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5 Fledgling


About deltaFrappuccino

  • Birthday September 4

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    Primary fan communities are Pokémon (of course), Homestuck, Kingdom Hearts, Hollow Knight.
    Interest in art and animation, as well as music, although I'm not very good at the latter

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  1. Nope, it was me! I just happened to be browsing the forums today. It's a long shot, but let's see if a KarlIsBad finds his way over here.
  2. I think this is safe as of 19.5 actually, since I was able to test for other online bugs without assistance on two separate windows. I'll remove this from the doc!
  3. Howdy! Have you ever wanted to take on a competitive 18-Gym League? Do you long for the spice in life that comes from Pokémon Reborn's field effects? Do you enjoy the server stability of 19.5? Do you, perhaps, like Whimsicott? If the answer to any of the above is "yes," you might enjoy the Pokémon Reborn Online League! Join us for the chance to become the very best at Reborn Online battling, like no-one ever was! Don't believe me? Inside our thread is a challenger who has beaten Wolfe Glick (that's right, that guy who was World Champion)! He did it with a Silvally-Grass! Don't let that scare you away, though - anyone and everyone has the chance to be the very best and claim the coveted Champion title! Our League will have two leaders for each one of eighteen types to account for availability, and an Elite Four challenge unlike any other! We use Reborn's online servers to gain access to fields and all of the chaos that ensues! We occasionally host in-thread fandom discussion! Join us today for a piece of the action! What you will need: - A Discord account, with a verified Forums link, - Reborn E19.5, latest beta, - A willingness to learn and adapt to the challenges you'll face! Where you can find us: - In a thread in the #reborn-general channel on the Reborn, Evolved Discord! We're marked as "Reborn Online League Thread" - and while that may seem like a mouthful, it's great for clarity! Other information you will need: - Our current rules - Our current banlist - The Gym Document Any other information, you can ask away inside the Discord thread, and I will also be checking this forum post intermittently! But that's not all - we're currently looking for one leader for the following types: Electric, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Dragon! Do you think you have the commitment to the role and the skill to back it up? Apply for a Gym Leader position today!
  4. I hope you don't mind the necropost too terribly, Helixas. As we have previously discussed this topic, I've decided to put my two cents here as well. However, those two cents have gained interest and turned into roughly ten bucks, so here goes: Titania is Bloodbound to me. Biased because of a Titania introject, but it suits - Knight still works, as a passive class, one who serves others through their aspect, or one who serves their aspect through others. She very much plays the passive role in her relationship with Amaria, and taking Classpects as a narrative device above all else, she attempts to serve Amaria through their supposed "bond" which kicks off a fair bit of midgame. I think it's important to remember that Classpects define a character's role in a story moreso than they define the character by personality - aspects especially define how they interact with the world, their reactivity, more than their personality or activity. However, I will attempt to look at both for my arguments. Kratos from God of War is a character who, similarly, has obvious surface-level connections to an aspect - that of Rage. However, he is most truly bound to Blood, between his bondage to Ares, and his relationships with the likes of Faye, Atreus and others in the Norse saga. There can be an argument made for Hope in terms of Titania being the first to suggest Taka simply leave Meteor, for example, but, ultimately, the player is the one who is the deciding factor in Taka doing as much. Maybe you could argue Shelly, but Shelly really plays more of an active role in her own story than Titania plays passively. Even arguing Hope for her relationship with Amaria is flimsy, as it is made clear that Amaria knew it wasn't real, but that Titania was allowing her, for the time, to leech off of the relationship itself regardless. Arguably, even the reason Hardy is so high-ranking from a narrative perspective is from his hardened relationship with his sister, as she abandoned the Rock type to become the Steel leader. As such, I find little reason to apply Hope as an aspect to Titania's reactivity, or others' reactions to Titania, and for activity/personality, I find little reason to say Titania shares much in common with Hope either. That being said, Hope and Rage are the two most difficult aspects to talk about, of which we have only three and two examples in Homestuck respectively, and two of each are destroyer/opposition classes, which means we will likely never get a true grasp on how these aspects are supposed to work narratively. The characters in question are also mostly unfortunate caricatures, and Jake English who exists for the sole purpose of being the "hot man" for most of his time in canon and post-canon. This is mostly because both aspects are meant to be taken less seriously and are implicitly built into those caricatures. Tumblr does a better job of explaining the reasons than I ever could. Some... kinder interpretations of the Rage aspect include a character's confusion, narrative dissonance, plot holes, complications, and other such things that would make me more inclined to put Terra in the Rage aspect, and, frankly, nobody else. Cal, while "angry" in his first appearance, is like Kratos in the way that from the understanding of aspects as narrative-driven titles, it makes no sense that he would be Ragebound. Opposite of that, Hope is a character's sense of clarence, narrative consistency, closure, and essentially what people think Paladins are in D&D; "consistent but boring." Titania doesn't really have that sense of "straight and narrow" writing that makes the aspect, she is inarguably one of the more human, flawed characters, who is also one of the most reactionary - she's not a caricature as Hopebound and Ragebound are made to be from the classpect narrative standpoint. Additionally, the Hope aspect in the sense of closure is also antithetical to her character - "Happily ever after just means the author stopped paying attention," and if you haven't found it yet, then that's good, because "your story isn't over." If we're closing my thoughts on Titania with a quote, we might as well start my thoughts on Amaria with one as well: "Misery loves company like I love her. That's why we're alone from now on." While not as solidly in my head as Titania is Bloodbound, Amaria is Spacebound because of an important aspect of Space that is never actually brought up in the Extended Zodiac description, and yet one of the first solid things we learn about any of the aspects at all - the aspect is inherently tied to loneliness. It's why we have the conversation between Kanaya, Jade and Calliope at the end of the comic. It's why Jade's Pesterquest route is called "The Loneliest Girl In The World." Doom isn't unreasonable, albeit not for reasons listed in your aspect descriptions - doom is not only destruction and decay, but also narrative conflict, as well as change and renewal. Doom is ever-changing, it's why Sollux is described as being bipolar (although I do have reservations about the representation). Life is, antithetically, stubborn and changeless. This antithesis is mentioned in the Extended Zodiac descriptors for each aspect. Amaria may seem capricious - after all, it's part of the reason she's so controversial. However, I'd say that while it's more acceptable to me that Amaria would be tied to the aspect of narrative change and especially conflict, it makes more sense to me that she would be tied to the aspect of the environment, setting and especially that of loneliness. Amaria seems to feel like she's the only one making an effort. To an extent, one could agree with her - she (at least as of E19) has to be pushed over the edge for her to reach a breaking point, and while she's always under the pressure and could snap at any moment, she's making an honest effort not to, she tells Corey as much. She was one of the first leaders to sign onto the new league and was vital in its restoration, she is one of the leaders doing the most to restore the region to health and beauty, and she feels very alone in this. Initially, she dismisses the player because she doesn't think they can or will help her rescue the Popplio. She is willing to trust Ace, and I find this interesting - it might be because she finds it so hard to trust those closest to her. Titania lies to her, Florinia lies to herself, and Julia never seems to be taking the situation very seriously, so when Ace is willing to divulge information, and is willing to take the situation as seriously as she is, she might feel like she's finally found someone who can truly help out and make the same effort she does. Is any of this factual information? No. But it's been one of the character interactions I've been most interested in since E19's arrival. And, of course, from a character perspective, the one she loves doesn't love her back. She knows this. Of course she's lonely. From a narrative perspective, she is destined to come out of this story alone. That's not necessarily a bad thing, of course, and she even comes out of it healthier than she ever was before - but that's why I think she's so suited for Spacebound. Her entire story revolves around her learning to let go and become her own, independent person, and I think that is what is most important. Her story does not end in tragedy, destruction, or a state of limbo or stalemate, she actively gets better by the time Another Time rolls around, and definitely seems to be getting there in her character epilogue. As such, I feel Doombound is an unfair assessment of her narrative - and, I'll say it one more time, because I think it's the most important thing to take from this mini-essay; the most important aspect of analysing someone's classpect is how the narrative affects them, or how they affect the narrative. As for class, since I don't think "one who manipulates loneliness" really works (although I can see a few obvious arguments that it does), Mage works well under my own interpretation of "one who learns through their aspect" (whereas Seers are "ones who understand through the use of their aspect"). I don't really have as much to say on this that I haven't already. Now, do I have opinions on other characters? Yes, and while I could probably write a lot, either equal to or greater in length about Florinia as well, I agree with the sentiment of Seer of Mind and find there to be less reason to. I find it frustrating that "Maid of Void" is such an aesthetically-perfect classpect for Luna because I hate when people choose a class and aspect for a character based purely on aesthetic, but it's also a narratively-sound classpect for Luna as well. Apart from that, I haven't really done any in-depth character analyses from a classpect-narrative standpoint, so I'll leave other characters for someone else to figure out if they're so inclined.
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    1. deltaFrappuccino


