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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by enderowl

  1. I'm looking forward for the added story since I want to know what happens next and this is a bit too early to say this, but I'm gonna wish good luck on all the people who are gonna beta test this version of the game.
  2. Now the question is, is Erin alive or not? For me, I hope she is alive because she finally found a family she belongs in and she said it herself that she isn't going to die.
  3. But if Melia is Maria, how did Maria get out of the prison/containment system she was in?
  4. Throughout the course of Rejuvenation, whenever you get gym badges you unlock certain treasures in Wispy Ruins. Opening up the treasures, a mysterious voice comes out of nowhere and starts explaining a backstory of a character that isn't mention in the main plot, but her story does tie in with the plot. I want to know is what is this connection between her backstory and the main plot? Will she be apart of the main story in later versions or will she still be a complete enigma of a character that was randomly told in Wispy Ruins?
  5. Just wondering. How does defeating the Dimensional Rift Gardevoir gives you +3 relationship points with Venam?
  6. Seems like all the new content is done, That was quick.
  7. I've actually manage to win, she just impressed that she lost though. But, I manage to get stats up 3 times by just spamming Ancient Power.
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