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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Even if the audience gets attached to certain team members and draws fan art, there should still be room for switching out your Mons to make sure you keep them alive. Especially since this is a youtube series. His viewers want him to get as far as possible, so of course they wouldn't want for any of the team members to suffer an unnecessary death if the player clearly had better options available. That being said i am really not happy about the fact that he discards some potentially very strong Pokémon as death fodder. His Spearow and his Woobat could have prevented losing Blaziken and Swalot, yet he threw them away just like that. Of course, since he's playing blind, he can't know what the major battles will have in store for him, therefor he can't know which Pokémon are potentially very strong against those fights. But BECAUSE he's doing a blind nuzlocke he should try to make use of whatever he's able to get.
  2. Yeah, the AI has made a lot of weird choices during TTars Reborn nuzlocke already, an i would not be surprised if it stays that way.... As for his statements that he doesn't want to nuzlocke this any more....i don't think he'll quit the nuzlocke, unless he really gets destroyed big time. He's been saying that he should stop nuzlocking Reborn since episode 2, if i remember correctly.......it was literally the title of that episode that he shouldn't have nuzlocked this game XD And yet he's still nuzlocking it, and he made it past Kiki, even though in the beginning everyone predicted that he wouldn't even make it up to her. Most people said he would get to Shelly or Shade at best. Ah well, we'll see if he can get past Aster and Eclipse. He might be fine if he plays his Mightyena right, but he may also lose one or two Mons here....Especially the Lycanrocs can be tough for half of his team.
  3. And with this the Belly button (Tiki button 2.0) is no more as well..... Sooo.....who will be the next panic button? I was amused when he fought Kiki. Although he did anticipate the Hitmonlee Fake Out Normal Gem Unburden as soon as he saw it, he was like "Nah, won't happen...." So, aside from all the Mons he threw out as death fodder we are now counting 2 major losses for his team. But after struggling this much with Kiki, his fight vs Aya might be an interesting one, especially since that one is a double battle again.
  4. So you want a separate patch, just for the AI, only to make sure TTar can't cheese his way through the game like that any more? I actually like that idea very much XD But yeah, it's hard to deny that TTars Reborn nuzlocke in fact DOES feel kind of weird. I mean, there is nothing wrong with trying a blind nuzlocke of Reborn. It may be a bad idea, since Reborn is designed to be more challenging than the official games. And if you take a look at other people who tried nuzlocking Reborn EP17 and 18 on their first run, you see those people having lots of trouble left and right, because the game tells them what they are in for pretty much right away. One of the best examples would be the Penta-OP, who would have lost the entire thing before even getting to challenge Julia, if it were not for their special rule that all 5 of them had to lose to the same opponent in order to lose the challenge. They did eventually lose, but they made it to that point only by abusing said special rule over and over again. TTar on the other hand is displaying a very chaotic nuzlocke where it looks like he's got no idea what he is doing, he's making a lot of beginners mistakes you would expect from someone playing Pokémon for the first time, but not from someone whose half content on youtube is based around Pokémon. He doesn't explore enough, missing out on valuable items like field effect read-outs, holding items or TMs, he's not even using half his chances to capture new Pokémon, he discards potentially VERY strong Pokémon as death fodder or throws them into the PC, just to use them as death fodder in the future, and of those Pokémon he's actually using he's only training 2 or 3 of them properly.... And don't get me started on his actual fighting "strategies"..... And even though he's doing all that he still made it up to this point in the game with no major casualties other than his Blaziken..... So yeah, while it IS pretty much very entertaining to watch how far someone can get with no plan and by sheer luck, it still makes me wonder how this guy can get past all of these fights so easily while other people, who are NOT doing a nuzlocke, and who are actually preparing for the battles are stuck on certain gym leaders like Shelly or Shade....
  5. Who wouldn't want to live in a world where you can make a REALLY good game within just a few days? A full 100+ hours game developed in about 2 weeks or so..... Also it's nice to hear that you seem to be doing well.
  6. Or he just needs to read the comments below his most recent episode......you don't really think people would NOT try to tell him? There is ALWAYS spoilers in the comments.....
