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Everything posted by TripleHHH

  1. Hi @DreamblitzX, First I would like to thank for the effort on making/porting those mods. They were really helpful QoL changes, especially for my occasionally frustating Intense mode run. Second I would also like to report that the FabulousTransformation mod also breaks some effects for the opponent, not only for the player as I first thought after reading your warning using the Crestform Chest as example. More specifically, the Rift Hippodown doesn't get their Stockpile levels which not only making them fragile but also remove the ability of using the moves Swallow and Spit Up. Removing FabulousTransformation.rb while keeping the other mods solved it for me. If additional information helps, I also didn't have a Ditto or any Pokemon with Transform in my party and neither had a shiny or crest pokemon.
  2. Yeah I also found this problem. I solved it by moving the .rb files that were located on the Data folder to the Mods folder. While we are on the topic about bug report, does the wild pokemon doing nothing on their turns intended?
  3. Also for future reference, since this is one the first search results when searching the Crests effects, here is some details that the Gheist's post didn't have and I searched on Discord: - Claydol: Merges its defense and special attack stat to be the same. It should also boost Beam-type attacks, allowing it to use Hyper Beam without recharge and Solar Beam without a charge turn. Does it boosts those moves damage? - Spiritomb: For each of your pokemon on your party fainted, the Spiritomb gets a boost of 30% on its Atk and SpA. And for each of the opponents Pokemon fainted it gainds the benefit of a Leftovers (recover 1/16th total HP end of turn). At max, with 5 of yours and 5 opponets pokemons fainted, it should have +150 on its Atk and SpA and recover 5/16 of its health. Also someone mentioned it also affected by the faints of your ally on double battles. I have no idea if there is some cap on the bonuses. - Fearow: Increases critical hit ratio by 3 stages but only works if the target is less 75% health. Does anyone knows if this procs at exactly 75% health remaining? - Seviper: Causes Seviper to hit harder against healthier foes and speed increased by 1.5x. Someone mentioned that the damage boost on a healthier foe is +50%, but I don't know how it scales. Does it calculated as Crest Damage = Normal Damage * 1,5 * (Target's Current HP / Target's Maximum HP) or is Crest Damage = Normal Damage * (1 + 0,5 * (Target's Current HP / Target's Maximum HP))? Also the Ariados, Dusknoir, Cofagrigus and Relicanth crests should multiply the end stats, already including the EVs, IVs and nature, and not the base stats as the text says.
  4. I remember someone on Discord talking about the Typhlosion Crest giving it something like Parental Bond (the Mega Kangaskhan ability). Probably that's why there is a second hit that is doing only a quater of the orginal damage. Maybe the fire damage only applies to the second hit? Probabaly is easier to test on a Grass-type, the first hit should be not very effective and do some damage, while the second should be neutral and do about half of the first hit.
  5. Damn, Zumi beat me to answer the question. Did you copy it from essentials (or another program) or did you open the game? I'm asking because while loading a couple old saves to answer this topic, Valerie would drag me down to the Water Arena then tell me this message in a endless loop to me, without giving me back control. I just wondering if I should report it or maybe it was just a problem with my version, since I modded it.
  6. On my last win I used the Nidoqueen as setup. Lead with Drought Torkoal to eliminate the Sandstorm and Will-o-Wisp it; sent Leavanny and used set Webs; sent Meganium and set Light Screen; and last sent Scrafty, Dragon Dance twice, then start accumulating Moxie boosts. I think on my another run I used less set up and a team that had Heracross and Krookdile to deal with most of Ryland's Team, and a couple specific pokemons for Gliscor and Claydol. The best suggestion that I have is to abuse the fact that Rejuv still has the TM Dig, since the terrain make it a 120 BP single turn move (better than Earthquake) and most of his team is vunerable to Ground-moves (Nidoqueen, Excadrill, Mega-Stellix/Camerupt, Crest Torterra).
