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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by enderowl

  1. Nevermind, I just didn't press the z button to continue on with the action.
  2. In V11, in a conversation with Alexandra trying to make the ground type gym leader work with Ren and the protagonist, depending on how you when with things during chapter 10 if you choose to rat out Flora or not to either Florin or Erin. Alexandra says that everyone is on the same goal but in different factions, Ren being in Team Xen, Ryland being in Team Bladestar, and the Protagonist being rebellious (if you didn't go with Flora and ratted her out). So, I was thinking which group would people choose? Are they all for Team Xen, for Team Bladestar, or they are the rebellious type.
  3. I have one thing to say to you Flora Grevillea! What does Fiat Lit In Or mean? And one more thing, when I find you, I'm going to turn that grin of your upside down for what you did to all of those people you just murdered!

    1. Decibel575


      It's an anagram of infiltration.  They succeeded.  

    2. enderowl


      . . . GOSH DARN IT ALL!

  4. Um, they announced that V12 is going to be released today.
  5. So, Jan was Flora all along. Okay, where are the Phantom Thieves were you need them?

    1. Dragonslayer7500


      no Flora hacked jans account

    2. enderowl


      Oh ok. But, we still need to bring her down.

    3. Dragonslayer7500




      Well no shit sherlock!

  6. Seems like everything is normal here. Nothing to be worried about.
  7. But wouldn't the rift pokemon for this version be a ground type since in V11 Alexandra wanted us to go to Zone Zero to stop a sandstorm that was created by a rift pokemon?
  8. I'm triggered now. Because of the progress bar.
  9. I don't know, it started happening ever since the meter was at 85 and now Jan and Zumi are glitching out.
  10. Has anyone notice that the description of Zumi is just saying It's Fine?
  11. I remember in a quest in GDC where they mention another rift appearing in Neverwinter City.
  12. We just lost Jan. What the heck is going on here. First his profile picture had static but we could see his icon still, than it happened to Zumi, next the process bar for Beta begins to bug out, and now both Jan and Zumi's icons are entirely static.
  13. It is mostly in the beginning after you faced the first Rfit Pokemon. Before V11, the Player and Melia escape via teleport, but now Melia just calls the police.
  14. You do have to keep in mind that V11 revamped a lot of the game, like a few story tweaks and changing up the layout of some major locations.
  15. What if the closer the version is to release, the more corrupted the post will be and everyone can't post on it anymore, so they have to wait until the Beta meter is at 100%?!?! (or not)
  16. Is something wrong with Jan's icon or is it just me?
  17. I hope this time, this version doesn't have that glitch were it had the SpriteResizer error, because that was annoying and it made me wait until Version Patch 11.3 to let me play the game.
  18. Flora still does blow up the ball. And she isn't in jail, but in a courtroom. She escapes via flying rectangular box that was sent from her grunts, but not by the two grunts that are in a flying device.
  19. What was the name Nymiera called the protagonist when they were going to find the Futuristic Surfer with the Ultra Beast?
  20. So, I was playing the game and I found a woman right next to a computer in East Gearen Laboratory. When I talked to her she said she made a fan game and she gave me an item that allowed me to get the virtual badges. After I did the first two battles in the fan game, she told me that there are other game devs in the region and to continue I have to go find them. I have no idea where the other devs are can someone help me find the locations?
  21. Time for me to wait for the final countdown, since I just beaten Version 11 again.
  22. Is the Eevee suppose to be shiny when you get it or was it just its normal color scheme?
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