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Ekat last won the day on September 28 2019

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57 Samaritan


About Ekat

  • Birthday February 17

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    Game dev, good food, good books

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  1. Sorry, I don't really use my RebornEvo account all that often. I've swapped out the old drive link for the Mediafire Mirror. Here's also a list of better fangames you can play instead of wasting your time with this one: Pokémon Axis Pokémon Daybreak Pokémon Divulgence Pokémon Desiderate Pokémon Edge Rising Pokémon Experimental Gameplay Pokémon Infinity Pokémon Rose Gold Pokémon Umber
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Whoops! I have at least seven different copies stored on my drive and of course the one I delete is the public version. This is what I get for trying to clean up files instead of hoarding things. At any rate, I've reposted the dl link, enjoy!
  4. Thanks! I've uploaded a new version of the game with the updated script and a few other minor fixes I noted.
  5. Actually, there's a shortcut passage back to Hawthorne Mansion so that you don't have to take the plank puzzle back.
  6. Pumpkin's 1.1 patch is now out! Changelog: Thank-you to all those who played the game and reported their bug finds!
  7. Your first mistake was assuming I wouldn't list you as an honorary playtester. Put on your helmet and start testing tree collision data.
  8. Overview Perhaps you are wondering where the "Redux" in this game's title comes from. For that, there is a long answer and a short answer. The Long: Pokémon Pumpkin is my second completed fangame, which I released in 2018. For those who know me from other sites, yes, Pokémon Castaway came out before Pumpkin. However, Pumpkin's development was finished before I agreed to join Relic Castle's Game Jam Four. Michael and I began talking because he showed up in my DMs demanding to test and I was too shy to say no volunteered to playtest Pumpkin. Things just rolled from there. A full year has passed since then. During that time I've started my most ambitious project yet with Michael, completed another tiny fangame, abandoned two other personal projects, and left the wonderful Pokémon Umbra team to focus on myself. (Alright, that should be enough plugs.) Though this is the long explanation, I won't get into the nitty-gritty. What I will say is that I've been very conflicted since the summer about the quality of my work and what I want my fangames to be. I found myself questioning everything from graphical styles to gameplay mechanics. In the end, I decided that I would remake Pokémon Pumpkin into a game I respect more. Pumpkin will never be perfect, but I wanted to do it a little more justice with the dev skills I have built up over the past year. In addition, I have to give a really big thanks to @Michael_ for all the hard work he put into this game. He helped me revamp trainer sprites, and puzzle out the logistics (or lack thereof) of coding. He dragged me out of the angst (a bit more literally than you'd think) and motivated me to finish this redux. The Short: Old game bad. New game less bad. Visual Comparisons What does this mean? 1. Can I transfer my save from old Pumpkin to Pumpkin Redux? Unfortunately, you cannot. There are a number of mapping and eventing differences that will inevitably result in softlocks, bugs, and other sequential problems. 2. Do I need to play old Pumpkin to understand Pumpkin Redux? Nope! The story's gone through a couple logistical refinements, but it's all the same in the end. 3. I found a bug in the old game, can you help me out? First of all, don't play the old version if you somehow got ahold of it. The answer is yes, but please DM me rather than posting the bug on the thread. I'd prefer to keep problems with the new game here now, so there isn't confusion. The Story The game takes place over a single day, October 31st. Being the sugar-starved child that you are, you convince your overprotective sister to let you set out on a trick-or-treating adventure across the region. Her only condition? (Beyond staying on the path, not seeking out serial killers, and looking both ways before crossing the street.) Be home before midnight. Collect candy, make some unlikely friends, and solve a few mysteries along the way! Features Screenshots Download Link Credits
  9. (My first comment got longer than anticipated so I'm going to give you a separate reply.) As for pronouncing Syl's last name, Mordecai says it all: Other 100/10 nicknames that Syl's gotten throughout the course of Present include: You There, Guy with the Scars, Ugly, Silver Vest Man, and Guy Who's Attempting to be a Pirate. But Syl's my go-to as well!
  10. Honestly it was awesome to see all your thoughts and criticisms for Present. Because nobody plays it so the only feedback we get is about bugs. I read this at, like, two in the morning while in a video call with Michael. I was reaching the point where if I were to write a comment then, it would probably be an incoherent mess by morning. So, I'm doing it now! On the subject of graphics, seeing this version of the game before its latest update makes my eyes sting. With tears of laughter at how gaudy a lot of it is. I plan to do a big overhaul of the battle and bag UIs with the next big demo release of Present, but for now, it's gonna' be on the bright side. I change UI and title screen for this game with literally every major demo release, I'm beginning to think I have a problem. I'll definitely add the menu screen to my list of things to spruce up at some point. Some Examples of Changes When it comes to puzzle logic and mystery-solving, I'm very interested to see what you think of the remaining cases. (Particularly two and three. Common consensus places them as the hardest of the game, and I personally think they're the worst design-wise.) Case one is definitely tutorial baby zone, with you being kept away from a very open world, and key phrases being highlighted. Without spoiling anything, the set-up of each case has been really experimental throughout the course of Present's development. If you continue playing, I'm curious to know what systems/structures you think work well, and what do not. Small Notes I Made While Re-Reading There actually are public 8-directional scripts out there for XP. Off the top of my head, I know that Pokémon Shifting Sands uses one, so it seems to be compatible with at least 17.2. Me: [audible sweating] Not gonna' lie, I can only think of one direct pop culture reference in that case. This game doesn't have too many, and isn't meme-heavy. (Assuming we're not talking about references to other games.) Cathy's name is a pun off cafeteria as she's a waitress. That one's actually not a typo, it's a pattern of speech. But on the subject of typos (and I will not deny that Present has its fair share, because this game is huge) my preferred strategy is to use Essential's text export option to compile it into a txt file. From there, I can transfer it over to Docs or Word and run extra spell/grammar checks. That and add "ignore spelling" to every Pokémon name. The nice thing is that Essentials will tell you what map ID the text is on. I'm the eventer, so I know where most things are, but this feature still helps. The not-so-nice thing is that it exports doubles of each line for translation purposes. Summing Up Well, what else can Michael and I say but thank-you? We really appreciate the time you put into this to give some in-depth criticism of your initial impressions of Present. I think you might, uh, spontaneously combust if you tried to do something similar with the later cases. (Cases like four and six are huge, and we have some hefty sidequests as well.) We hope that you continue to play Present on your own terms though!
  11. An easy way to show screenshots on a forum is to use a site like imgur to upload your image. Click the little arrow tab and select "get share links." Click the copy option for BBCode. Finally, paste the link you get into your posts. Viola, the images will show!
  12. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

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