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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. That may also be true, i am not a 100% sure on this one. But as far as i know, this question has been asked multiple times in the past and the answers vary from "upon creating a new game" over "once you enter the Grand Hall for the first time" and of course what you said "when you first battle Cain and Victoria". I guess the only way to actually get a precise answer would be either looking into the code, if you know what you're doing, or ask the devs directly. Still, we can at least say for certain that at the point where you leave the Grand Hall after obtaining your starter, there is no way to change the event Pokémon encounters any more.
  2. Hey there, in regard to your question about event Pokémon with 2 or more possible mons, like the Espurr/Minccino, i can tell you how this works. For every event that picks randomly between 2 or more Pokémon to obtain, the mons that you will encounter are determinated upon creating a new game. That means no matter if it's a Pokémon that you can get before the first gym, or as late as somewhere between the last 3 gyms, which Pokémon you will find when you get there has already been decided from the moment you pressed the New Game button. This also applies to all eggs in the game that randomly give you one out of multiple mons, like the egg in the Obsidia Slums for example. That also means that no amount of soft resetting will change which mons you get on that particular playthrough. Soft resetting will only reroll the gender, IV spread, ability, possible egg moves and of course whether it's a shiny or not. So if you are not happy with what mon you get, you can either wait until you get far enough into the game to capture the mon you wanted in the wild, or try to trade with someone.
  3. According to the EP19 spreadsheet Murkrow is available BEFORE Kiki, so after you beat Shade. That means you can still get it before you take off to Apophyll. But other than that, yes, you need to have a windy night, and you either need to join the aqua gang OR do the second stage of the magma gang quest so you can enter the aqua gang hideout.
  4. As far as i am understanding these passwords, noitems only prevents you, not the AI, from using items from your bag. And stopitems does the same for the AI, while you can still use items if you wanted. If you applied both passwords, neither you or the AI could use items from the bag. However, both passwords won't stop any Pokémon from using the items they are holding. Held berries, a focus sash, a life orb, mega stones, z-stones, any item that can be used by Pokémon will still trigger if the required circumstances for activation are given.
  5. Let's be honest here: unpaid fans can often write better stories than the actual storywriters for the official games, who are actually getting paid for that job.
  6. Well, if the minumum and maximum damage comes from the game doing these rolls, what do you think where it is if you remove these rolls?
  7. Well, it's been a ride. But a good one. And now, at the end of that road stands the best complete Pokémon fan game ever created. Sure, there still might be some need for a few bug fixes here and there, but if even the great AAA games of our time can't be released without their devs needing to throw out like 3+ day one patches to fix game breaking problems, who can blame a fan game for having some minor issues that need fixing? I'm happy with how EP19 turned out, and i can say it was worth the wait. Instead of continuing my old EP18 save file, i started a new game and i really have to say it was the right choice to make. There are so many new things in the early game that you could say it's not the same game any more. But thanks to those changes, the world of Reborn feels more alive now. That being said, Cain still best girl!
  8. If in doubt, there are always the trainers at the Grand Hall that you can fight as much as you like.
  9. This is just my opinion, but you should also remove the ability to change species and form. Some players might be prone to try and give themselves Pokémon they're not supposed to have, like those Mons that are exclusive to certain story related encounters. And that might break the game. Unless you can find a way that allows them to change species and form, but doesn't let them change into aforementioned exclusive Mons. As for Mons that actually change forms by nature, like Deoxys, Rotom, Kyurem, Zygarde or whatever, there is already stuff in the sandbox for them to change into all their forms players should be able to obtain.
  10. Well, at least you're not alone on the "i forgot to update my game" front. Take a look into the bug report forum.....there are still bug reports coming in for bugs fixed like 3-5 patches ago.....
  11. And that is exactly why i say that people who don't know what they're doing shouldn't use debug mode. Because we all know these people accidentally break their game by their own fault, yet they still submit bug reports and claim that it's an issue with the game. Again, like i said, i am not trying to be hostile here, i am just stating simple facts, like it or not. If someone feels like they need to disregard my opinion on the matter, go ahead, i don't care. It doesn't change the facts. You're just proving my point.
