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Reborn Development Blog
Rejuvenation Development Blog
Desolation Dev Blog
Everything posted by ShogokiX
Well, by now Hardy should be used to getting his face planted to the ground. First he takes a nap on the floor in Agate City, then he takes a Nap on the dirt of Route 2.....why not take a Nap on the floor of his own gym XD. Just as Draconis said, a Metagross can help with that....
Blame Lin, but join Team Meteor now! Well, at least he will get his butt kicked by Adrienn soon, maybe that will put some sense into him again XD
Yes, for about the duration of that single episode^^ After that he's gonna forget it again. Also he will craft wil theories about how Shade is behind all of it.
Well....we did find out that TTar is short for TraiTar, as he wants to join Team Meteor now. The dude really has the memory of a Rhyhorn.....he already forgot about all the crimes Team Meteor commited.....
If there is ONE thing that a lot of people learned from Reborn the hard way, it's the fact that EVERY Pokémon does have some way to be used efficiently. You would be surprised how many Pokémon that are usually considered "weak" have not only proven to be a game changer in Reborn, but also managed to become the ace of their players team. Until one gets access to all of those really powerful Mons that is.
"This is hard because this is hard!" -TTar 2020 And of course it's Shade again, what else....hahaha Well, at least he finally made some right connections that he was crafting wild theories about in past episodes.....But this guy is still as confused as ever^^
I am pretty much sure Budew becomes a normal random encounter in Reborn City post-restoration. Not sure which ward though^^
Ok, that makes sense^^ Some people do sell all items they initially think they have no use for. But isn't there a store later in the game that sells all the Incense items? Or am i mistaken on that one?
Hello, Mr. Anderson......
And now people are getting curious.... Well.....if they feel like telling us one day, they will do so. Until that time comes let's just hope for the best. Like i said a few days ago, nobody will judge you if you need some time off right now.
But why spent money if you can have it for free? So, we all know what happens next if TTar (or rather, Rhyhorn, as that name fits way more for him) enters the next room from were he ended the last episode. You think he might rage quit the game because of what happens there? Or will he be set on revenge and hunt down Lin to the depths of hell (aka the Budew garden?)
In the northern Peridot Ward. Weather needs to be clear or sunny, and you need the Rose Incense, which you can obtain from talking to a female trainer north of the South Peridot Ward Pokémon Center after you defeat her in battle. I can give you a screenshot for that one as well if you need one.
Seriously though.....one of the most anticipated topics about EP19 seems to be who will live and who will die as the grand finale draws to a close. And me? I'm just sitting here, feeding my fire and dragon types with delicious Pikachu.......and some Budew. You need some veggies in a balanced diet after all.
Are you mocking me? Ok, Charizard, stop munching on dem Pikachu for a minute! I need your power! *Raises the Mega-Z-Ring* Come forth! Red eyes black dragon! -We are interrupting this post to say that we are just bored and waiting for EP19, and we are killing some time by being complete morons. Also we want to say that we want to see Fern die a painful death in EP19!- You want a kiss? Go! Give that guy a searing hot kiss! Inferno Overdrive! (Wait a minute......did i just mega evolve AND use a Z-move in one turn? That's against the rules, isn't it? ..... ..... ..... Screw the rules, i have money!)
I found a worthy rival...
But.....but.......we WANT to be evil!
It's on the dark side.......so.....cookies?
Watching this episode was like "Dude, he's either doin' some serious drugs right now, or the boy's finally losing it!" Anyway, a full episode, and the only thing he managed to accomplish was getting to DJ Arclight and somehow beating him XD Not gonna lie though, i knew he would have troubles with the puzzle room...But that one was kinda.....he forgot how the floor tiles work in between the last and this episode. The boy's not a TTar, he's a Rhyhorn. If you get what i'm playing at....
Well, as long as my Charizard gets to nomnom on some more Pikachu i am fine with being a ghost type^^ I can call Shade brother, and we can go spook the living crap out of random strangers, deliver apocalyptical warings just for the fun of it, and we can haunt Lin and Fern (ESPECIALLY Fern) in their sleep.
With how many different Pokémon games TTar played it may be possible that you are confusing Reborn with Insurgence or any other game he played prior to Reborn. Also some fan games are really throwing the rare and strong Pokémon at you like a legendary Pokémon bargain sale.
After you defeated Adrienn you can go to the Grand Hall and there will be some new NPCs behind the counter that have not been there before city restoration. You can talk to one of these guys and you will have the option to donate money for one of three restoration projects. These are the Railnet reconstruction, the makeover of the Obsidia Slums, and the Azurine Island restoration. Pick a project and the NPC will tell you how much you'll have to donate in order to get that project funded. After you pay the funds for the project of your choice you first need to beat the next gym leader to see the changes happen. (That is assuming you have not already beaten one or more of the remaining leaders at the point you start funding projects. I'm not sure how this works in that case, as i always used to fund a new project whenever possible right away.....maybe someone will fill us in on that one?) Also, by funding at least 1 project you gain access to the floor below the Grand Hall. In one of the rooms there is the storage for the starter Pokémon new trainers can choose from. An NPC in that room will ask for an egg of every 21 starter Pokémon species and will give you a reward if you manage to deliver one of each. Not telling you what that reward is, though. Don't want to spoil the fun. Exactly! There is just one single Ditto, but you have two chances to obtain it. Your first chance is in the Blacksteam Factory, at the point where you get locked up in that cell and you have to escape by solving a puzzle that involves using the Pokémon that are locked up there with you. By solving an additional task in that cell you can obtain Ditto for free. If you miss that first chance you will have your second chance at the 7th Street black market, but this time you'd have to pay 8 green shards for it. If you take a closer look you may notice that all of the Pokémon this guy sells to you are the very same Pokémon that you used to solve the puzzle in Blacksteam Factory.
You sure? Because there is only one single Ditto in the game.
sooo.....i'm evolving into a ghost type^^ yay! Can i have dragon as my second type? Or at least fire?
Allow me to express my condolences for your loss. Losing someone you loved is never easy, and nobody here will judge you for taking the time you need right now. That screenshot looks beautiful though. Makes you wonder what's gonna happen next if you notice that Absol XD
Bulbasaur is only available after you completed the Azurine Island restoration project. For that you need to donate money to the restauration project first. The earliest this can be done is after beating Adrienn. Sry, no Venusaur for Adrienn^^