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Everything posted by TripleHHH

  1. TripleHHH

    v13 and MKXP

    You can find a opengl32.dll on the Reborn Discord. It's one of the pinned post on #v13-crashes. I have no idea if it will solve your problems, but it allowed me to run on my really old hardware. Edit: Also just drop it on the same folder of Game.exe
  2. Did you also installed the AMB - AddOpt.rb mod? I think that you're required to use it so that the options to enable appear Debug appear on the Options menu.
  3. Did you enable it on the Options menu? The file PokemonMultipleForms.txt on the Makeshift Altdex folder may not be user-friendly but has the information that you want besides other stuff like changes to movepool, egg moves and base stats. Just search the name of the Pokemon and look for the parameter pokemon.form. The value for which the chages are made probably will be the Alt form. For exemple, if you search for Larvitar you will find this under dexEntry case pokemon.form when 0 # Normal next when 2 # Ice next "Born deep under snow near a special mountain made of ice, it must eat its way to the surface to see its parents." when 4 # Space next "A strange, crystalline meteor crashed near a mountain. An unusual Larvitar emerged and ate through all the buried long distance powerlines in the area." end So the Form 0 is the standard one, Form 2 is the Ice one and Form 4 is the Space one.
  4. You can obtain the password by talking to NPC for technical support ingame. The NPC is
  5. Did you try talk to the Goomy inside Great Hall? It should be on the northwest side of the place.
  6. Hi Blue, Here are a list with some bugs or weird issues I found while playing: - Slowpoke is Fire/Psychic not matching the wiki. Slowbro and Slowking seem correct. I have no idea if that is a bug or not, as its level-up movepool has only Psychic and Fire moves, only learning Water moves after evolving. - NOT TESTED WITHOUT MODS: Mimikyu doesn't lost HP when Disguise is busted. Do you know which fight have Mimimkyu to see if that is mod behaviour? - Normal Fennekin didn't evolve to Alt Braxien when evolved to with Dread Plate, but normal Braxien did evolve to Alt Delphox. Is that intented? I checked the PokemonAltForms.txt and there is only entry for the Delphox, even though there are _1 sprites for Fennekin and Braxien on the Graphics folder. - I had crashes while leveling up Happiny. It happened when I level-up, even without Oval Stone, during Night or independent of level-up. -Also had problems leveling up Alt Sneasel even without any evolution item. - Had problems with the Gen 8 fossils. I was able to generate Eggs for the fossilized forms that were given to me on the Museum, but when I tried to breed a unfossilized version of them with the Earth Plate and Splash Plate the game would crash when the Daycare man gave me the Eggs. I tried to breed the fossilized version from the unfossilized version with a Stone Plate, but in both cases the Plates stayed on the parents and only produced a unfossilized egg. - Wild Mr. Mime in Hidden (Sloppes?) are marked as Form 2. They end up spawning with the right abilities, type and moveset, but use the wrong sprite with the normal Mr. Mime. Tried to fix it changing to Form 1 with Debug mode, but it changed its type to psychic/Fairy and it had no moves. End up fixing it by renaming sprites related to 122_1 to 122_2 on the Graphics folder. - NOT TESTED WITHOUT MODS: Vulpix on Secluded jungle have Flash Fire and Drought, but have correct moveset. Ninetales are spawnning as intended. - NOT TESTED WITHOUT MODS: I found some weird Ponyta behaviour on Valhallen Labyrith. They would spawn without any sprites and would only struggle. I couldn't find any of them after removing the mods, but not sure if its a glitch caused by the mods or I just not lucky enough to replicate the behaviour - Softlock possibility on Secluded Jungle if you arrive there before having acess to Surf - Trying to learn ROCK or FAIRY on the COOLTRAINER dialogue on Rocket Hideout would crash the game. The BUG or GROUND options work correctly, but if I had the mods on they would both give the Rhybombee egg. Removing the mods allowed me to get Riperior Egg, but it would still crash on slecting ROCK or FAIRY. I think that was the most serious bugs. There still a couple of minor ones, some clipping and typos, but weren't that important. I also need to take screenshots of them and test if I can replicate them without mods. This is not a bug, but more of balance issue I think. When you updated Loppunny moveset you removed Return as the the evolution move. GF removed it because they axed the move entirely, but it's such a fundamental part of this Pokemon (Bunneary is the only non-legendary with base 0 hapiness and also only evolve with high which then also allows it to learn Return). It would also allow to bring back Ice Punch as Alt Lopunny evolution move, as currently it can only learn it with the move relearner, and that point it probably would be above level 40 and learned Icicle Crash, and before level 40 it's stuck with just Ice Shard as STAB. Also thanks for the access to a Daycare after being isolated on Agate Circus, and its shortcuts. Digging the new music, especially the Undernet main area, and exploring the new areas.
