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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by enderowl

  1. Would be funny if Saki were to put a comment in this thread while still doing tweets. It would make things pretty interesting.
  2. Looking back at these tweets. Saki is saying the same thing with her hanging out with Risa, with the pictures going from Risa and Saki, to just Saki, and then no picture at all for the last tweet with Risa's name being not there. It is the most obvious thing that I can say, but the last tweet just creates a sense of dread for me. I also think that Risa is dead and that Freya is disguising as her for something.
  3. There is also the Saki cameo in the Hotel
  4. Huey and Rune's Cameo is hard to find since it is during a cutscene to the first time you enter the main building to Taelia's Resort. You can see them moving towards the exit when the MC is talking to Tesla.
  5. Meant to put down MC instead of PC, so one of the questions is wrong.
  6. Hello. After playing through version 12 multiple times, I've decided to put down some of the many questions for the version 12 that I kinda of want to address. I not going to make any theories because I don't have any interesting leads to go on and just wanted to see if some people have theories of their own or if they have better questions than mine. Here goes the question now. 1. Where did Rune go after rejecting Floria's proposal to join Team Bladestar? 2. What was that bomb about back in Zone Zero after the Rift Pokemon fight? 3. Who is Adrest and why is he in the PC? 4. What does the inside of the Vacation House that is now being blocked by a gate instead of shut doors look like and why is it so close to the pyramid? 5. Will we be able to meet the other characters that we get to pick from the start of the game to be the PC? 6. What really happened to Crescent? 7. Is Melanie going to take over Melia at some point of the game or just show up briefly from time to time when ever we play as Melia? 8. Are the time travelers that work for Madame X the Xen Purgis? 9. How did the current mayor of Grand Dream City survived the Ball Festival Bombing? 10. Where did Madelis go after helping Melia and Erick defeat the robot that the Pokemon League had? 11. Are some of the members of the Pokemon League part of a larger conspiracy? 12. When did the Interceptor Project began and for how long? 13. How long had the Pyramid been in the Aevium Region? 14. Why does Madame X even want the Pyramid in the first place besides give her a lot of power?
  7. How many friends does the protagonist have and the ones that are currently following Melia and them be considered a team, a small band, or a small nomadic organization?
  8. Spoiler





























    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      i expected nothing and i was still disappointed.

  9. Wondering if version 13 will be the end of Act 2 for Rejuvenations, since last summer, when the Q&A was going on, one of the devs mention that version 16 will be the last version of the game. I also wonder if there will be one more time where the main protagonist gets to change into different clothing at the beginning of Act 3, like they did at the start of Act 2 during the
  10. Would be neat if the protagonist gets winter clothing for going over to Neverwinter.
  11. I am very late for the little discussion about the Pokemon Direct in this thread, but I just want to say is that I am more excited about the remake of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team than about the expansion pack for Sword and Shield. I am a huge sucker for the Mystery Dungeon series and I will say that the story is much better than any main game stories besides Gen 5.
  12. I'm getting the feeling that we'll be doing another dual story line for this version. One part is with the protagonist and Venam, the other half with Erin and Kanon. I do hope we get to play as Venam and Kanon in this version as well, because that icon with their sprite just feels like it is a way to change from one person to the next.
  13. Don't mean to sound rude or anything, but it will come out when Jan thinks it is ready to come out, which is going to be a while. So, I advice to relax and be patient.
  14. Thank you, I'll change it the theory bit just to make it so the name is there.
  15. I've been meaning to make a couple of theory for a while. After finishing up the current version and some of the side-quests in the game, I think I got most of the information that I needed for these theories. Also this contains spoilers for the entire game, even though I would expect most if not everyone that goes onto this thread have finish up the most current version and all of the side quests. So, those are the theories that I came up with. I don't expect any of these theoriest to be true and I just made them for fun. Hope you guys like these theories.
  16. I founded this in Eclysia Pyramid at night. I have no clue what it is about and why the heck is the person one of the protagonist that we can choose from?
  17. How the heck did I almost get this right? Also, it seems like we are going to be able to play as Venam in this chapter for a little bit.
  18. I wonder if we are going to get new screenshots for the next version this week or next week.
  19. Yes, and the moveset for ditto, smeargle, and castform are funny.
  20. The title explains everything. Edit: Looking at these pokemon now, it would probably be very funny if I had to use Smeargle, Ditto, or Castform since all three of those pokemon mostly have earthquake as their main attack a.k.a having three of the same move in their movesets.
  21. Eelektross Crest - Increase Base Speed from 60 to 90, Applies Tough Claws Breloom Crest - Poisons the User, Applies Speed Boost and Poison Heal (or just Increase Base Speed from 70 to 100 and applies Moxie) Sylveon Crest - Increase Base Speed from 60 to 95, when sent out it gives a sharply increase in defense, applies clear body
  22. I remember there being another area that we couldn't access yet near the Rose Theater, since two trainers where blocking that area. I just don't remember if we can go to that area yet in the current version of the game or not.
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