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Shiggy Shakes

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15 Fledgling

About Shiggy Shakes

  • Birthday 10/01/2002

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    Wouldn't you like to know weather boy?
  • Interests
    Playing video games with stupid restrictions. Suffering the consequences from those restrictions. Beating said games and never wanting to do it again before repeating the cycle like a moron.
    And reading manga I guess

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  2. OKAY FIRSTLY That art of Erin is incredible. Secondly WHOM IN THE HECK ARE WE FIGHTING IN ZWEIGHT? SKY GRANPDA 2?1
  3. You know what? A coward would be terrified A sane person would be in shock But I'm far from sane So all I'll say is Good job Can't wait for the day someone plays this live
  4. ShortC is now LongC yay! Also gotta say that Melia's outfit redesign is great, Though in contrast to her old outfit while she isn't dying of the heat in Terajuma (Her top was anything but suited for that) She will probably suffer a bit more in the Angie kerfuffle from the cold (Not like she doesn't suffer in that whole ordeal already tho amiright?) Edit: Also a quick callout on the fact that Magenta still lacks any actual Magenta on them while Neon does not thank the wiki for reminding me of this
  5. Not going to lie It's a trip and a half down memory lane remembering all these I still have to wonder How many progress bars died in the devblog? How many of them were sacrificed to bring this train to the station? And how many of them forgot to jump off at the moment of impact with said station? RIP Bars of The Progress Gone, but not forgotte- what was I talking about?
  6. As excited as I am for this, my inner Fire Emblem fan is screaming because I know once I start playing Three Hopes which comes out right before this, I'm going to struggle to stop for a day Might have to search Wikihow for a way to split myself into two to do both...
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but that first image with the statue... its pose is the one for Arceus' attack animation in Pokemon Ranger right? Or at least similar to it?
  8. I'll say this update to the blog was an unexpected one But not unwelcome Also if that field isn't related to the E4 fights I will eat a hat
  9. I think the inclusion of it would be best but it is a fairly split poll tbh Maybe make it so both are present? With frostbite having a higher chance of freeze E.g Ice beam is 10% freeze chance normally So make it 7.5% frostbite and 2.5% freeze maybe? That or just make it different with moves So moves like powder snow, ice beam, frost breath etc inflict Frostbite While moves like Blizzard, Freeze Dry, Freezing Glare etc inflict freeze Idk I just hope if frostbite is added you don't add it to Cold Truth We don't need that please I beg
  10. And for once its free too! … God imagine if Pokecenters charged you, the early game would be miserable with financial management "Ma'am my Mincinno's dying! Please heal it!" "That'll be 3,000 pokedollars per Pokemon," If that is the case it would mean the league isn't connected to a Pokecenter, similar to how it is in BW/B2W2, which makes me wonder just what the entrance to the league itself would look like Then again it could also be Labradorra since its the only other center we have yet to see so far
  11. So... how long before we look out the window and see an Absol in the desert?
  12. At first the Trainer card thing made me feel like it would be a selection of an 'unknown' character in the battle facility (Basically you pick your own Frontier brain of 3 random cards designed like the middle and when you do it spins around to show the other two before the battle starts) but now? I'm not so sure. I still feel like it will have something to do with a battle or a puzzle. Regardless I am looking forward to this
  13. Hiya Everyone! So my names Shiggy Shakes(Ngl I have like 10 different names both online and irl but this is my favourite) and I have heavy belief in the saying live and let live. Anyways I've been here many times before usually because I've been curious to see if I missed anything in Reborn so I usually just check out the on the hunt section. I am so far 11 badges into the game and I gotta say I'm loving it. I wish I'd found out about it earlier. I think I may try nuzlocking it too, just to see how far I can push myself. If you'll have me here I'm very grateful and I hope I can enjoy my time here with all of you But for now I bid you all Adieu
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