  12. If nothing changed from EP18 on that quest, then yes, you absolutely need to have the right Pokémon that righfully belong to their respective owners. If you want to complete this quest, you have 2 options: 1.) Ask for someone to trade you the right Pokémon, or 2.) Create a second safe file, play up to the point where you can get the mons and use the shared PC mod to trade them between save files. The latter one of course takes some time, but if you are very lucky, you may also have an older backup from before you traded Jigglypuff. If so, you can rename it and run that one as a second save file and use Shared PC mod.
  13. You shouldn't use debug mode anyway if you don't know what you're doing. And let's face it, you don't know what you're doing if you don't even know how to access debug mode on your own. I'm not trying to be hostile here, but you gotta view this from the dev team's point of view: If you were a game developer, would you want to deal with possibly hundreds of so called bug reports submitted by people who somehow managed to get into debug mode, messed up big time and crashed their saves by their own fault? And of course all while at the same time you still have to deal with REAL bugs and crashes that were caused by actual issues in the game? Also, a lot of people just want debug mode to walk through walls, because they're too lazy to solve a puzzle (puzzle guides for EP19 do exist on this forum, you know), effectively skipping triggers that would advance the story, only to complain that they got stuck because the story does not progress any more.
  14. Well, it's no surprise you need to fix a few things more than you had originally thought, as EP19 does change quite a lot of things.
  15. With the password system that came with EP19 there is no need for a weather mod any more. Using the password "weathermod" will allow you to change the weather by using your PokéGear.
  16. I'd rather see these options on an NPC than using debug mode. I would certainly be able to just debug mode these changes for myself, without accidentally screwing up my save file, but i'd rather avoid the temptation of messing with the data just because i can. (which i know i'll do if i'm bored.....already corrupted like 5 or 6 EP19 save files i was messing around with just for the fun of it....)
  17. ShogokiX

    PC Item Bug

    Try updating your game using the updater.exe in your game folder. This issue has been patched already.
  18. I really hope we get a full EP19 version of Sandbox Mode soon. I've been looking around the forum a little, and there are quite a lot of people asking for debug mode. At least some of the things people would want to use debug for, like generating mons, teaching them certain moves, or giving yourself certain items, are covered by Sandbox. And then there are these people who just want to walk through walls and skip content..... Not trying to sound hostile or anything, but people who have no idea what they are doing (and face it: it's very likely you DON'T know what you're doing, if you can't even get into debug mode without asking for help), shouldn't mess around with debug mode in the first place. That aside, i have a question for you, @DerxwnaKapsyla. Is it possible to add an NPC to Sandbox Mode that can change a Pokémon's gender, or make them switch between being a shiny or regular mon?
  19. This is just my opinion, but with both the EXP All acting as a soft hardcap that can be triggered on and off at your leisure, and the password acting as a hard hardcap that can only be removed/readded by use of a data chip, there is no reason why we need a mod that adds a hardcap switch to the options menu. I can see why it is tempting to generally use a hardcap, but occasionally go over the level cap at certain points to get that one move or evolution one badge earlier, but in general, if you want to do that, you don't need a hardcap, as you can simply stock up on common candies, which are not that expensive, and also you can find quite a lot of them as hidden items anyway. But like i said, that is just my opinion. I'm not telling you how you should play.....that's for you to figure out....
  20. I mean, you can just walk up to any PC and disable any passwords you previously entered.... I'm not sure though whether or not you need a data chip to disable/reenable passwords you had active at some point on that save....
  21. Well, that's nice to hear. And what do you mean "quick and dirty" version? Something like fixed move tutors, added ep19 items, new psychologist and hidden power npc, but the other planed changes still in the works and therefor not implemented?
  22. You better wait for them to fix this, as they know what they're doing there... Also, while we are talking about npcs that should be added: Since Hidden Power is no longer determined by IVs in Ep19, and there is an NPC at Agate Circus that can change the type of Hidden Power your mon uses, could you add that NPC to the Sandbox mod as well? @DerxwnaKapsyla
  23. yeah, no....not even funny^^ ground type is immune to electric type, so no shocking here XD
  24. You simply remove the files of the mod from your game folder. If you play online a lot, but don't want to remove the mod every time, i would advise you to create a copy of your game in a separate folder, put sandbox mode there and use it for it's features whenever you need it. That's how i am handling it at least,
  25. I see you're having a blastoise at this wobbuffet of bad puns XD Sorry, couldn't resist....
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