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About FelicityWivani

  • Birthday 03/03/1999

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  1. Sunlit Sovereign: @SailorMercury ember king: @MelonLord midsummer Queen: @pkchu
  2. Hi sorry for the late reply, I just ran into the same problem but installing 13.0.2 has fixed it for me, make sure you correctly have the patch installed because like an idiot I did not, Good luck!
  3. I would think my steamroller scolipede + zebstrika would be a good combo
  4. Where do I paste the file as it's still not letting me access my save x I've sorted it and beaten gardevoir, thankyou all so much
  5. Just an update for you all, I accidentally deleted my entire save file and need to start from scratch:)))))))))))
  6. Hi everyone, so I would really like some help beating this gardevoir as I have been stuck trying to beat it for months now, I've tried a whole combination of teams to try and beat it and I honestly cant, I'd really appreciate if someone could help me and beat it for me using any combination of the pokemon I have in my save. All help will be greatly appreciated:(<3 x x The folder with my save data that my friend uploaded for me https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z2ImnpktR3vsXN8Yq6hnNt67BQ_z1agE
  7. Not a very smart cookie, I was running about with the cute little espurr and got myself stuck, hoping an admin will be able to get me out as like an idiot I also saved in that position. Many thanks to anyone who is able to help me, think Ive been able to attach my save file, if not then I can try again obvi, thanks again x Game.rxdata
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