  7. You don't really believe he's smart enough to go through the upper floor to avoid Victoria, do you? But yes, Belly might not turn this around this time....and if he goes for Kiki to get rid of the Mons that could really hurt Belly.....well...Kiki might end up dead meat as well.... Then again.....since this guy sold his brain to the devil in exchange for super-luck, he still might get through Victoria without losing anything.....
  8. Mightyena is a bad idea if her problem is Mimikyu. Not only is Mimikyu faster than Mightyena, Play Rough will easily one shot. Since it seems you have no problem with anything other than Mimikyu here are the two things i can recommend: 1.) Female Meowtstic learns Shadow Ball and is super strong against this gym in general. It's also faster than anything in this gym. But it needs to be aware of Mimikyu's Shadow Claw. 2.) Klang can resist Play Rough, which is Mimikyu's strongest move. If you set up by using Autotomize one or two times first, you should be able to go for the kill with Gear Grind. One thing to note: While i would pick Meowstic for a lot of reasons, Klang might be the safer choice against Mimikyu. On the other hand, while Klang is most useful for Mimikyu here, Meowstic could sweep the entire gym by itself, if it were not for Mimikyu's Disguise ability that prevents the first damage move from doing any damage.
  9. Well......finally^^ A fight he can't get away from, and he's got no lemonades left....How long will his luck last against Victoria, the queen of being an annoyance, the empress of only being there to stand in your way? We fill find out.....
  10. If we are lucky enough it won't be raining at the point where he's gotta face Cal atop Pyrous Mountain. Maybe even Sunlight^^ I would really love to see him getting BBQ'd by Cal and his fire types. Man, i would so like to test his luck against my team on that save game where i got 100% of EP 18 and trained my strongest team yet in preparation for EP 19 XD
  11. This guy will dumb luck his way through Kiki somehow anyway, so it doesn't really matter how he's trying to do it.....
  12. If you are still looking for Emolga go to Jasper Ward and go where the Pokémon-Center is located there. From the Pokémon-Center you go south a few steps and cut down this tree on the picture. Weather needs to be clear and you gotta do this during daytime. Emolga is just behind that and you must fight it to capture it.
  13. Yeah, i agree with MachoPony on that, there are way too many games out there that were rushed to be released as soon as possible, which in turn led to lots of features or even entire pieces of content being cut from the game just so they can make the "deadline". And let's not get started on day one patches to fix the numerous bugs and glitches that came with that trend..... I have way more respect for developers who have the guts to say they won't release an unfinished game, even if they have to push back the release date a few times. Unfortunately that is a luxury only available to non-profit fan game developers and indie game developers not bound to any publishers putting pressure on them....
  14. Hahahaha! Yeah, i said to let Espurr go down in order to bring out Ampharos. But hey, in the end my strategy worked for you, just like i promised^^ Well, your Charizard did go down, but that tends to happen when facing a Yanmega using Ancient Power if you have a dual weakness. On the other hand, since you did have Ampharos and 3 other mons that was no problem. Charizards main objective in my strategy was to get rid of Illumise, set the field on fire, and after that take down as many mons as possible. Ampharos was the main sweeper though, since it has no weakness in this gym and Power Gem is strong. Your other Mons were there to support Ampharos and pop healing items if needed.
  15. Countering Hitmonlee and its Unburden ability is quite easy. The Normal Gem is used when Hitmonlee uses Fake Out on the first turn after it gets swapped in. So just use something faster that knows Fake Out as well. Meowstic would be my first choice, for obvious reasons. As for the rest of the team: no big deal if you have a flying type with a strong physical flying type move, and something like a fire or fighting type to counter Lucario. Or you just do what i usually do on my non-nuzlocke playthroughs and run a dual Meowstic combo: a male one for screening, and a female one for wrecking Kiki's team, both of them running Fake Out, so you can just swap them once Hitmonlee is about to be brought in...
