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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Glad that i could help you. Feel free to tell me if any of the Pokémon i recommended where of good use to you until you managed to get those you wanted.
  2. Yes, it was me who gave you that little strategy for Shelly. Glad you remember XD That aside, he had more than just 2 chances to get Fake Out. The Pokémon available to him at the point where you face Shelly would have been Meowth (Level 9), Alolan Meowth (Level 9 as well), Purrloin (Level 21), Espurr (Level 19) and which some people easily forget: Pichu, who can have Fake Out as one of it's egg moves if you got the one on that roof in Onyx Ward. That makes 5 possible Pokémon that would have been available at that point in the game. As for Hitmonlee, Fake Out again! Since Hitmonlee tries to uses Fake Out itself to use it's Normal Gem, triggering Unburden in the process, you would just need a Pokémon that is faster and has Fake Out to outspeed its Fake Out. If he had an Espurr, or rather a Meowstic at that point, this could have KO'd Hitmonlee easily after using Fake Out and go full out psychic moves afterwards. And about him being a hypocrite.....yeah, i totally get you. I'll always end up thinking "It's your own goddamn fault, you idiot! YOU wanted to nuzlocke, yet YOU fail to prepare yourself properly all the time!"
  3. That's a solid choice there, however, some of the Pokémon you decided to pick are late mid-game to early late-game Pokémon. Unless you traded those from someone else or used mods you won't have access to half of the Pokémon you picked until you are halfway through the game already. And at that point for some of those you already are past every gym where these Pokémon would have been needed. Other than that you picked very good Pokémon that should be able to make this an easy run. But if you allow me to spice up your roster, i would like to tell you some other Pokémon you can use: Normal: Lopunny is clearly the best choice, but let me recommend Diggersby, because Huge Power as an ability totally wrecks, and it double counts as a ground type Fire: Just like Blaziken, Infernape is also a fire/fighting type Pokémon. Unlike Blaziken though it does not need to rely on Speed Boost to be fast. Blazikens base speed value is 80, while Infernape stands at 108, and Iron Fist as an ability is very strong. Grass: Roselias natural move set is rather limited without breeding or TMs. The most obvious choice would be Venusaur, as this thing can tank the living shit out of everything that is not super effective against it, however i would also recommend Leavanny, since it is easily acessible early on, is fast, and does learn nice physical moves and swords dance. Water: Crawdaunt is easily overlooked, but learns strong moves and doubles as dark type. It's a good pick until you are able to get that Kingdra. Fighting: Lucario is one of those you get rather late. I would go with Primeape until that time comes. It's fast and learns strong fighting tyoe moves quite early. Flying: Crobat is one of the best picks for this type. Until you can get one try going with Fearow, since it's accessible right from the start and is fast and strong enough to endure until you get Crobat. Poison: There are only 2 Pokémon that could rival Nidoking as a poison pick: Crobat and Venusaur You already picked Crobat as flying, and i recommended Venusaur already, so not much to change here. Electric: The best altertative to your electric type needs is Eelektross. It is balanced in terms of physical and special moves, and has no weakness at all, unless you'll manually get it grounded. Ground: Donphan is accessible rather early and a strong alternative until you get Krookodile Psychic: Never overlook Meowstic. Depending on it's gender it can be a dual screener or a damage dealer that doesn't care for enemy screens or substitute. Rock: Decent choices here as well, but you might want to consider (Alolan) Golem until you get access to the ones you picked. Ice: Again, decent choices here, but try Vanilluxe until you get the others. With some luck Alonan Vulpix may be in you mystery egg though. Bug: Heracross and Volcarona are easily two of the best bug types, but consider Butterfree until you get a Heracross. It has a very decent move set and can carry you a lot. Dragon: Well, Noivern is already on your list as a flying type. Get one until you can get the other dragons you want. Ghost: Again, late game choices. Try going with Gourgeist or Dusclops/Dusknoir until you get those you want. Dark: Myghtyena is a strong alternative until you obtain Bisharp. And maybe you are lucky with your mystery egg for Pawniard. Steel: Try Klinklang until you get your desired Pokémon. It can set up and sweep most gyms easily. Fairy: Go for Granbull if you want an early fairy, or for Mawile if you want a poison immune fairy that may be slow but packs a punch. Until you get Gardevoir that is.