  7. So that's why Radomus swapped his Reunuclus for the Slowking after my Serperior already used one leaf Storm and Cain siwtched his Muk for the Nidoking while I had a Nidoqueen that used Earth Power Well, that's kinda lame. If that's truth, pretty much defeats the point of challenging AI. Hope that's either removed on the final release or can be opted out via a password. Although I don't think the AI obeys that rule when switching, irrc when I fought Cain on Radomus Gym he switched his Alolan Muk lead after taking a Earth Power from my Nidoqueen and sent out the Nidoking, which I assume is his ace, while still having his entire team. Also, did he really fought Noel and his Cincinno didn't flinch him a single time? Now that's very impressive luck.
  8. Do we know for sure that Spacea and Tiempa had their own Kingdoms? It has been a long time since I have played, but I always thought they were part of Griselda's court (being her sisters) and probably obtained space-time powers by replicating Isel's (Is that the cursed king Name?) experiments after witness Griselda's transformation. Didn't Griselda start a war against all of the other of Seven Kingdoms, with the exception of the one that Isel ruled? If so, how are Spacea and Tiempa were free to come and go to Griselda's castle and were present on her poisoning? Also the Zygara king was Isel (again the name exactly) right? I think that was the name of the Labyrinth and the Castle.
  9. So, does anyone want to bet that Hitmonlee is going to kill himself with HJK?
  10. IIRC, Cain is inside some building on the Wasteland as Evan20000 said. Titania is on the North Aventurine Woods, I think near the guy that gives the Grassy Terrain Field Note. You also need a Blue Moon Ice Cream Taka is in the 7th Street inside one those drug places (like where you fight the leader of the opposing gang for the weather TM). However I still don't know how to make him join the party. No idea where Hardy is, still stuck on the Glass Gaunlet.
  11. So you only need to progress with the story, he will appear on HQ after you defeat Adrienn. As fas as I know, you cannot find him earlier than that to open it for you. If you need to fight the Redux added trainers to grind, they should be in the Agate Circus, in the building on the right where you can get Vulpix trade.
  12. I don't remeber exactly what was my strategy, but loading a old save and my team was: - Castform with Hail, Blizzard and Icy Rock. I don't know way I decided to use snow instead of sun. Maybe I was hoping it would survive and hit both sides with perfect accuracy instead of single target not perfect Fire Blast? - Haryama with Guts, Quick Claw, Fake Out and Knock Off. His main job was supporting Castform on turn so it could remove rain - Manetric with Flame Burst. She was responsible for set the field on fire - Pyroar and Braxien with Flamethrower - Meowstic-M with Prankster Dual Screens, Light Clay and Fake Out. His job was buy time with Fake Out, set screens to help the fire types and probably was a bait for attacks being a Psychic pokemon on a bug gym. Maybe I swapped him with the Haryama when I was expecting a bug attack since Haryama resist it and it's very bulky. I don't think Shelly has any rain setter on her team, so if you manage to set the field on fire it will probably stay that way. Be careful with the Z-Tailwind Scizor, if you managed to make it the burning field, try to fake out him to buy since he's very vulrenable against the field damage. If you didn't have a Fire starter, maybe you could use a flying type, but since it's a double battle her team must be full of pokemons with Rock Slide. If burning field add fire damage to Rock Slide Talonflame would be theoretically neutral against it, but I think at that point in the game Talonflame movepool must be garbage with access only to Peck and Flame Charge. And about the EV stuff, at this point in the game you should already have acess to the 4th floor of the departament store. They sell the power items for the EV training there and the EV reducing berries are on the second floor. It won't solve the IV or nature problem but it can help. If you don't have the patience to grind EV, you could also install the Debug menu since it allows you to edit the pokemons EVs.
  13. The Alternate Form Pack mod already adds both those partner pokemon and their special moves, but they still don't have animations. They also aren't avaible from the start. The pikachu is avaible before Radomus and its last move is unlocked before Ciel. I not really sure about Eevee, as it was created on a recent version after I finished my run, but I think it's only avaible before Titania. As for balance, the Pikachu is the definition of Glass Cannon. It is really strong with the Light ball, but the moment a Pokemon isn't one-shotted, it can take out the Pikachu easily with a neutral move, sometimes even with screen support. It is also really fast, but if you don't breed for perfect EVs and favorable nature it still should outspeed by a couple pokemon. I never used it on doubles because it was so targetted and frail. Also I don't think it can learn Dig as iDunno said.
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