  16. Well.....it was fun while it lasted, but given how Reborns difficulty curve works, he won't make it much further if he doesn't change his playstyle soon. And by that i mean if he doesn't start capturing more Mons and training them properly, he's done for. This guy might be all about luck, but luck will only take you so far.... Looking at his current team, Kiki and Belly won't do much at this gym, since Kiki can't hande fighting type moves, and Belly will go down to psychic type moves. Dishsoap is too low leveled and won't do much without evolving. Debbie might only be of neutral use, since it's neither good nor bad in this gym. Peanut would also end up like Kiki, since normal types also love fighting type moves. That leaves him with Jaques, the only Mon who could do something useful here. Sure, he plans on training Karen the Smoochum, but let's be real: Ice/Psychic? Jynx won't stand much of a chance here. It las low defense base stat and it's only natural psychic moves are Confusion and Heart Stamp, and he already threw out Confusion. So, unless SOMEONE tells him to go and get a few Pokémon from the possible encounters he skipped, he's done for soon.....
  17. This guy made a pact with the devil, i tell you! In exchange for his soul (or rather his brain) he goes through Pokémon Reborn without any need for skill..... Also.....WHY is this dude running by every Pokémart and NOT buying any Pokéballs? He could have wasted that Apophyll Beach encounter because he didn't buy any Pokéballs since Obsidia Ward.... And now all he bought at Apophyll Academy are 10 new Pokéballs? Is he trying to waste encounters? I know you don't need as many Pokéballs in a nuzlocke as you would need for a regular playthrough, but damn....you should ALWAYS have at least 20 or so at hand....you never know where you might run into a valuable encounter that plays hard to catch.... Also also....."I don't have any psychic types".......Woobat, Lunatone, Smoochum.....ok, he's training Smoochum now, but hey......he COULD have had Espurr, Spoink, Munna, Gothita, Elgyem or Baltoy, Meditite or even Alolan Raichu......SO MANY PSYCHIC TYPES that he just passed by because he doesn't explore properly and goes around wasting chances to get encounters.....Well.....at least he's got that Pidgeot with Wing Attack.....that could do the trick.... Explore Everything! That's literally the first and most important rule one should always keep in mind when playing any RPG.
  18. Fanfics, huh? ^^' Why am i imagining people writing stories about Cain making out with a male player character and Fern kissing Hardy while Aya is being jelly because she got left out? Nah, seriously though.....i think i will finish the EP19 story starting from one of my save files that is at the end of EP18, and after that i'll start a new file to see everything that might have changed in the entire game. And once i beat the game from that new save file and captured every Pokémon in the game i'll train the most dangerous creatures possible and challenge everyone who's trying to be the very best like no one ever was^^
  19. To be frank: I really like the fact that Reborn will not include Gen 8 Mons or mechanics. So far everything i saw about Sword an Shield is a huge disappointment for me. And no, even though Game Freak is now trying to appease fans by including Gigantamaxed fan favourites like Charizard (my most favourite Pokémon of all time), that doesn't change anything for me. I've heard rumors on the forum though that Rejuvenation might include Gen 8 stuff some day.....can't say if those rumors have any thruth to them, but like i said: i am glad that at least Reborn won't have Gen 8! Then again, i don't like Gen 7 Z-Moves at all either. The Mons are cool, but Z-Moves ruined the Gen 7 games for me. Too much power right at the start of the game.... That just made me like Reborn even more, since you get Gen 7 Mons, but Z-Moves and Mega Evolution are not a thing until very late in the game. All the more reason to be waiting for Reborn EP19!
  20. I would say he's gonna lose at least one that is not meant as fodder. People tend to underestimate that Muk. We might even see the end of Belly on that one, if he doesn't get his stockpiles up fast XD
  21. Hmm......my strategy is not working for you? That's something entirely new.....i always beat her just like that. Did so about a week ago on my newest playthrough..... Charizard should one hit KO everything except Anorith. Maybe you do want to use male Meowstic for dual screening and if Araquanid is that much of a Problem, there is another solution for that one. Requires a few more Pokémon though. For Araquanid, there is a Pichu in the Onyx Ward. In one of the houses you can go up on the roof and find a Pichu during daytime if the weather is clear. This Pichu is level 9, but it has a chance to know Volt Tackle, so save before you try to catch it. Pichu is hiding behind a tree and you need to have PokéSnax. With that trained as a Pikachu one Volt Tackle should deal with Araquanid. As for the rest of your team: If Anorith is still a problem, try capturing a Mankey in Obsidia Ward Slums. Primeape is fast and Cross Chop hits hard. For everything else: There is a Growlithe you can get from the police station if you found all police men in Jasper and Beryl Wards. It learns Flame Thrower at level 34. Also you could capture either a Spearow/Fearow and use its Aerial Ace or go with a Doduo, evolve that to Dodrio and use Pluck.