  4. Not to mention that for Shinx it's the only way to obtain this Pokémon, and even if you don't want to use it, there are at least 2 reasons why you would want to get one. One is for completing the Pokédex, and the other reason i won't tell because i'm not trying to spoiler you.
  5. Isn't that the whole reason why one would watch a Nuzlocke? To see whether the guy makes it or crashes and burns on the way.....
  6. Although he has been careless from the start in some ways......like not training his Pokémon properly, declaring good Mons he caught as useless....and still making it up to Solaris in Nuzlocke mode. And with only losing 3 Pokémon that were not intentionally sacrificed. I recently watched all of that again and i came to the conclusion that he would not have lost even a single Pokémon, not even those he intentionally sacrificed, if he had just traines his team properly from the beginning. But it seems he's really fast to declare Pokémon, moves and items he doesn't like as useless.... At least he's still funny while doing that.
  7. Quoted from the Progress Scoreboard: I really want to know who's crazy enough to put so many question marks, exclamation marks and so on behind the question that their combined length takes more space than the actual question.
  8. Oof, where do i start? First of all, i am surprised to see that you are still at it, even though most of your review sounds like you don't like the game at all. And to be honest that is one major point of fair critique i have to spell out about your review. When i read the first part it sounded like you enjoy the game, but with every new part you are writing it sounds more and more like you hate the game and are just excessively looking for any small things that you can use to say the game is bad. And no, i am not saying this because i want to defend Pokémon Reborn because i'm a fan, i'm saying this because there is so much negativity in your reviews that it looks like this negativity is all your whole blog is about. That being said i won't continue reading your review of the game any further, because it's overflowing with so much negativity from your own subjective opinion that you leave no room for objective facts. You say the Reborn community can't take any criticism of their beloved game, but on the other hand what you call "criticism" is nothing but you lashing out at the game and the developers. You are throwing around your biased, negative opinion of the game and call that "criticism". Reading your so called "reviews" makes me feel like listening to a child throwing a tantrum because the game is too difficult. And trust me, my 12 year old nephew sounds just like that when he throws a tantrum. Also what's that about "you are enjoying exchange with the Reborn community"? Not even once have you talked to us here on the forums, all you do is posting the new parts of the ongoing rant you call a "review". The people here on this topic tried to give you some advice, they offered to help you if you have difficulties with the game. And yet you make it sound like all we do is flaming you because you "criticised" the game. The only one i see flaming is you. Not on this forum, but in your so called "reviews". I tried to offer you advise, i offered my help, but if you are insulting people who offered their help don't be surprised if they "don't take that all too well".
  9. Fern? Helping the region? That guy can't even help himself, how's he supposed to help others? I mean, there are other characters with inferiority complex in the game, like Shelly, who also got her share of mental scars. Abandoned by her own brother, ignored by her family, she got hurt by Cal, and she feels guilty for what happened to Heather. She's a nervous wreck that barely even dares to speak up, but she tries hard to change and overcome her past. She's only 12 and is stronger than Fern in many ways, even though Fern also bullied her when he fought against her for his own attempt to collect badges. Sorry, but i can't take Fern serious at all. Prophecy or not, if Fern were to ever battle against Team Meteor in a similar way to the player, he'd get beaten in seconds flat, he'd keel over and cry like Shelly did when he beat her. I can see Cain, or even Victoria being the one to stand against Team Meteor, if the player was not there, but not Fern. That guy is too busy projecting his self-loathing on everyone else. Jokes aside though, i'm really curious to see how TTar will handle the situation. I also think that Charlotte might stomp him flat with his current team, but we also thought that he'd get done in by Shelly or Shade....and he survived both XD I'm not sure whether he'd actually use Rain Dance or not, because he already declared that TM as useless. And his head has been in the clouds lately (well....even more than usual). He complains about not getting water type Pokémon, fails to bring Pokéballs, claims that encounters don't count because he's got no balls to capture them, and when he finally finds water type Pokémon he doesn't want them. Sure, it's his Let's Play, and he can play as he likes, but why did he bother to set up rules if he doesn't play by them?
