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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Atsuya

  1. Hi, In the Chrysalis manor, I love the OST playing when you're walking in the property (it is also played in some other places/circumstances but I cannot remember). But I can't find it on YouTube. Does someone know where I can find it? I can't remember the name of this soundtrack in the game though.. And also if the song "My memories with my Precious Friends" is also available on YouTube btw, whoever has done these soundtracks is a wonderful person and I love them. (Sorry for my horrible English btw, but now Rejuvenation (and Reborn ofc) are known even across the Atlantic Ocean ) Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi, I just went to the darchlight manor, followed the books and went in the garden to have the light ball. Is there anything to do after this? Il this sidequest completed rn or is there something else to do to complete the sidequest? And what about the safe and the "it's looking at you eerily" thingy? Thanks
  3. Well, i've just downloaded Rejuvenation v12, and when I launch the game, the screen stays black, BUT i've the texts. No sprites, no animations, only texts. (btw,no matter how many times I download the fonts, the game still say that I've not the correct fonts on my computer, but this is a minor issue, I play Reborn with the same thing and it works perfectly). How can I fix it? I haven't any savestate on this version 'cause I've just downloaded it. (if there is another file to download, please give me the link) Thanks! P.S.: Please try to be easily understandable, I'm French ^-^' EDIT : Solved my problem by uploading V 12.1. If an admin could close this topic, thanks!
  4. Ow okay, I thought it was like the main games, you have more chances to breed a shiny if at least one of the parents is shiny. Thanks for the answer. Just 2 other questions : are the effects of abilities which fasten the hatching addables? If I have 2 Flame Body Talonflame, will the eggs hatch faster than with only one Flame Body Talonflame? And are the eggs of a shiny pokemon different from a classic egg?
  5. Hi, I intend to breed my classic Greninja with my shiny Ditto, but I don't know how to calculate the percentage of luck for having a shiny. Someone have the formula to calculate this, or a website link where I can calculate this myself please? Thanks! (sorry for the bad english btw, it may be difficult to understand my question, i do phonetic from French sometimes :s )
  6. Well, I'm lost. I've come back from the past Hiyoshi city, I've done the thing with the obelisk and then Claydol teleport me to GDC. Now, what should I do? I've searched all the city but no sign of the friends..
  7. I'm going to try this. thanks! Edit : IT WOOOOOOOORKS. Thank you really much.
  8. All of them are in Route 5, One is before the beach, on the left when you come from Kakori One is at the right island (the island has a + shape), Surf One is at the left island (idem,+shape), Surf The last I don't really remember, try on the left of the beach with the house (from the Bulbasaur quest..)
  9. (Sorry for the approximative English, I'm French.) Hi, While Melia was talking with Spacea & Tiempa (when we go to the past to help Aelita, after battle the lv1 Deoxys), my game suddenly stop run ("script fail" or something like that), and it automatically save the game before close the window. When I want to re-launch (?) the game successfully load ... And just let me see the exact picture when my game stop run, without any possibility to do something except saving the game. No talk, No interaction, nothing... And i really don't want to re-re-re-re-begin a new game (these damn puzzles in the Groudon ruins kind of scare me D8), so if anyone can help me (and can tell me exactly what to do), it would be great.. Thanks!
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