  7. Hi Blue, I found a weird bug while starting the new game. For reference I downloaded the full v6.0 and overwrote with each new patch including the v6.3. - When my Caterpie reached lvl.7 it tried to evolve, which I canceled, but after I canceled it tried to evolve again. Then after all battles (even if it didn’t after earned any exp, like run for a wild encounter) it would try to evolve. So I saved and removed all my mod folder to see if any of them was the culprit, but the issues continued. So I put the mods back and start using Debug to test. This weird continued to the other levels. It wouldn’t change the form (still form 0, the Bug/Flying Butterfree) after evolving (I didn’t have the plate). It also affect other Pokemons, after using Debug to set to lvl 19 my Poochyena and Scorbunny they also tried to evolve after running from battle. Some oddities that I found while looking at the new sprites at the Graphics folder. I’m not sure if all of them are still there on the new updated versions. - Butterfree shinies are a shiny Beedrill sprite - There is a redundant regular shiny Geodude and Graveler labeled 74s and 75s (without the 0 at the start; there is already a 074s/075s) - Alt Gengar don't have sprites. Since it is based on old style Gengar, wouldn't the shiny of Regular Gengar fit perfectly? - All the non-shinies Larvitar-line _1 sprites are a copy of the _4 sprites (I think it's the space one). This also includes the Mega T-Tar sprite that looks like normal Space T-Tar - There is a 374Eggs_2.png (green Alt Beldum Egg) besides the 374Egg_2.png (the Alt Beldum Egg that looks like the intended one) - The shiny Alt infernape seems a copy of the normal shiny Infernape. Looks unintended as neither the Alt Chimchar nor the Alt Monferno have any shinies sprites - Missing 461f_1.png, the front female Alt Weavile. Given that 461fb_1, 461fs_1 and 461fsb_1.png were included, and the set for Sneasel is completed with a 215f_1.png, I found odd that only one was incomplete. - The front sprite for Alt Liepard, 510s_1.png, is incorrectly named 520s_1 - There isn't a 615sb_1 (Shiny Cryogonal back) . Since the front sprite was included I didn't know if was intended or forgotten - The alt Dedeene shiny was incorrectly named 702bs_1 instead of the 702sb_1. I didn't know if this actually breaks anything, just noticed that it didn't matched the other naming pattern. - There is a redundant sprite named 826_1s. I think it’s just a copy of 826s. The 826s_1 sprite is already included. - I think there is something wrong with the non-Mega Appletun (842) sprites. On the shiny, the color of the top leaves change sides between the front and back. This doesn't happen on the non-shiny front/back sprites - I think the following sprites are redundant: 876mb, 876ms and 876msb. They are copies of the Male Galarian Meowstic Indeedee sprites, which are already included and not marked with a "m". - The 882 sprites don't have a alt form sprite. I just wondered if they actually weren't finished or just forgotten to be included, given that all the other fossil were included. - The 888b_2 and 889b_2 are front sprites, even though they have the "b" letter. In fact, I don't understand why the _2 forms exist. Didn't the legendaries, only look like that during the animation of their signature moves on the official games and then immediately revert back? - There is also a different between the colors of 889s_1 and 889s_2 that doesn't happen to 889_1 and 889_2. Now about some of opinions about the balance from previous experience with the mod and from what I read on the Makeshift Altdex: - Maybe change the bug Buzz on Alt Excavalier for Megahorn? I don't know how its sprite supposed to look so that the move makes sense on it, but based on Karrablast design, that it learns Smart Strike by level-up and has Long Reach (which I assume is the horn? Or the ability refers to the lances?) I think so. - Also about Long Reach, since Alt Bug/Dark Drapion cannot befenit as much as the other forms from the Poison Plate+Sniper interaction, I thought about maybe change its ability to Long Reach. Physically can makes sense with that weird limbs, and it would make another Pokemon be able to use that Plate Interaction. Also maybe some change some of its level-up Poison-moves to STABs, like First Impression, Lunge, Skitter Smack and Throat Chop, since its Pokedex entry says it prides itself for not using poison but it still has more poison-moves than dark ones on its level-up list. - Dazzling is really sub-par on Alt Serperior, specially compared to the power of Contrary+Leaf Storm power. Maybe Multiscale as the alternative ability? Let it either guarantee to be able to set up