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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AzyWng

  1. IP did, however, choose to move between the swordwoman and UB-65, pulling out and raising her shield as she did so. Though she didn't aim it at The swordwoman just yet, IP also drew her pistol, entering into a stance ready to block any attack directed at UB-65. Her mouth - which had at first been slightly agape in confusion - drew closed into a thin line. "Lower your weapon immediately. If you attempt to harm my colleagues, I will respond with lethal force." The words had the stillness of a firing squad about to be given the final command. "Once you have complied... then we can discuss how to help your mistress."
  2. IP walked over and knelt down at the unconscious man, trying to scan him for injuries. As she did so, she noted, "We will have to continue this conversation another time. Right now we need to hurry."
  3. IP nodded. "My own capabilities are also largely support-related - restoring the health of allies and improving their damage output - though I was able to acquire a firearm before I was transported here. You said earlier that your chassis was usually a... tablet? That is an unusual design for an AI. What was your original purpose?"
  4. IP nodded in understanding of LOTUS's explanation. "In that case, each one of us must have some degree of ability to fight off these Trespassers - which brings me to an issue I believe is very important. What are this team's capabilities? What weapons and equipment do they currently have, what are their skills, and do they possess any outstanding strengths or weaknesses? You seem to be a fairly observant individual, and the information would help us coordinate our actions when the time comes to fight those creatures."
  5. IP just looked down at Chen's young form, seeming only now to notice her for the first time. IP's mouth curled into yet another serious frown. "I do not believe it is safe for a child to accompany us on our investigation, even if you are the daughter of the woman who is assisting us. Why didn't she come with us personally if she was interested in helping?"
  6. IP turned to Dr. Powderbelle as she commented on the lack of a phone plan. "I believe the inability to call your employer may be due to a lack of transmitters. While I do not possess much knowledge about this region, what I have seen so far suggests a lack of infrastructure in general. The road we are currently traveling on is simply a dirt path. There are no signs of any radio antennas or similar structures, and there don't appear to be any tall buildings in general. We may be in a rural area at the moment."
  7. IP's head tracked LOTUS's movement as the fairy flew onto her shoulder, face expressionless. IP lowered her head in thought before beginning to explain. "Trespassers are creatures that travel from various... 'worlds', for lack of a better term... intending to destroy... reality itself? I'm afraid I did could not fully process the information I received. Defeating these creatures took priority over my previous mission... Unfortunately, I am not aware of their specific capabilities, other than that they greatly exceed my own. What Rory said earlier suggests that you have successfully eliminated these creatures before. Beyond that, I do not have any other information about these Trespassers. And, if I may interrupt... I have never seen a model of electronic sentience that resided in a body as compact as yours. What corporation manufactured you?"
  8. Lyra was beginning to tire out. At this pace, it wouldn't be long until one of the dolphin's attacks landed - and when they did, it would hurt. At the same time, though, she noticed that the others had been bearing the brunt of the damage. Her wrench wasn't doing a whole lot to the creature, and she doubted the rifle would be of much help, either. Well, if it was inevitable... maybe breaking the creature's focus would help it hurt less. Lyra rushed up to the creature... Breathed in... And screamed. Lyra taunts the Dolphin! It will be forced to attack her for one round, and will deal 30% less damage for three turns! Adrenaline Dodging: Cooling down. 1/3 turns left. Blur: 0/3 Attacks Fiasco: 2/4 Dodges Point-Blank Throw: Ready! Taunt: Ready! Damaged Item Teleporter: Ready! Safety-Bypassed Rechargeable Medium-Capacity Swapper: 3/3 Charges Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield: Ready!
  9. IP seemed to be processing the information Remilia had given her for a few seconds. "Since before the barrier? I'm afraid my knowledge of this place's history is... rather lacking. Similarly, I am not aware of what route to take that would bring us to the Human Village the fastest, or what dangers we should watch out for."
  10. Correction: Flying plaid dolphin that could spray poison. That was going to complicate things. Hopefully Lyra and the others could take it down with before it could get to her. As she moved in to start swinging, Lyra noticed Mira preparing her own attack. Good. As long as neither of them got killed, she'd be able to start talking to her about the value of teamwork as soon as they finished. Lyra attacks the Plaid Dolphin with her Wrench! Since she just dodged, she's able to perform a Counterattack! (4d4+8+3) Adrenaline Dodging: Cooling down. 0/3 turns left. Blur: 1/3 Attacks Fiasco: 1/4 Dodges Point-Blank Throw: Ready! Taunt: Ready! Damaged Item Teleporter: Ready! Safety-Bypassed Rechargeable Medium-Capacity Swapper: 3/3 Charges Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield: Ready!