      Actually here in time to say thank you this year! Appreciated as usual.

    2. LykosHand


      Haha that's true! And you're welcome 😄

  6. After blacking out during the battle with Eclipse in the Rhodocrine Tree, when you go back up to fight her again, she's still kinda there, vibing, during Radomus and Noel's dialogue: Fresh E19 file, easyhms, hardcap, weathermod, Anna/Reshiram.
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  8. Xani should've sent out Spellbinder if he was thinking... he never does that. And what's this about humiliating me in my interview? My, my, how rude~ if I weren't a character written by the same person I'd probably be... Actually I dunno. Xani's dumb. Anyway, good interview! Xani, get over here! We need to talk!
  9. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. deltaFrappuccino


      A bit late, but thank you! I appreciate it!

    2. LykosHand


      No problem and you're welcome 😄

  10. Hope you all come join us and have some fun! We'll be waiting~
  11. We're always lookin' for new challengers! Y'all should come on over if you wanna give it a shot~
  12. Cervys cracked the code for a few of us. To make the information more widespread, each emoji corresponds to a certain character in a well-known code. Hopefully you can figure it out from there~
  13. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. deltaFrappuccino


      Thanks! I know I'm a few days late, I was pretty busy, but do know that it is appreciated!

    2. LykosHand


      It's ok 😉 and you're welcome 😄

  14. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'll be sure to enjoy my stay here. No, I'm a Colorado kid. Tbh I've had a lot of people ask me in online games, "Italiano, deltaFrappuccino?" But nah, I'm a Starbucks product.
  15. Hello, I'm new-ish to the forums. Technically I made this account a few weeks ago but I was a bit too shy to introduce myself. So, hi! I'm Frap, a Psychic-Type enthusiast, who's interested in various media, such as Pokémon (of course), Kingdom Hearts, Homestuck, and more. I'm a bit shy at first, and I'm honestly a bit bad at socialising, but I do eventually tend to ease in to conversation. ...Eventually. Either way, hiya! I'm happy to be here. I was introduced to Pokémon Reborn around 4 years ago, and it was my first Pokémon game. It was a bit difficult at the start, but I managed. The characters intrigued me, for the most part, and I found the story very riveting. I've grown up with this game, among other stories, and I've had a lot of fun playing. That is why I'm here, finally, and I do hope I won't be too terrible of a presence. Thanks for reading, and again, I'm happy to be here with you all!
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