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Everything posted by robinho

  1. I can feel your pain from my room haha. You should write a guide to be honest I can tell that everyone who goes through intense mode is going to be wasting hours resetting and trying different things. Since Narcissa I've started writing down all of the strategies that I've had to use for the major boss battles just so I can look back on them and laugh.
  2. Thanks for the advice! Still haven't caught Oranguru yet for trick room which is a 1% in Hula meadow so I'm going to bite the bullet and catch one and try trick room and see about getting some serious trick room heavy hitters. I feel like despite raging against every boss battle because of stuff like infinite PP (It's not on every boss I just stalled Kyogre out with regen tangrowth and shedinja) lvl cap cheese and the pokemon with 756 EVs, what gets on my nerves more is the fact that you can't outsmart the AI anymore by changing the field effect so it nullifies their crazy strong attacks. The lack of the broken items doesn't really bother me either because they would make the game absurdly easy. The only problem with items I've had so far in my V13 Intense set mode run is the lack of ability capsules forcing me to spend ages breeding for the right ability on a pokemon with decent IVs (not being able to plant berries until Terajuma also made the early game even more frustrating than it was). Having a way to get more of the seeds would be nice also, but I understand why these are restricted since they are usually pretty broken. Not sure what you mean in your last question.
  3. I'm attempting the same challenge and have spent hours resetting on Angie, Crawli, and even that Rift Chandelure + Nancy gauntlet. Narcissa was by far the worst though, and the field effect changes that came with V13 made it worse for the reasons you described above. Not sure why there were so many field effect changes because they used to be closer to what you're asking for. Turning the volcano top field into an underwater field was a legit strategy that took a lot of setup (volcano into cave with dig, freeze it with blizzard then shatter the cave into water surface, then use dive). The AI's pokemon have max IVs and cheated in EVs with optimal movesets for their respective field, so changing the field was definitely a huge component in beating intense mode but now that changing fields has become much more restricted, the game is just becoming tedious. The field effects are one of Reborn and Rejuvenations biggest charms, so the fact that its become so much more restrictive since V13 has come out really sours the experience (for me at least). Other problems i've had so far is the AI sometimes being way too smart like knowing exactly when to use moves like sucker punch, and knowing not to waste a turn burning a pokemon that is holding a rawst berry or has the ability guts. Also, since you've beaten V13 on intense can you give me any tips on how to beat Zetta and Geara on Valor mountain? Been stuck resetting against them all day.
  4. Nearly all of your pokemon will get outsped by the fastest enemy boss pokemon because of the lack of speed ev training. Also when every boss pokemon gets its moves boosted with field effects or seeds bulky pokemon cant really take any hits making them almost useless. On my intense run that I started when v13 came out it made the early game mind numbingly boring at some stages due to the lack of quick EV training. I ended up biting the bullet and fighting the oceana pier fletchlings about 500 times to max the speed evs on 4 pokemon. I guess it was useful for getting money as you can have your pickup pokemon in the other four slots. I found a decent attack ev training spot outside venam's gym fighting patrats and paras also. You've got to make use of dozens of different pokemon to make it past the early game, and you've also got to get creative. The negatives are that it takes a lot longer, but the positives are that you end up using pokemon you wouldn't expect yourself to use and you've got to strategize more effectively. Doesn't mean i agree with the change but I understand it (you don't just sweep with your max attacks max speed hyper offense pokemon).
  5. Something I've only just started to notice is how much the game auto-heals all of your pokemon before a battle. Ordinarily this would be a benefit but when you're playing intense mode and need all the help you can get, this is slightly frustrating because you can't pre-damage or give status conditions prior to battles. I've got three badges right now, and the most difficult battle for me was against Keta's ghost where I couldn't pre-burn my Luxio for guts boost due to this feature which is meant to benefit us. In future patches, would it be too much trouble to give us the option to reject heals like this? For example just asking "do your pokemon need healing?" before a battle so that we have the benefit of choice? I want my Luxray and Obstagoon to be useable
  6. I downloaded the mod and successfully installed it but the sprites were off. The star on Gren's back doesn't exist unlike on SakshamG30's post. Is this intended and if I want the star I've gotta find my own sprites or have i done something wrong?
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