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Reborn Development Blog
Rejuvenation Development Blog
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Everything posted by ShogokiX
Yes, but we don't know all the mods he's using, so of course it may be difficult to pinpoint which mod is, or rather was causing the issue here. But with him updating to 18.2 this might get interesting now.
Now you made me curious. Do you imply that you are taking up requests to hotfix smaller bugs within the game? Or are you talking about errors caused by mods?
Best part of the most recent episode: The game crashes on him and he's gotta do it again. TTar.exe stopped working as well XD
But you know, if he gets his butt handed he might finally try to replace some of his moves with the help of the Move Relearner at the circus. And even IF he makes it through the gauntlet, the game is not getting easier, so of course he will have more and more difficulties the longer he keeps this up without finally accepting that he needs to make some changes to his move sets.
Meh, he made it out of the Water Treatment Center, and into the Gauntlet. So much fun will be included in the next Episode.
I wouldn't count on it.....
Well, TTar's gonna TTar, so he's likely to be on low health, out of healing items, and STILL goes into fight after saying he doesn't want to battle XD
Auto roulette? That would get TOO easy XD
Good question, sir! You should consider releasing this as a mod for everyone, @DreamblitzX! But make it so it does x10 payout on slot machines AND Voltorb flip, if possible. I don't know if it's just me, but i don't like the slot machine or Voltorb flips very much, so more price money per win would get me done faster. And a lot of people would probably approve of that XD
True, but this has been an issue since he started playing Reborn. In the first episode he clearly said that his viewers told him about Reborn being a lot harder than any Pokémon game he ever played. He was told NOT to nuzlocke on his first playthrough, again and again. Did he listen? NOPE! He is not training properly, he ignores field effects, he declares good Mons as trash and uses them as death fodder, misses lots of encounters, and he's wondering why he's losing to gym leaders, or other strong trainer battles, with his own Mons being 10 levels lower than his opponents. And he is not learning from ANY of his mistakes. People are telling him over and over AND OVER again. He listening? NOPE!!! Yes, it is amusing to watch, especially his suffering, but sometimes i really ask myself if TTar does even understand that Reborn is not your typical ez braindead just-spam-the-"A"-button-all-the-time Pokémon game, that even the chaos that is the twitch chat could beat, given enough time for people to finally agree on the fact that they have to beat Misty XD
Considering that Corey himself said that he raised Heather to always remember that there is no kindness and no mercy in the world, i would already call that bad parenting. If you make a child believe that there is absolutely no happiness, no place for hopes and dreams, that would pretty much qualify as "tyrant", would it not?
pls no XD
I'm not so sure about that. You should remember that Corey always used to tell Heather that the world is a cruel and merciless place. He was all about protecting her from any harm. Heather herself said that he would never allow anything that she wanted. And from Corey's perspective, that even makes sense. What if Team Meteor were to decide that Heather would be a good "insurance" in case Corey would not do as he was told? If Corey had let her roam around as she pleased, Team Meteor could have grabbed her at any time. That's probably why Corey didn't take her Pokémon. Also we don't even know what Heathers other Pokémon, aside from Salamence are. Heather is one of the Reborn Elite 4 after all, as she inherited that title from her mother. I wouldn't be surprised if all of Heathers Pokémon were originally her mothers. Also, when Heather said she was leaving, that is on the "police fail" route after you defeated Corey in a gym battle. HOW would he have stopped her at that point? He simply realized that he couldn't stop her, as his Pokémon were exhausted from the battle just now, and that while he only intended to protect her all this time, he realized he was way too strict with her, and that is exactly why she is running away.
Zumi's "ÜN ÜN ÜN ÜN" powers everywhere now?
Wielding Aegislash like a common sword and shield is badass, although Titania killing Meteor grunts left an right opens up the question if that makes her as much of a psychopathic killer as Solaris and Sirius are. The only difference may be that Solaris and Sirius are killing innocent civilians, while Titania killed terrorists. As for Heather, TTar is probably still hung up on the fact that Heather was not only very rude and disrespectful from the point where you first meet her up to the point where she gets taken into Dr. Connal's orphanage by force, but also the fact that after you and your friends risk life and limbs TWICE to save her ungrateful butt, first time at the orphanage, second time at the old Yureju Building, without a single word of gratitude (nor any other single word at all) she takes off by herself the moment there is enough space to let her Salamence out of its Pokéball. And next time you meet her in Ametrine, surprise, surprise, stupid brat managed to get herself into trouble and get locked up AGAIN...... Something along those lines might be TTars opinion on Heather, and he's completely ignoring the fact that she is a good child with a pure heart. No, seriously, she is a good child with a pure heart. Heather's initial rude attitude is just part of her rebellion against authority, because her father always forbid EVERYTHING she wanted to do, basicly locking her up at home. When she managed to run away from home, she could have gone anywhere, but instead she decided to help the people by fighting the criminals that are hurting Reborn's citizens. This is also where the player first meets her. After Corey's death she keeps up her attitude because she is afraid of someone else restricting her freedom with the same stupid rules her father used to lock her up. When Dr. Connal captured and tortured her, one might argue that she might have lost the will to speak due to shock, but also she must have realized that her own big mouth got her into that mess, since she refused all help that was offered to her and ran away instead. But despite that, her only friend Shelly gathered friends and went to save her, even after Heather yelled at her just before. Because she doesn't want to create any more trouble, she stopped talking, and because she doesn't want to put these people into any more danger, she did the only thing she knew: she ran away again as soon as she could, after you escape the city. And next time we hear of her she's feeding starving people in Ametrine. Despite all she's been through herself, she is still caring for people, wanting to help, and managed to get locked up again in the process. This is where she finally understood that all of her suffering after her fathers death was her own fault, because she kept pushing everyone away who tried to help her. She knew that this time nobody would come and save her, since she made sure to push everyone away again and again. When she realized that her friends came for her even after all of that, she decided to be a better person from now on.
