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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ulti

  1. From what I understand, the community release is sort of an unfinished build. I think it has the final episode +Post-game, but the final release will have some extra goodies the devs want to include.
  2. Ya know what? After ruminating on it for a day or two, I might just go ahead and jump in on the community release. It'll help Pass the time for the complete project. Question tho, will it be downloadable or strictly accessed by the site?
  3. Dang. A little disappointing there's still potentially another month to go. But, the wait will be worth it, I'm sure. As tempting as the community release sounds, I think I'll wait for the final release before diving in. Tysm in advance. And please, take like a month off once it goes live. You guys more than deserve the rest.
  4. I am slightly concerned. Normally, the initial hype from a post would die down for me and I could go the rest of the month pretty chill. ...The hype has not died. Finding it more difficult than normal to curb my excitement for the next episode. Also new battlefield and fighting what seems to be spirits of fallen soldiers. Sweet. Can't wait to unpack the story behind those.
  5. I pretty much came to the same conclusion. However, we probably should refrain from discussing the release window too much.
  6. ...So this is it. We're actually in endgame now. The hype is so real its making it hard to breathe. I've never felt obligated to complete a dex in a Pokémon game, but I think this will be a special occasion. Starting fresh from square one and won't put the game down till every page is filled. I say this with the power of Arceus the almighty...let's...fucking...GOOOOOO!!
  7. Had Ace been only introduced near the end, I'd have a bit of a problem. But if they are indeed going to appear in the early game, then I'm all for it. Definitely worth a new run
  8. So, the mega ring will finally be available. After spending the majority of the game creating a small collection of mega stones, i'm understandably more than a little excited. Not sure wether its the item Amber wants to give us or received later in the upcoming chapter, I'm excited. So many possibilities. There are still lingering plot threads that i need answering. Mainly, about the status of our "Mother" and the possible gift left for us by the good doctor. I'm betting it's something like nano bots. My mind goes back to the 2000 Teen titans when thinking on that. As well as those dopplegangers running about the city. I swear if you don't somehow fit an SA2 faker scene in there, i will find you. And i will hurt you. .....Not really. Lol. Can't wait to see more. Make sure to take regular breaks to avoid burn out. And Happy new year, guys!
  9. If i may, i’d like to take a quote from a show i used to watch “It's easier to wait for dinner when you’ve already had a little snack, isn't it?” Now granted, the context of the situation the phrase was used in wasn't exactly good, but i still think it fits. It's an accomplishment in of itself that Ep19 is near halfway complete. While this update doesn't really add anything in terms of plot progression, it does warrant another few runs. Especially with updated trainer A.I. Gotta remember that the Devs can always make tougher challenges if they really want to. Lol I'm also glad to know Ami is alright. Not sure if i could continue playing Reborn in Good conscience if she wasn't.
  10. Oof. Just realized i had debug mode initiated on my previous save. Time to start a new run. Lol
  11. Yes. Please tell someone to delete the multiple posts. My dang phone bugged out
  12. Dear Arceus its gotten worse! Jan's pfp is just darkness now. Lol Really hope Darkrai didn't get 'em
  13. Yikes. Someone likes being cryptic. I can barely make anything out of the description. I don't even trust the progress bar at this point. Lol. Do.....do we need to go Tron in this piece? XD
  14. Wait......you mean this is still part of the troll...? Insert gif of Light yagami laughing like a psycho. Cuz i don't know how, lol
  15. Smh. Not gonna lie, the disappointment is real. Constantly seeing more needed to be done. But....if you guys are absolutely sure this is a real problem and you're not just doing this to mess with us.....then I'll trust you. Take all the time you need to sort things out.
  16. Arceus damn it! Who let Monika into the system?!
  17. Actually, isn't there an event you can do that has a Chandelure and a machine that creates illusionary ghosts? We end up fighting a ghost of our mother. Though...for obvious reasons, the ghost didn't have her sylveon Fucking Madam X i swear to Arceus...! Anyways.. Maybe that machine ties into our "mother's" origin somehow?
  18. WARNING!! Spoilers ahead for part of the Grand dream city Arc! Plz pay no attention to this comment if you wish to get there yourself. It's been so long. I actually forgot that last where we left off, we were participating in a tournament where the prize was a free ticket to the Pokemon league. Which, if anyone here has seen the anime, knows that never usually works out. Amber has warmed up to us quite a bit after saving her, defeating her in battle and storming through the tournament undefeated. It was constantly teased that she was trying to give us something. I wonder what is it. Which reminds me, i dread to think what team was used to boot poor melia from the tourney. In the first round no less! Someone plz give that girl a hug! And that dang talent agent..i forget her name. She disappears for like what 5 badges? In retrospect, i guess it was sort of obvious. But then again, with all the other shit going down, i couldn't really see it coming. Knowing that we're still a few badges away from endgame, it's likely we won't be getting any more info on Madame X in this episode. Much less a confrontation. But Arceus be damned, i'm hyped all the same!
