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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BelaB88

  1. Am I using Exp. Candies wrong in this game? They work normally, if the Pokémon just gains 1 Level, but if it gains multiple levels, all the stats increase by 0.
  2. Thanks for the reply! By the time I read it, i've already managed to beat her. I went the training Baltoy and evolve it do Claydol route
  3. Aya --Your current team-- Grumpig Psychic Lvl 44 Twisted Spoon Own Tempo Gentle Psyshock Confuse Ray Psybeam Power Gem Primarina Water/Fairy Lvl 44 None Torrent Bashful Bubble Beam Sparkling Aria Hyper Voice Moonblast Kricketune Bug Lvl 43 None Swarm Quirky Cut Sing X-Scissor Struggle Bug Emolga Elect./Flying Lvl 44 None Motor Drive Docile Electro Ball Light Screen Acrobatics Shock Wave Growlithe Fire Lvl 43 None Justified Rash Agility Flamethrower Outrage Heatwave Donphan Ground Lvl 43 None Sand Veil Gentle Take Down Charm Earthquake Fury Attack ---- --Other Pokemon you have in your PC-- Gothita 25 Psychic Pichu 26 Elect. Scrafty 39 Dark/Fighting Carnivine 39 Grass Mightyena 43 Dark Baltoy 30 Ground/Psychic Ampharos 33 Elect. Nidoqueen 42 Poison/Ground Snubbul 21 Fairy Teddiursa 19 Normal Porygon (in Daycare, but should be ~lvl 39) Trubbish 33 Poison Buizel 25 Water Noibat 40 Flying/Dragon
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