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About AzyWng

  • Birthday 11/17/1999

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  • Alias
    Wrench In The Plan
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Video games, music, video game music, books, post-apocalyptic and sci-fi genres

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  1. "Shrines, huh? I don't really know much about that sort of thing, but if you need any help..." Spray pointed to himself. "Anyway, how'd things go for you folks? We got our next location, or...?"
  2. Spray nodded. "I... does that mean there's nothing we can do to help her? Sakuya here mentioned something about Mitsurugi being cut off from her faith, and Mitsurugi herself mentioned... Is there some way we could... give her faith somehow? Praying for her, maybe?"
  3. Spray The rookie looked over at the people arriving, half-tempted to yell at them for not showing up to help. But he kept his temper in check as best he could. "Mitsurugi was... troubled by how she handled things back there," Spray gestured to the building where the goddess had decapitated the demon earlier. "I tried to talk to her about it, but... said things I regret. If I may ask... what do you know about her? Has she... brought her issues up before?"
  4. Spray Maxwell looked as the goddess walked through the mirror, waiting a few moments to make sure that she had left. Then he turned back and just nodded, uneasily. Looks like he wasn't being fired just yet... But now that he had an opportunity to ask, the words already left his mouth. "What's the pay?" Maxwell froze up as soon has he said that. Good lord, what was he thinking? "I-I mean, Uh... W-what happened to her, and how can I help her?"
  5. Spray The rookie shook his head at the apology. "No, I... It was obvious that I'd put too much pressure on a sore spot. Wasn't right of me to shove all my anger on you like that. And..." A sad smile crept its way onto his face. "You did warn me. My fault for ignoring that."
  6. Spray Maxwell was about to say something defiant to the goddess - the thunder goddess, it seemed - but then Sakuya had spoken and everything Spray wanted to say just drained away. As Sakuya again suggested that Mitsu rest, Spray had trouble meeting either of their gazes. He was too busy wondering when he'd get his pink slip. Spray winced when Sakuya mentioned how infighting would only have helped Him. As if the mess he'd made wasn't bad enough as it was. Once Sakuya was done speaking, Spray asked, quietly, "I-is there further business to discuss with me, or...?"
  7. Spray "'Ye of little faith'?" Mitsu was clearly an accomplished swordswoman, and the look in her eyes suggested more combat experience than he'd ever know. But at that moment, she was just like everyone else. And Maxwell had gotten sick of it. Almost as soon as she'd finished, Maxwell's fist shot out, a punch aimed straight for the gut. Not caring if Sakuya heard, Max shouted, "Fine, then! If you're so eager to get yourself killed, then fuck off! See if I care! Because I won't!" With that, Max turned away and left to rejoin the others. Assuming they were better than she was.
  8. Spray Spray just barely managed to keep from facepalming, but his patience had still worn away. Enough walking on eggshells. The medic clenched his fists and walked up to the swordsgoddess, pointing his finger in her face as he began to speak. "Okay, then. Tell me: what part of your promises included exhausting yourself? 'Cause you ain't gonna help save this land if you collapse over mid-way through because you decide your promise means not taking breaks or trusting in your colleagues. You've been injured enough already. If you try to face down the instigator of this mess without proper rest or... whatever it is heals you, you're gonna die! I'm advising you as a medic and your colleague - Take. A. Break!" Spray knew he was making a big mistake going off on his teammate like this, but he still didn't regret saying what he said - what else, if anything, was going to get through to her?
  9. Spray The rookie couldn't help but overhear Sakuya mention a castle, and got curious. Spray felt bad for interrupting, but he'd learned it was better to ask questions sooner than later. "What's this 'Castle' you're talking about? Is it gonna be our home base for this operation? Does that mean we could use one of the mirrors to just go there, resupply or swap out for fresh troops, and then go back? If that's the case..." Spray looked towards the melancholy (though she looked a little less sad now) goddess nervously. After a few moments of trying to figure out how tactfully he could word "You should take a break", Spray settled for making a vague hand gesture or two in her direction. Hopefully that wasn't too disrespectful... The goddess on the other end of the mirror had seemed pretty tolerant of even his more unpleasant habits, but everything had a limit.
  10. Spray Not really sure what to do or say - how much of this conversation was he even supposed to be hearing? - the rookie merc decided to simply keep an eye out for any trouble, leaving Mitsurugi to talk it out with Sakuya.
  11. Spray just shook his head and grumbled, unable to hold back how frustrated he was at the situation. This was not at all what he had signed on for. It was one thing to try to comfort a stranger, but another entirely to try to tackle a problem like the one the goddess had described. The rookie mercenary looked around, idly hoping someone could help him do... whatever would help resolve this situation. "I... So what are we supposed to do? Just keep an eye on you if you turn hostile or something?"
  12. Lyra Lyra would have been content to stay in the back, allowing the others to choose their crystals as they pleased, but a thought occurred to her. She just hoped she wouldn't be shot down after all the trouble she'd been. "When I was searching the junkyard, I managed to get the last part needed for a blueprint I'm carrying - one for a protective bracelet. I've been thinking that perhaps something could be added to the design...." Lyra gestured towards the remaining crystals. "One of you can have the bracelet if you like. I just feel like these two things could go together..."
  13. Spray sighed at the the swordswoman's - goddess', he supposed - response. He was hardly the kind who could draw people in, or... heal whatever suffering she was going through. What really disturbed him, however, was the metaphor she used. "I... Hold on. You make it sound as though you're a danger to the rest of the team - and from what I've seen, you're anything but. Hell, if it wasn't for you I'd probably have been one of the people who got sliced to pieces." His voice quavered, uncertain if this was at all what the goddess wanted to be hearing, but he stood his ground. It wouldn't do any good to show fear.
  14. "Wh-Hey, wait!" Spray had looked over the others - while they were banged up, they weren't in nearly as bad shape as the swordswoman. Grabbing his medical supplies, he followed her outside - and once they were both outside the building, Spray moved to her side. "Look,I don't know what the matter with you is, but you're still injured, being of faith or not. I'm here to help you, so let me!"
  15. Spray had been out hunting with friends and family before. Seen rabbits and deer field dressed. Even before this assignment, his time with A.I.M. had resulted in him seeing more than his fair share of violence. But nothing like this. He tried not to look too long at the severed head that rolled past him as he finished bandaging his current patient. Once he was done, he began to slowly approach the swordswoman, medkit in hand. "So... do you need any medical attention? You took a few hits in that fight there..." Better to focus on the problems he could solve.
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