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17 Fledgling

About Cobra

  • Birthday 08/18/2003

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Cobra

    LF Magikarp

    You still here? I have it already and it even rolled an adamant nature xd
  3. Cobra

    LF Magikarp

    Hi, I can breed you a good one. Let me know when you're available to trade. Don't need anything good in return, just toss me whatever you don't want.
  4. Hey! If you give me some time, I should be able to breed all of these for you with good ivs, except ursaluna since that's not in the game. Shoot me a DM with any specific ivs you might want.
  5. You might not have talked to him and just misremember. If you can attach your save file, I should be able to get him to appear.
  6. Ok so, first of all, the destiny knot passes down 5 random ivs of the parents (5 in total from both, not 5 each) to the baby pokemon. The power items, as I'm assuming you already know since you mentioned the buneary is for HP and it's holding a power weight, can each be used to pass down a specific stat to the baby mon. The rest are assigned on random. In theory, you could just keep doing what you're already doing over and over until you get lucky enough for 4-5 of jynx's stats to be passed down and maybe be the right ones, but honestly that can be extremely time consuming in some cases, so it's best to use a ditto. Now, since you're at 6 badges, you should already be past the point of being able to obtain the first ditto. I'm assuming you might have missed that since you didn't mention it, and I'm not sure if you can still go back and get it after leaving that place as I haven't tried that before myself. At this point, I would normally just offer you to breed you a smoochum myself since I've managed to get a perfect iv ditto, but as you've mentioned that you've found breeding to be quite enjoyable, I can instead try trading you my ditto from an older save file.
  7. Ok, I'll send a request
  8. You could probably just restore it, but here you go anyway Scripts.rxdata
  9. Alright, I have it. Let me know when you're available.
  10. This wasn't the right place to ask, but I can breed you one. Give me like 5 mins and I should be able to get you a perfect iv one.
  11. Yeah, as mentioned above an official release of that is highly unlikely. If they were going to do that, I believe it would have been done either in very late main game or even as a quest during postgame. It doesn't make much sense to make such a big change in a future update when the game has already been completed.
  12. Hey there, I believe this post is what you're looking for.
  13. Hi, I bellieve you will find this post helpful.
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