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  1. Okay, so I just got back to Rejuvenation after a hiatus, but I'm...a little lost as to how to continue the Ana questline. I know I beat Rift Ferrothorn, as I have notes on Code: Drifio, but she's not at the Hospital of Hope nor is she at the Blakeory Anatheum. I'm nearly 100% sure I didn't finish her questline, though. How can I check? PS: I've not quite done the doctor isha fight yet.
  2. So with the Dive sidequest out around the Evergreen Islands, I'm either not finding the tallest pillar to activate first or it's not working. The tallest one is in that separate tiny dive zone, right? Or am I missing an even taller one?
  3. How do I do that from a Winebottled save file? I tried moving the stat boosts option to Optional but that didn't work.
  4. So, the situation's pretty simple, actually. I winebottled Rejuvenation instead of running the .exe from Wine, simply because it ran faster and wasn't a total disaster to play without it crashing ten minutes in every single time. Things went pretty dang well right up until I made a terrible mistake of updating to MacOS Mojave. Now, whenever I click Rejuvenation (or any wine app, actually), it says it's open, but the starting screen NEVER comes up and I have no way to 'quit' it without forcequitting. I'm a bit at my wits' end on what to do here....
  5. That's REALLY strange, as I got one in the wall of my prison cell when I mined out of it-it's a blue-colored Star Piece.
  6. I do know one thing you missed... Comet Shards are also available in the rocks you mine. I managed to get one mining the wall in the castle.
  7. Well, long story short, I might have softlocked myself into a battle I didn't want to get into without the right Pokemon. I wanted to get my shadow Quagsire out for this fight, but after hunting down my latest backup...there's only one titled lastsave. I have the backups set to max, so...where are the other ones? I'm on a Mac, so...is that important here? Edit: I won the battle (Well....my partner did)...but I'd still like to know this for the future.
  8. https://imgur.com/a/cKZdDgq I'm not crazy, right? There's supposed to be a Zygarde cell here, I'm sure of it. I know the one by the help center is currently bugged and missing, but I didn't see anything on this one. Haha, I found a different bug, but still totally hilarious. https://i.imgur.com/zAlN06N.jpg If you throw a Poke Ball while Aelita's Hawlucha is in the air using Bounce, it will just never come back down. This screenshot was taken three turns later.
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