with Coil (or maybe let it learns DD later) or use one of its amazing support movepool like Glare, Sub, Seed, etc. Also it would allow another Pokemon to benefit from Dragon's Den on next episode Reborn. - Something that I thought about Alt Politoed, since its type combination garantes to deal s.e. damage to poison-types maybe could incorporate more on its theme? Maybe change Dazzling for Immunity or Poison Heal, describing as evolving to predate on poison-types on its habitat? This change is also a suggestion because I think Dazzling is a really underwhelming ability, unless there is a interaction with Plates or Field that I'm ignoring, something that happened with me on previous playthrough with Alt Greninja, which I thought very underwhelming until I learned on Discord about Storm Throw+Technician. - Thank you for removing that crippling abilities from Partner Pikachu and Eevee. I do think that maybe the Pikachu may be too powerful at the point that you get it, but I don't think its glass cannon stats are too unbalanced to late game (and probably all the BS that E19 reserve for us). I was thinking if you could add a condition to nerf the Light Ball on that specific Pikachu form for balancing reasons (say to x1,5) and add another item that actually boost to its full potential later in the game. Maybe tie in with the Eevee event, I didn't finished that quest but I know that a later part of it involve hats, maybe a Cap for Pikachu? Although I dont't know how hard it would to add and program it or if there is another cap for the number of items like the abilities And to finish on a more positive note, about some designs of v0.6 (and thanks to all artists that contributed to his version and all previous): - Loved Noctowl, Delphox and Clawtizer redesigns - Loved Alt Accelgor - Riperior is blessed. Finally I will be able to use that pokemon without having to face that cursed thing that is Rhybombee. Also it looks better than the normal Rhyperior (which I think is a downgrade from Rhydon). So that was it. Hopefully I will have more time this week to play and explore all the new areas. I finished my first run of Reborn which this mod way back but I forgot to write my thanks and give feedback/report bugs at the time. Hopefully this post can help you. Again thanks Blue (and for everybody else put effort on this project) all your work! Take care and hope everything is alright with your hand.
  8. Did you try the v59 version (on the first post of the SWM page) that is compatible with 18.1? About exp cap, there is one of the Additional Options on Aironfaar's Mod Box, probably compatible since it was released long time ago, before the new E18.3+ changes.
  9. So, can anyone remind me when Melia changed the apperance again? Is that the look she had when going for the Grand Ball or it was on a earlier point in the game?
  10. Nice post and thanks for the link to the Crest Effect Guide! I would like to add my opinion about 2 crests: About Infernape crest, I think that running Close Combat on a defensive set undermines the whole point of the crest. And so us not using all of the amazing support options in its movepool, which at this version of the game is understandable, the only way that Chimchar is obtainable is via starter choice, so whoever pick it is probably using it as a offensive glass cannon through the whole game. This Pokemon has access to 3 setup moves in Calm Mind, Nasty Plot and Bulk Up (the TM already available right?), something that is really rare on both Rejuv and Reborn where set-up TMs are rarely distributed, while being able to recover with Slack Off. It's capable of cripple, trap and do residual damage on physical opponents with Will-O-Wisp and Fire Spin. If the Substitute TM is available it can also try to use Sub + Focus Punch after a couple Bulk Ups make so that the opponent can't break the Sub with a single hit, doing more damage than CC while not having its defenses dropped. It also has access to both physical and special STAB priority with Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave TM if choose to run defensive EVs instead of Speed EVs on the set-up sets. Another moves that could be mentioned are: Fake Out, Quick Guard, Helping Hand (the last 3 more useful to Double Battles), Stealth Rock, Endeavor, Encore, Taunt and Power-Up Punch. The main downsides is the lost of the item slot to run those options and the fact that its abilities doesn't help most of those options. About Meganium set, another option is make the Meganium a physical wall and add Counter (via Egg Move Tutor) as one its options do deal damage. It also learns Heal Pulse, complementing its role as a good partner for Doubles Battles.
