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  1. I hope the Origin Sprite bug is fixed. Every time i heal my pokemon at the pokecenter anywhere i revert to the Origin sprite version of the Sprite i choose
  2. whenever i heal my character sprite switches back to the Legacy sprites. This has been happening to me since V11 btw if that helps to find the problem
  3. 1. Every time i heal in certain places or go through a cut scene i revert to the legacy sprites is there a way to fix this? 2. Do each of the Protagonists have a different cut scene for that when we have a memory resurface near the house in Zone Zero 3. Does Lorna's disgust to herself originally being called Nim have anything to do with Nymiera 4. Are Angie and Anju the same person or is Angie a descendant of Anju 5. What was the inspiration for special pokemon like Delpha or Tuff-Puff 6. Who is more of a memester Reina or Axel Thank for creating an amazing game that gets me hype for every new release
  4. I found a bug. Whenever I heal in certain places my sprite reverts back to the origin sprite for Axel. The only way I can reverse this is changing my clothes back in the past. This has been happening for me since version 11. Is there a permanent fix for this.
  5. where in the badlands do i find goomink
  6. Where does Ana go after she leaves the Kristiline town museum and where do i find Narcissa
  7. Where do you get the key to get the Lux Apartment and if you know how do i open the gible cage
  8. This theory goes deep to the point i believe it could be true
  9. The glitches have gotten worse. I wonder if this foreshadowing how we'll have to use our interceptor powers or something to stop the explosion at the GDC party hall
  10. I kinda wanna replace my Muk any recommendation to replace him with?
  11. Where and how do you get the Beldum. I'm restarting my game and want one on my team
  12. Does anyone remember how to change in game avatar sprites
  13. I went to the past i still couldn't find her. Do you know where she is
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