  19. First off, the animation for aurora veil looks clean AF. Secondly, i'm happy we got some an update at all. The wait may be long, but it'll be worth it to see the final product. Besides, with stuff like P5 Royal coming, the wait seems all the more bearable. Lol
  20. Oof. Not gonna lie, seeing a new progress bar pop up after seeing so much gold hurt my soul a bit. Lol It's fine though. Take as much time as ya need. Eager to see what's next.
  21. Ulti


    Arceus above! You sure you guys didn't miss one? Lmfao Firstly, legendary, mythical or even freaking Poke god itself, it don't matter. If it goes against my boy Adrian, i'm taking a hard pass. He's legit one of the most chill characters in the game. Secondly, i'm unsure what exactly FITE is supposed to mean specifically. I feel like its something Terra would use. I really hope the title defense actually becomes a thing. It does suck that we don't get to kick Lin's teeth in just yet, but all good things comes to those who wait and all that. Well, if anyone needs me, i'll be in cryo-sleep for a few months. See ya at Christmas! Lol
  22. Well, I was going to write down a review of Reborn and Rejuvenation , but someone else already did it and put it into better words then I could. Maybe another time. But for now, instead i'd like to share some ideas/hopes I have for the finale. More so for Reborn seeing as it's nearly done. If you guys are stuck for ideas, feel free to use this post to help. Oh, before I forget, slight spoilers for other fan games included. 1. Reborn Champion battle This one is a bit hard to place. Not really certain wether their going for the standard E4 challenge or go anime style and include a tournament to see who goes on to face the E4 and champion. But there is one aspect I'm hoping for. Maybe have it as post-game. Now you can say what you will about Sun and Moon. But if there's one thing i'll defend with gusto, it’s the title defense. For so many years, we've had to continuously battle the E4 and previous champ even after we already beat him. The champion room should be ours! At the end of Sun and Moon, after beating the newly established E4, there's no one in the champions’ room before we arrive. Because we are the champion this time. We are the ones waiting for a new challenger with our ultimate team. By the way, you know how our opponents have been running rough shot over us with field effects? …….Hehehe…...Payback can be a real bitch folks. As an added bonus, you get to adjust your field to match your play style. This could be a reward for the completionists who actively sought out the field effect read outs. The more options you have. 2.Your own place? Desolation gives you a freaking mansion Rejuvenation gives you a personal room at a resort and a boat. (Damn, I love Tesla) Point is, the Mc basically kicks it wanderer style after getting to Reborn. Look, I know secret bases are a thing, but I'm talking about your own house or something to kick back during breaks in the plot. 3 A new gym challenge? Now this one is more on the side of speculation rather than personal request. I'm sure a good chunk of you know about the debug mode. Or the 'God' mode as some call it. Allows you to add certain items and Pokemon of your choosing. However, while I was messing around with it, I curiously checked out the 'Add badges' section. Now, there's supposed to be only eighteen gyms in the main story, right? But upon looking further, I found the number exceeded that by at least ten. Is this some kind of mistake, or an unintentional sneak peek at the future post game ? To be fair though, I never added any other badges. Not earning them through battle doesn't really sit right with me. 4, Relationship values. This has seriously been bugging me ever since I found out they were an actual thing. I really want to see the result of these values with the cast. So far, save for a few key moments, thet had little to do with the story. Maybe it determines which trainer fights you for your title more than others. Really don't think a romantic route works with a lot of these characters . 5. Legendary quests This might be a lot of work so I don't recommend using this one unless you really want too. In short, make catching the legendary mons a fun time. Don't do what Game freak did and just hand them out like participation awards. I actually want to have a need to stock up on Poke balls. If any of you have any ideas you might want to see, put 'em down below. This is nothing concrete, just having a bit of fun with our imagination.
  23. Great work. I was actually thinking of making a post like this, but looks like you beat me to it. You make plenty of good points. Lin, despite how powerful she supposedly is, her character unfortunately isn't. Ya think this is where all the edginess in the game went? We don't really spend alot of time with her on screen and we only learn about her through word of mouth. I don't know. Something just feels missing with her. The gym leaders are amazing. Not only are they challenging, but they have actual roles outside their respective gyms. Something you don't really see in a majority of fan games. On that note, Saki Blakery and Volta, Voltsa or whatever. What the actual hell? Both had duties as gym leaders, and they both ditch 'em leaving a newbie to handle it. He is challenging, but still. Saki actually may be my least favorite character from rejuvenation imo. Ya know the "Give absolutely no fucks" character type? I feel like Saki and Terra fit into this category. I like Terra. Although it seems like a character like her has no place in a story heavy game like Reborn, the moments of levity she gives are welcome. Though her identity might be even more mysterious than Lin herself. She worked for both sides. (In more ways than one. ) Then just disappears into the void after her gym battle. Then again, the lol, random lewd and crude attitude is kind of jarring.
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