  11. According to Zumi on the dev team Q&A the end of Act 2 will be on the V14, so we are still in Act 2.
  12. Great, another Beldum situation where I will become paranoid if there is other really inconspicuous hidden events/features. Also does anyone knows how it should be installed? The only dowload that I found on the first post is for .rar that only have a Audio and Data folders inside without any instructions. Should I dowload a new Reborn 18.2 and rewritten it with the contents of the patch or I supposed to have a Memeborn 1.12 (which I have a backup) and rewrite that? Also since it came with a new Audio folder, does the Reborn Battle Music Pack already included?
  13. IIRC it should be perched on Seacrest's roof, all you need to do is interact with it. I tried to picture but I couldn't find it anymore, maybe it's because the weather or because I already captured one.. capture000.bmp capture001.bmp Isn't that the Bergmite?
  14. Adding to @Dreamblitzanswer I think it only spawns after you finish the Lighthouse Help Center Quest. Also if it isn't on the south beach, it may be on the area south from the building where the Team Xen Batttleship is docked.
  15. I think that excuse doesn't even work ingame as: 1) she stole it before she knew that Melia had run to Mount Valor alone so there was no sense of urgency to acquire a Pokemon capable of learning Magma Drift and 2) Venam has a Nidoqueen on both the Normal and Intense Mode when fighting alongside Saki, and Nidoqueen can learn Magma Drift. I wonder if the last point this is actually a nod to how bad her excuses are or it just a dissonance between the story and the battles (kind like Melia statement that she finally had a six member when Mimikyu joined her, but she already had a full team when fighting beforehand).
  16. Oh no, I definitely don't think the murder would make any different of her. In fact their whole story is about how journey to avenge a death of a loved one causing themselves to corrupt and become a murderer. I also end up stopping her from killing Karen, but it's mostly because I find Karen more entertaining and the fact that Karrina works for Space and Tiempa, I'm not impressed by Karen response to the whole situation on Zygara Castle. Hopefully by stopping Karrina I can put a stop to this cycle but we still have to see. Could she even do that? Besides the fact that Karen has a position of power as an Elite 8 (although we actually don't know how much influence this has on the judiciary system), she can also do magic which would make her long term incarceration really dangerous. More importantly how would Karrina prove it? She can't say the real reason of why Karen killed her parents because she wants to protect the Garufan secret, and she can't even testify against Karen using her real identity because thanks to time travel she looks way older than the child she was supposed to be on this time period. Yeah, the whole complacency of the MC with the whole situation really bothered me. I always thought we should have a option on the train station instead of simple ignoring it, specially because the Charizard lost all importance to the story after that only reappering on the Venam fight on GDC. Probably it will addressed on the next update as it seems to have a Venam focus.