  10. Is that so? Well, the things you can learn by exchanging informations XD This one i didn't know.... Then again, if a trainer has no moves specified for his Pokémon (just like it is the case for the random trainers) it also defaults to the last 4 moves that Pokémon would have learned if a Pokémon would always replace it's "oldest" move with the "newest" it could learn by level up. By that same logic it would make sense to set "not shiny" as a default if no shiny status is specified, since regular Pokémon are not shiny by default.
  11. If a game's story is able to change your opinion of a character as the story progresses, that just goes to show how much effort the creators put into the story and the characters. But to be honest, there is one character with little to zero growth at all, and that's Fern. Except for if you count players starting from "hmm....that guy is rude....i don't like him...." going to "god, i hate this guy! let me kill him already!" as character growth XD
  12. May i direct your attention to the third post, where the creator of this topic said You are right about the topic creators first post though, it was not accurate about whether he(she?) meant "trainers" as in players or NPCs. Anyway, i took another look into the PBS files and for most of the "random" trainers it is within the realm of possibility that they might have random shinies, since for most of them their teams are not coded further than what species of Pokémon they use and what level they are supposed to be. However, for the important characters, such as gym leaders, rivals, the Meteor Admins, and even the most well known Meteor duo Aster and Eclipse all of their Teams are fully coded, which not only includes their level, move set, ability, form (Rotom forms for example) nature, EVs and IVs, but also goes as far as to specificly state gender, nicknames and shiny status. And this needs to be this way for consistency, since Julia, for example, is the first trainer with a guaranteed shiny (Alolan Geodude), and later on she has an Alolan Golem, which also is a shiny, since it's supposed to be her Geodude that has evolved. But that does not only apply to shiny Pokémon. Take Shelly as another example, who does some changes to her team over the course of the game. While you progress through the game she replaces her team (the one that she used in your gym battle against her) for new, nicknamed Pokémon step by step, until her Yanmega, nicknamed "Heather" is the only one of her prior gym team that remains on her new team. Also, since the creator of this topic is new on the forums, i apologize if you feel like this explanation contains unwanted spoilers.
  13. We are not talking about shiny Pokémon for the player. The topic is about shiny Pokémon on NPC Trainers. And yes, the NPCs that use shiny Pokémon are planned to use them. If you take a look at the PBS files you can see that those Characters that use shiny Pokémon have the parameters for the shiny value set to "true" for their specific shiny Mons.