Well, TTar is bringing this onto himself. Not being consistent with his own rules, failing to catch new Pokémon at almost every chance he gets (even IF we go by his rules that he just ignores as he feels like), casting off potentially strong Pokémon he DID catch as trash, and now that he FINALLY trained Woobat he doesn't even realize it evolves by friendship. Yeah, his Pokémon have all reason to hate him, if he calls them trash, that's why Wonja refuses to evolve for him, haha! But he somehow (again) managed to get past Terra, and now he'll be in for a nice puzzle at the Water Treatment Center. And we all know he loves puzzles, as he is a grandmaster of quick brains.
By the way...there is this one question that has been bugging me for some time now... With the 18.2 update you guys changed the AI to be smarter. Does this also include the AI of your partners, like for example Shelly during the orphanage escape, or Cain during the old Yureju Building raid?
About that +6 Special Attack vs Quagsire......maybe he is unaware of Quagsire's ablility? Yes, that was a bad pun......feel free to pun-ish me.
And here i thought i was the only one who noticed that part with the Nasty Plotter XD
That of course only works if you are using Reborn 18.2, which was released a month ago on christmas. If you are still using the 18.1 version this won't work.
Which doesn't even help him, since he already forgot about it when he started the gym battles. That and the fact that he carries around Pokémon that are up to 20 levels lower than the Pokémon his opponents throw at him, and expects those low level Pokémon to actually do something. And if they go down in one hit, he calls them trash. I mean, ok, training your Pokémon DOES involve grinding, which in turn consumes time and is usually not that much fun, but you DO have to train properly in Reborn, since this game is made so you can't just brain afk burst through the game.
He did interact with the communicator in the circus though, and at that point Ame does tell you the important stuff like moves being physical or special, based on their type, or that Dark/Steel/Fairy are turned into Normal Type. So unless his brain was too busy crafting wild theories again, like he does all the time, he SHOULD have know this. Also i am pretty sure he did pick up the Field Effect Read-Out on Glitch field in Ametrine. To be honest i found the gauntlet to be pretty easy compared to Terra. Then again, all you would really need to do in order to turn the Terra fight into a brain afk battle would be to bring a Pokémon that can create it's own field effect.
With his current "strategy", if he even has one, he won't get past Terra. The rage was real XD
You forgot those that generally blame everyone else on their team for their own mistakes. The type of player who never makes any mistakes, because he's elite! HE is the one who messed up, but of course it's still YOUR fault, since he is a perfect, infallible being! So you deserve to be called names and to be told to uninstall the game. I played a certain game (that i don't want to name, as i don't want to cause a scene) long enough, from the beta launch actually, and until about 2 years ago, to watch the downfall happen. For about the first year or so everyone was playing nice and competetive. We used to tell anyone that started causing a scene that if you want to be toxic you should go play Counter Strike! But of course said toxic players found their way into the game as well as that game got more popular. And i can tell you from personal experience that if you like a game enough that you try to ignore the community growing more toxic by day, there is only one thing to do: You need to be prepared to flip your own a-hole switch and just dominate the match by yourself, leaving them in the dust in terms of personal score. You don't need to say a single word, just dominate the game. The best way to shut those people up is to win the match and have the best personal score on your team. If they still trashtalk, you just pull the "your score vs my score - get on my level before you dare speak to me" card. Usually works.... Yes, they will hate you, but why care, they hate on you if you play bad, they also hate on you if you play better than they do. No difference if they hate you by default anyway. But as i already said, i quit that certain game about 2 years ago. As much as i liked the game itself, i felt like i could no longer turn a blind eye on the fact that this community has a free pass on all sorts of bad behavior, since the company behind that game failed to step in and stop the madness before it got out of hand. And i don't want to get associated with a community like that.