  22. Sooooo......are we still taking bets on how many Mons TTar will lose on the upcoming Pulse Muk?
  23. You may want to evolve it to be a Prankster dual screener, that much is for sure. You have two options now: 1.) Don't train it right now and use it as it is for Shelly, so it gets downed fast. You can start training it after you beat Shelly. 2.) Train it to level 35 and make sure it knows Light Screen and Reflect, to use it as a dual screener from turn 2 onwards after you used Fake Out on Illumise on turn 1. After Illumise got downed and you got both screens up you should be able to swap Meowstic out manually to get both Ampharos and Charizard into the fight. However, i would recommend for you to catch a female Espurr as well, since female Meowstic does pack quite a punch until you get one of those REALLY strong psychic types later....
  24. To answer your questions: 1. Only Illumise has the Prankster ability. With Prankster you get higher priority on non damaging moves (like Rain Dance), but Fake Out is faster than that. Araquanid doesn't have Prankster, so as long as your Pokémon outspeeds it you are fine. And a level 35 Ampharos should be able to outspeed a level 31 Araquanid. 2. Yes, Masquerain knows Bubble Beam. However, if you keep Espurr untrained, Masquerain should try to kill Espurr first. Also, even IF Masquerain goes for Charmeleon, a level 35 Charmeleon should easily be able to take a single Bubble Beam from a Level 31 Masquerain, as long as it's not raining and the move won't crit. You can however lead with Ampharos instead of Charmeleon, if that makes you feel safer. In that case you simply use Power Gem on the first turn on Illumise, togeher with Espurrs Fake Out of course. As long as you let Espurr go down after it used Fake Out on Illumise, and you have Charmeleon and Ampharos out you will destroy Shelly easily. There is also the option to level your Charmeleon to Level 36, so it evolves into Charizard, and use a common candy to bring it back to level 35. And Charizard will wreck havoc for sure XD
  25. The solution to your problem is an easy one: Shelly has 2 Pokémon that use Rain Dance. Those are Illumise, who has Prankster ability, and Araquanid. If you can take both of them out before they can act you won't have any problem. Illumise will always be one of the two she starts with, so we need a little preparation: Step 1: Catch an Espurr in Lapis Ward Backalleys. That's where the Aqua Gang hideout is. You don't need to join a gang, just run a round in what little space you have there to find wild Pokémon. Espurr should learn Fake Out at Level 19, which you want to have. Step 2: Get the Mareep in Jasper Ward. You can get it by going into the house on the right of the Pokémon-Center and talk to the man who runs around in panic. After that you walk all the way to the east as if you were going to Beryl Ward. There is a path south there and in one of the houses you'll find Mareep. Feed it PokéSnax and it's yours. Train Mareep so you have an Ampharos Make sure it learns Thunder Punch on evolution. Train Ampharos to Level 35 to learn Power Gem. Step 3: Get some healing items and save right before Shelly, just in case. Step 4: Start the battle with your Charmeleon and Espurr (Meowstic, if you trained it). Have Meowstic use Fake Out on Illumise on the first turn and make sure Charmeleon uses its strongest fire Move to kill Illumise on Turn one as well. Step 5: Keep Charmeleon alive, but let Espurr/Meowstic go down. Easiest way to do that is not training Espurr after capturing it. As long as it knows Fake Out you are good for this fight. Step 6: Bring out Ampharos once Espurr/Meowstic goes down and tear through her team. Power Gem hits everything very effective, including Anorith, since rock type Pokémon doesn't resist rock type attacks. Thunder Punch is for Araquanid. I will guarantee that this strategy works 100%.
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