  14. The question of which Team Meteor member i hate is a difficult one. Yes, some of them are pretty edgy, maybe even downright evil, but Fern somehow still takes the cake. Reborn features a few characters with inferiority complexes, like Shelly or Cal, but Fern easily tops all of them. Always in the shadow of his more famous sister, he comes off as a person who hates himself so much that he projects his issues onto everyone else by being an asshole to everyone he meets, especially towards the player, while constantly lying to himself, putting up this "i am the top dog" act to convince himself that he's not the worthless loser he really is. He would never admit any of his own flaws or shortcomings, because to him that would be the same as admitting he's weak, and therefore worthless. He even goes so far as to join Team Meteor, not because he shares any of their ideals, but only to prove that he is the strongest, like he always claims to be. While this behaviour makes him the most pathetic character the game has to offer, it also easily makes him the most hateable character as well, just because he's a dick to everyone at any point he's present on the screen. As for who i want as a best friend, that would be Cain without a doubt, since that guy is just outright funny and open minded. As weird as his character may come off at first, he's always been loyal to those he calls his friends and goes all out to protect those that are important to him. But even while he's seriously trying to save the children from Team Meteor he never loses his goofy character, which tends to turn even the most sinister conversation into a laughing stock with one of his famous remarks. And finally for the Belrose sisters i wouldn't say that i "love" any of them in particular. But the choice was a diffcult one still. All of them are great characters. Saphira, being the oldest sister, is "the strongest" character out of the three, and Laura, the middle one, is "the kind soul" in the family, while Charlotte, the youngest sister, is the slightly psychopathic "fire devil" who claims that "destruction is beauty". Well....i do like dragon types, but i am primarily a fire type trainer, and just like Charlotte i like to watch things burn XD
  15. Aren't you forgetting some gym leaders? Julia has that shiny alolan Geodude, and Shelly has a shiny Ribombee when she teams up with the player later in the game.
  16. He still needs to make it past Aster and Eclipse before he can even get close to Charlotte's gym, and we all know that in this battle each of them has 5 Pokémon that can wreck players who go in as careless as he does. The moment you go past the point of no return that is where the fun starts XD And TTar is just at the beginning of all the fun ahead. Who knows.....we might get to see him rage and scream enough to go from Mr. Satan/Hercule to Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta in an instant, skipping every other level of Super Saiyan in the process
  17. What's driving me insane is the fact he constantly complains that he wants/needs certain Pokémon, but always fails to stock up on Pokéballs..... Nuzlocke or not, i would never forget to bring Pokéballs with me. Watching him constantly neglecting to buy Pokéballs whenever he he just casually walks past a PokéMart (or any other place that sells Pokéballs) is borderline torture for me XD
  18. "Feeding them false info" Titania feeding the trolls XD But yeah, i wonder how long it will take for TTar to realize that his current team might have some difficulties in the upcoming parts of the game...
  19. Yeah well....in theory you have unlimited access to "Swords Dance", "Iron Defense", "Nasty Plot" and so on, but in reality you are limited by how many of these X items you actually have, or rather how many you can afford to buy.
  20. i don't know what you are talking about......
  21. Most of the time i am not even using X items. I treat them as free money, especially in the earlier parts of the game. However, for some rather specific runs, like my complete Reborn Ep 18.1 playthrough with only 6 Pokémon, without ever switching party members even once, i sure had to rely on X items for certain fights. Although i still tried to use them as little as possible.
  22. In the past you would have had to manually switch between save files by renaming the files or copy them to another location, but as of the EP18.2 update we got for christmas the game features a multiple save file system that allows you to switch between your save files from the starting screen. If you already have multiple different save files from 18.1 you can simply rename them from Game.rxdata to Game_2.rxdata, Game_3.rxdata and so on respectively for the new save file system to recognize all of your old saves as seperate files to load from. As for how the shared PC works you will have one box on your PC that will be shared between the save files you have. The mod description should tell you which box that is. You put one Mon in that box on your first save, load another save and take out the Mon from the shared box as you would do with any other box. The mod is already updated to 18.2 as far as i know, so no worries about compability there.
  23. *remembers first time against Terra* *puts on a smile* Ah yes.... Fun times *screams internally*
  24. The dude's making progress^^ But it seems he still thinks Terra is a guy. Then again, it's Terra^^ Terra doesn't play by the rules, so maybe Terra is male and female at the same time, while being neither male or female at the same time as well too. Non-binary, yet not, and definitely a pony But no matter WHAT Terra is, a walking meme is what Terra can be described as for sure. Also.....he finally found Amaria aka Ametwo again. After he was like "What if she's gonna die?" after the Blacksteam Factory incident, what will he be like after the next gym battle?
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