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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Welpthatsucks

  1. Where can I find magby, I've spent forever looking around in pyrous mountain for it.
  2. Where do you get the zangoose, castform, and empoleon crest?
  3. Is the IV changer still a thing in Rejuvenation v12. I talked to the nurse that was supposed to do it, but she said the service was unavailable.
  4. At the end of v11 I left the stadium to go do side quests and stuff. But when I updated to v12 and tried to go back into the stadium, it said there were students taking a final and that I couldn't get back in. Can someone help me?
  5. Can someone please trade me their bounsweet/glameow, since I accidentally traded my glameow away?
  6. Can someone trade me an azurill/mantyke. I accidentally sold the sea/wave incense.
  7. Nevermind, I just found natu.
  8. Welpthatsucks


    Can someone trade me for a natu, I can't seem to find it anywhere and I can't go back to Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie?
  9. Can somebody post a picture or video link of where the oddish weed is, I can't find it anywhere.
  10. Welpthatsucks


    yo imposter ditto is pretty good with dealing with pulse mons
  11. Does anyone know where to find all the poliwag that go in the cave for v11
  12. Whenever I pick up an egg it gives me the word box and everything, but when I say yes to pick it up, nothing happens. Does anyone have a fix for this. Btw I already downloaded the patch
  13. Whenever I go to the area in route 9 where you get kidnapped and teleported, it keeps replaying the fight and won't allow me to progress.
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