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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Andrew1010

  1. I know, I have another one, I am sorry but that one was not that useful as I tought it would me ,so yea I am sorry =/
  2. Can somebody trade me a Vulpix,please?
  3. I can't take two pokemons from you for nothing, but thanks man I'm sorry because I responded late :/
  4. Thank you so much, have a good one!
  5. Yes, tell me when you are available. I am online next few hours
  6. Can a good person trade me a shiny Milotic/Lapras,please?
  7. Thank you so much, have a good one!
  8. Ok, now I am waiting for the request
  9. What do you want instead?
  10. I am online next few hours too, so pick a time and we'll do it.
  11. I know,I am rude,but can you @Zero1Six or @Rising Emperor trade me that shiny Bagon,when you are available? If you want to,of course =/
  12. Yep guys, now I am available. I'm sorry for the waiting
  13. Looking for a shiny low level Bagon,please!
  14. Where can I find 3 cell batteries in Pokemon Rejuvenation? Can somebody tell me,please?
  15. A good flying type pokemon in Pokémon Rejuvenation? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew1010


      How do I get Staraptor/Mandibuzz?

    3. Maqqy


      Starly can be one of the mystery eggs also the reward for finishing the lost camp sidequest. Mandibuzz can be found in the Badlands.

    4. Andrew1010
  16. A good moveset for Venusaur, please? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      Personally, I go with a Quiet Venusaur having Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Nature Power, HP Dark/Rock/Ground

    3. doombotmecha


      Oh my gosh, totally forgot about NP in Reborn. That one TM is a *massive* buff to grass types early on.

    4. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      That's the exact reason why my Venusaur has a Quiet nature and not Modest. In Nintendo games, Nature Power always calls out special moves for Nature Power, unlike Reborn and its brothers.

  17. Where can I find the earliest shiny stone in Pokemon Rejuvenation? I do need one for my Roselia

    1. Commander


      Wispy Ruins Door 5 I believe.

    2. Andrew1010


      How do I get to it?

    3. Andrew1010


      It is some sort of puzzle?or something like that?

  18. Where can I find a cubone in Pokémon Rejuvenation? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew1010


      Ok, thanks  🙂



      And where do I find a aphophyll pancake? 

    3. Dreamy


      at teila resort, after you have 6 badges. (they used to be earlier, but A.Raichu was too good against the water gym)

    4. Andrew1010


      Ok, thanks for the quick respond, have a good one

  19. A good grass type Pokemon please?

    1. Candy


      roserade :3

    2. kithas


      It depends on what are you searching for:

      - Offensive: Roserade, Serperior

      - Defensive: Venusaur/Mega Venusaur, Tangrowth, Ferrothorn...

      - Stalling: Whimsicott, the Defensive ones, etc.

    3. doombotmecha


      what Kithas said, Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Roserade are the best in early reborn IMO.

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