  17. 1 The reveal that Venam stole Tesla's Charizard. Probably a pet peeve of mine and I'm understanding it way different that the devs intended, but in a game that goes all the way to establish Pokemons are living beings with bonds with their Trainers (see Hapi scene with Melia on Terajuma and Huey interactions with his Flareon) stole a Pokemon should be a incredible hideous crime that put you on par with villainous organizations. And still after having already kidnapping the Charizard she still has the nerve of go ask, all sad and polite, Amber and the PC if we can help search for Melia. This whole scene combined with the part the she got a job just for a free wage and vacation (again probably my real life issues projecting into my interpretation of the game, but I already had to work with someone that was only there because he was friend with the boss and the rest of the team ended up overworked because he didn't do his part) estabilished Venam as one of the most unlikeable NPCs that I ever had to call friend in a game that I played. 2 Zetta's scene on Nightmare World for the reasons @Tikkit wrote I mean, there is a big jump between forgetting a birthday and killing someone's parents in front of them. Also it's not like: a) it was a natural disease or accident, Karen decided to tamper with Garufan Magic to create Crests (a ritual that requires large sacrifices of pokemon lives) and it ends up backfiring; b) Karen actually do something of substance to atone (like confessing and going to jail) after she recovers her sanity. She just keeping saying "I'm sorry" and then complains that Karrina doesn't think that's enough.
  18. For me it's the Chrysolia Spring's boulder puzzles. At least the magic squares are actually a puzzle that you need to think far ahead. The boulders on Chrysolia Spring are pretty straightforward with the main problem the time consumed maneuvering the boulder around the bodies of water, said bodies of water sometimes as small as a single title but requiring you to go all the way around and everytime you need to transpose one of them to move the boulder the game requires you to confirm if you are really sure you want to Surf. Basically a more boring and time-consuming version of the Crustle puzzle. All this for the incredible rewards of a Flame Orb (the only one I ever used in battle), Magmarizer (only useful to get the Magmortar dex entry to obtain the Piopole), Cameruptite and TM43 Flame Charge. Like, really Ame? Thirteen badges for Flame Charge???
  19. I also don't think you should be replacing anyone. Since you don't have any Rock, Ground and Flying resistances I would say that Magneton could be useful even if it is Special defense than Physical. At least you can use Sturdy to guarantee one attack or a Thunder Wave. Probably I would swap it with Gliscor or Skarmory once they become avaible.
  20. Yeah that's probably the reason. I think Redux is based on E18.1 and Waynolt added that on the Changelog that v60 updated the SharedPC for the E18.2. I played Redux with the SharedPC from a old version (I think it was v52, lost a lot updates) a long time ago and I don't remember have any problems.
  21. Is there any right one though? I remember reading something that there is a "right" path where you maximize your relationship with Anna and Shade (exposing Corey, not giving Ruby ring, not battling Taka), but did Amethyst or anyone else on the dev team comfirmed that there will be a "true" ending with more content or multiple endings? I think I end up picking the Zekrom path on my first playthrough. Admitelly is mostly just to piss off Titania, but now I know that you can reduce your relationships points with her even futher if you pick Reshiram path and talk to her on Agate.
  22. Is actually optional? I remember trying to ignore them, but after I reached the point where you need to go to 7th Street I found no other way but join one of them. I tried to talk to the Police Chief, since the cops later have a agent infiltrated down there, but no luck.
  23. Sir, aren't you impressed by this team that includes, but is not limited to, a NFE pokemon, a ice-type without any ice move and a Nasty Plotter with only physical moves? I for one am flabbergasted he didn't swept her.
  24. I don't think we even know where she is or she even has the same personality. But about her gym isn't she supposed to be the one using the West Gearen Power Plant where we fought Erik? I remember Erik saying that Volta is supposed to be the substitute for Saki but she also need to leave so he end up there, also there is a scientist on the plant complaining that the place needed to rearrenge the place beacuse the Blakeory heir simply decided to be a Gym Leader. And speaking of Volta, Probably late but I would like to praise (congratulate?) Zumi's new design and all the works she, Jan and everybody else on the dev team for this new tip system and the implementation of the new Gen 8 stuff. Also hoping for some intereactions with her and maybe a sidequest. Even that as a minor character Spector was one of my favorite fights on the game, and I'm really can't wait to meet Kreiss and the new Normal Gym Leader.
  25. Someone actually RTFM? Unthinkable! Also does he even have the glitch one? I thought it was the reward for purging the virus on the Ametrine City, but rewatching last episode he only got the Department Store Sticker. Also shout-out to the person on the commentaries that explained the special types moves as the types of the eeveelutions + the Dragon type. I always forget and have to google to it when I find this field.
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