if Saki's Twitter account is just one big April Fools Day joke.  She did started posting on April 1.

  18. I have no clue whether or not anyone notice this in her tweets for the two new pictures, but I think this deserves some speculation.
  19. 1. I remember there being an item in one of the shops in Terajuma, just look at the descriptions if it says anything about removing Vileplumes. 2. You need to go to Darchlight Woods to place the odd-key stone somewhere there and you need to talk to 50 or more NPCs in Darchlight Woods. 3. The only TM I remember encountering is Waterfall (and maybe protect?) in the Department Store in GDC. 4. I think right now there are 7 stamps in the game, and later there will be more in the next version. 5. The ANA questline is going to be on hold until the next update, so in short it isn't done. 6. I don't know, maybe not? 7. The final star shard cannot be obtain yet, don't know when it will though. 8. Don't know this as well. 9. Same thing again, don't know. 10. Yes, you can get 10% Zygarde and Phione. Hope that helps answer most of your questions.
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