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  1. Yes i already checked, this is the situation: the left room is quite empty and i can't interact with anything while the right door is locked.
  2. Eizen just says "Investigate the inconsistency below wispy tower" but i already explored the whole area and nothing happens, i dont know if im still missing something (highly possible lol) or the quest is bugged
  3. Is there something i must do to unlock the type:null quest? The professor inside the River's End building just talks about Eizen not giving me any quest
  4. Hi, can i receive some help too? I have a friend with the same issues in this thread, she plays on mac but when she click on "Open Save Folder" nothing happens. Also trying to find it manually is useless in my case because after clicking on "Applications Support" the folder "Pokemon Rejuvenation" don't exist and we really don't know what we can do. She is stucked in a specific part of the game and she need to get the save folder to go back to an older save file. I appreciate every type of help, thanks in advance :( (sorry for bad english eventually)
  5. I have completed V12, now i'm trying to complete the Narcissa quest but i'm stuck in the Mysterious Manor at the blocked gate. She says that we need the key to open the gate and idk where it can be. Help!
  6. Trying to find the architect needed for the side quest of Goldenwood forest purification, i've looked for him everywhere in Terajuma Island and i don't know where he could be...if someone knows, thanks in advance!
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