  11. IP stood still for several seconds before placing the cup back down, nodding. "I understand. Is there any specific place in the Human Village we should search?"
  12. IP smiled and gave a bow in response to Remilia's curtsy, but remained standing, picking up a cup of tea and tentatively taking a sip. "And as I have said before, I am Instructor Prototype, or 'IP'. Thank you for allowing us to be here. I'm afraid the unorthodox nature of our employment - and of our task - meant that we were unable to schedule an appointment. We would be honored to receive this favor, Lady Scarlet."
  13. “I was referring to what you were doing just a few seconds ago. You appeared to be staring into a corner for a short period of time?”
  14. “Welcome aboard, UB-65. I hope we will be able to work together effectively. If I may ask... what were you doing just now?”
  15. Instructor nods at Rory’s comment. “We need you to help us find and destroy them. I can confirm that what Rory has said is true - although dangerous, such entities can be defeated. At the moment we are preparing to have a meeting with one Remilia Scarlet regarding an incident we believe may be linked to Trespasser activity.”
  16. “In addition, I’d like you to take a look at our group’s members. In particular, I’d like you to notice that none of us are wearing uniforms, and that none of us are equipped with any kind of standard-issue weaponry. I can assure you, none of us belong to any nation’s military force, let alone one that considers the Imperial German Navy to be an enemy.“
  17. The gynoid (still wearing its own frilly headdress) smiled and waved a hand in greeting, seemingly oblivious to the reactions of Meiling and Sakuya. "I am Kaida Corporation Prototype Training Series Model 00-27C, Serial Number F7DXOQ29604509X, also known as 'Instructor Prototype' or "IP". Manufactured September 18th, 1927. Placed into storage February 8th, 1943. Reactivated March 15th, 1985. A pleasure to meet you, UB-65. Do not be afraid. You are not a prisoner. In fact, I have reason to believe that you have been given a mission similar to ours - to find and eliminate creatures known as 'Trespassers'. If you were not informed of this mission, I can help provide details to the best of my ability."
  18. IP held up a hand in a "stop" motion. "I do not require such an in-depth explanation of the differences between tengu and humans. After all, we will be meeting with Lady Remilia soon, and I doubt keeping her waiting is a good idea. If it is at all possible to be concise, please do so."
  19. "If even speaking to the people we intend to help carries risks such as being mutilated... Then things are considerably more dire than I had previously believed. Though I must ask - what do you mean when you say you are a 'tengu'? What does that mean compared to being a human?"
  20. IP seemed somewhat confused by Masako's... course of action. "You are the leader of this group, then? I would have expected a more... professional approach to negotiations than what you did back there."
  21. "Very well. If either of you require assistance, do not hesitate to ask for help. And one request: May I speak to the two of you later? I have a number of questions I would like to ask." Instructor asked as it accepted the weapons and equipment, examining the items it had been handed as it walked out of the room.
  22. Upon seeing Meiling's strike, IP quickly stepped through the now open doorway, hands raised in a "Don't shoot" gesture. "Lady Scarlet. I understand that this is a stressful situation for you, but you must understand that we do not intend to harm you. If we did, I would not currently be speaking to you. If you wish for me to disarm as an act of good faith, I will, but know that we are not your enemies."
  23. "Rory, please be civil. Even though I cannot see her, it is obvious Lady Scarlet is under intense emotional distress. Insulting her seems... rather unhelpful." Turning to the door, the gynoid called out to the voice inside the room. "Please forgive her for her... reaction. She is Rory. I am Instructor Prototype, but you may also call me 'IP'. My colleagues and I are here on important business that involves the incident regarding your maid Sakuya's... behavior." Turning to the other members of the party IP then asked, - "I believe you would be better suited for explaining the discoveries that were made?"
  24. Out of all the things she’d seen today - from kitsune to battleship ladies to eldritch abominations destroyed by battleship ladies - this was the thing that threw Lyra for a loop. Flying. Plaid. Dolphin. An aggressive one, at that. Remembering what Histoire had told the team earlier about the monsters of this world dropping additional loot... Lyra decided she was going to fight it. Test out what the rifle did and possibly acquire more gear - a win-win situation, assuming she didn’t die. Lyra equips the Strange Rifle and fires it at the Floating Plaid Dolphin!
  25. “Well, thanks for all your help. At any rate, I’m just here to perform a bit of equipment acquisition, so if you’ll excuse me...“ Lyra decided to grab the whole lot of weapons and equipment. She’d figure out what they were exactly before the next fight, and even if the team didn’t need all the guns and pipes, they might still be good for parts. Then she began heading over to the gate, where Mira said they’d be waiting. Lyra had something to say to her.
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