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Everything posted by hezahere

  1. I think a lot of people have had this problem unfortunately, I remember it happening to me and searching on the forums for a fix. The game basically autosaves back up files and you just have to change the most recent one before your current save file to your actual save game and you'll need to redo the fight, like I think I lost about 20/30 mins of game play and had to redo it and when I did on the new file it worked fine and I didn't get stuck. Hope that's helpful, if you search about the glitch on here I think someone went more indepth about how to change your save game.
  2. I got my Absol from my mystery egg you can get on the route between Sheridan and Goldenwood from the guy by the vendors
  3. When in game open the menu and the controls should be right at the bottom under like pokedex, pokemon, settings. Press space on whatever you want to change and input the new key
  4. Wait is Bagon available in the game normally yet? Or any other dragon types but Altaria?
  5. Not helpful but this center is still locked for me and i'm pretty sure i'm up to date on all v11 stuff anyone have any idea why that is?
  6. Not very helpful but i'll add to this a little, i've finished V11 and thought i'd go back to him to see what events I could re-visit as i'd only gone there once since starting the game but have found he's no longer located in his lab anymore so that isn't possible anymore
  7. This is my first play through of the game and have been having trouble battling the ice gym leader of Spinel Town, I wanted to go back through the forest to go to that mountain where you can go get Macargo but seem to be having issues getting through the forest as the only ways I have found lead to a cabin that has appeared and two other paths to obtain items. So my question is are you able to back track through the forest or are you trapped in Spinel Town until you complete this section of the story?
  8. Ahh thank you, I forgot pg up and dn were even keys tbh :')
  9. Is there any known issue with fly? I have the most recent version and finished it last night however my actual map and fly screen is glitched so you can't see the world or fly anywhere meaning i'm generally stuck in the route 7/9/GDC area
  10. Updated to V11 last night and i've completely forgotten what i'm supposed to be doing, I recall there being something about the scholars district but that's closed off. Was playing last night super tired and ran into a guy and there was some exchange about Cassandra or something but I wasn't really paying attention, can anyone help a girl out and point her in the right direction please?
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