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About LukeAtThat

  • Birthday 04/19/2001

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    Pokemon. And furries.

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  1. I know the game has the debug item Magic Boots, but it's so far in the game that I thought "what would be the point of getting that item when I would've already gone through the entire game just to get it?" So anyone? Please?
  2. I'm at the part where Dylan offers to take MC and Ana to the Pokestar Studios, but it's closed due to construction right now so Ana decides to just wait next to the gate. What do I do? Do I just wait as well? Is the sidequest even finished in development? Do I need to talk to someone to advance? Maybe find Dylan? Or will PStudios open later on in the main story? I haven't finished Chapter 12 yet, honestly kind of forgot where I left off before deciding to do sidequests.
  3. Seeing as I probably won't get any more answers, this is probably the most likely one rn. Thanks!
  4. I only have 500$ and a shiny nickel. Do you accept flesh blood and organs as payment?
  5. The item description says it opens another Help Center somewhere in Terajuma Island, and when I searched the internet it was referring to Kristilline's Help Center. I vaguely remember in v12 the Kristilline's HC definitely was locked, but never got the key that time. So since in v13 Kristilline's HC is now unlocked by default, what's the Center Keys for then? For another Help Center hidden somewhere? Or maybe just a leftover item from the previous version the devs forgot to delete?
  6. I see. At least I won't have to start over to test out my theory, ahahaha. Thanks everyone!
  7. After that whole scuffle, Melia said to my MC that "things could've gone better", and that made me wonder. Could I have prevented Jenner or even Nim from falling to the volcano? Maybe by changing the field? Or was their fate pre-determined?
  8. So I have come to the conclusion (don't ask me how) that there are some missing Galarian pokemon, for example Galarian Slowpoke and Kubfu. Does anyone know why? Will they ever be added? I want them so badly *ugly sobs in the corner*
  9. Is it possible for debug mode to work with this mod? (please don't attack me)
  10. Hi so me and my dumbo brain thought it was a good idea to keep only 5 backups, which is actually not a good idea cuz I compulsively save every minute. Meaning? I saved like 8+ times right after the problem occurred. I learned my lesson at least. The actual problem is that I'm stuck at the carnivine rift. The two tangelas at the bottom side of the map are at the wrong positions, and I can't move forward because of it. Can anyone help? Please? Pretty please? Pulverizing Pancake please? Game.rxdata
  11. My least favorite types are bug and poison, and my favorite pokemon with those types are Galvantula, Leavanny, and Ribombee with bug, and Nidoking with poison. Yes you can pick more than two pokemons/types.
  12. Gen 1: Charizard. Gen 1 starters aren't that interesting to me anymore, but Charizard holds a special place in my heart, since it was my starter the first time I ever played pokemon. Gen 2: Feraligator. Simply because I don't like the other two starters as much. Gen 3: Blaziken. It's fire. It's fighting. IT KICKS. Gen 4: Infernape. It's fire. It's fighting. IT'S A MONKEY. Gen 5: Emboar. It's fire. It's-- okay you get the picture. I haven't really played these next gens yet, so I'm just gonna base it on appearance (and maybe some fan games with gen 6-7 starters). Gen 6: Chesnaught. IT'S AN ADORABLE GIANT SPIKE BALL, WHAT MORE IS THERE TO SAY?! Gen 7: Decidueye. Edgy. And ghost.
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