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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by PennyGem

  1. hii! thank you so much!! and its fine ^^ no worries! so here what i need... i go according what you have on the list here with pics.. shiny Trapinch or shiny Gible (if you have) shiny Cyndaquil shiny female Ralts shiny Snivy shiny Elekid (for elekid..idk where to find the evolution item...so if you have it can you maybe make it held item?) unless i get it through the game early etc so then no need to place it. also is there any item that can reset the EVs? :s thanks a lot for your help again!! ;w;
  2. hi @Eigengrau i was wondering if you can help me a bit...the pokemon i use arent that strong and i lose all the time...can i maybe choose 5 pokemon from your list? also i love having shiny team...but if i cant or not allowed to choose 5 shiny its allright so let me know.. and since im asking many pokemon...let me know what i can give you back and worthy for you...i have some nice breedable pokemon from wonder trade that i can give since i dont have the patient to breed and no shiny charm/luck >.< xD
  3. hii i didnt know that >.< im online now so we can trade thank you so much!! id Penny well if you still have the shiny squirtle and tyrunt will be nice...if not whatever you choose ^^ you already help me a lot! let me know what pokemon you might need for the trade...i dont have any great pokemon shiny or not...but maybe i can help as well somehow >.< xD
  4. PennyGem

    LF Riolu

    thank you so much!!! and no problem ^^ have a nice day/night!
  5. PennyGem

    LF Riolu

    aah sure thank you so much!! i will go online now if you are also available! ID Penny your help again is so much appreciated!
  6. PennyGem

    LF Riolu

    im looking for any spare riolu or lucario to just breed for shiny >.< im at the early of the game so i dont have many good things to offer...im breeding now poplio so i have modest with 4/5 ivs if you want thanks~
  7. ah ok! thanks a lot for your help and advices!! have a nice day/night as well ^^
  8. sorry i didnt had realize that i have to click back to the game to appear the request...i had it open waiting but i was scrolling on forum same time...im sorry and thanks a lot!!!
  9. i have 2 badges..and i have beat the third gym but i havent continue the story to get his badge yet after he dissapeared
  10. ah oki! are you online now? my name is Penny in game
  11. aw im sorry i thought that was the correct place to ask for a trade..next time i will go there thanks a lot! if you can trade now im online for the ditto...about the snorlax..you dont have to give me your shiny...just a regular one is fine and still much appreciated!! also im afraid i dont have any good pokemon to trade now..i have some random shinies from wild tho
  12. Hi..as the title says i would like any spare ditto.. i dont mind what.. just to do breeds for shiny...now if there is any with nice ivs and destiny knot would be awesome and much appreciated...:) and if possible a spare snorlax to breed with ditto....im at the early of the game so i dont know if i can find those soon or very later thanks in advance ^^
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