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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Well......even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.... or something like that^^
  2. I think i am with you on that. It's nice to know that there is some kind of backstory to certain things, but we shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Sure, you might think a little different about the game if you knew those details, but this could affect you in both a positive way or a negative one. You might learn to appreciate the game a little more, pay more respect to certain details, but you may also find yourself in awkward situations because you know certain things. So yeah, let's not tell TTar, because the less he knows the more fun we might get out of it, with his crazy theories. And the more fun we have once certains things are revealed in the game after he theorized about it like 10 episodes ago... After all, we know the game, and we can smile if he starts making up the wildest theories, while we know he's so far off that he'll be in for a surprise XD
  3. So he actually managed to make a big deal out of the orphanage... And he captured an alolan Rattata....too bad it wasn't an Espurr.... Also it seems he has not yet abandoned the nuzlocke, even though he said so multiple times in the previous episode. Aaaaanyways~ Fun times are up ahead...... Will TTar outlive the encounter with Shade? Or will he get lost in the darkness of the gym, doomed to never find his way back out?
  4. For now his best bet would be visiting all the places that still have random and/or static encounters waiting for him and stock up his arsenal of usable Pokémon. Of course that also means he will have to train a lot, but that's part of the game, so no complaining about that. Then again he might just end up tossing those onto the pc, because he underestimates them....
  5. We can turn this around any way we like, just to see only the things we want to see. The fact remains that TTar gets tons of hints on useful things, as well as warnings about things that could end the nuzlocke early.....and yet he casually ignores most of that. Only to complain about it later. I mean, of course i can understand he doesn't want to be spoilered, but we do know he is reading comments, since he said things like "You guys told me to *insert hint here*" multiple times during the Reborn nuzlocke already. Sure, i am not expecting any pro plays from typical let's players, i'd go watch the Pokémon world championship if that's what i wanted to see. But i'm starting to doubt his general knowledge of Pokémon, since he's complaining all the time, yet constantly ignores most of the advice he gets from his viewers.... And let's be honest. Most of his problems with his Reborn nuzlocke are not related to Reborns difficulty level, but rather to all the beginners mistakes he's making since episode 1. Reborns difficulty level just makes these mistakes stand out way more than a regular Pokémon game would. TTar may be putting lots of time into that let's play, but definitely not much effort.
  6. Soooo.....since he was like "Imma quit dem nuzlocke" multiple times in this episode......will he start playing normal now? He's complaining so much about this game already, yet he hasn't really seen the true terror Reborn has in stock for people who are foolish enough to think you can do a blind nuzlocke and get away with it..... But man.....this dude is a walking miracle......he's making every mistake in the book and he still survived this nuzlocke up to this point..... And no, you can't blame the game if you run around all over the place like a headless chicken, not healing your Pokémon in a Pokémon Center, and then running out of healing items during a rival battle..... Or complaining about having no pokéballs if you literally ran past multiple pokémarts as if they were not there..... Also, WHY the heck is he complaining about his Pokémon? He's got some decent mons, he didn't evolve Peanut......it eveolves at lvl. 16.....it's 29.....and he has some very good mons on his PC right now that he refuses to use......
  7. Dont worry, we got patience^^ and we got a fun new topic to discuss^^ Queen Shelly and her bug empire world domination plan. What's more important: Good luck with that operation. Take your time to recover. We'll still be here once you are back, so don't rush things.
  8. No updates have been posted on the EP19 scoreboard for a week..... Have Ame and the dev team become prisoners of the bug empire? Are they forced to work for the glory of queen Shelly already? Or are they forced to participate in queen Shelly's never-ending tea parties? Maybe queen Shelly is forcing them to watch her favourite movie together.....over and over that is..... What is her majesties favourite movie you ask? It's of course the one with the little Litleo who is friends with a Patrat and a Tepig, who live in the jungle, singing Kakuna Matata all day long. Shelly loves that song. It makes her happy.
  9. Awwww.....dat cute lil devil Shelly....looking at you like she wants a head pat XD "Onii-chan! Shelly was a bad girl! Shelly defeated your best Pokémon! Now give Shelly a head pat, Onii-chan!"
  10. Alazir is right, we don't need to worry about things like the giant Steelix or the Pulse Abra for now, since TTar does have to make his way past a few other obstacles first. Now i could make statements like "He won't make it past Shade if he continues like this", but we all know how many people expected him to be done in by Shelly, yet he only lost 1 Pokémon, although that one was his ace. I think we should wait and see what his next move is, before we actually try and judge whether he can make it past Shade or not. After all, losing Tiki seemed to have had some kind of impact on his perception of Reborn. At least it looked like that at the end of that episode. The next thing to worry about would be Shade. His ghost types are really strong on the short-circuit field and Mimikyu is without a doubt the most dangerous Pokémon Shade has to offer. As of now i would say Belly is his best bet for Mimikyu, while Kiki can handle most of Shade's team, but certainly not all of them. If he manages to capture a female Espurr or a Mawile though his chances would go up a notch. Female Meowstic learns Shadow Ball and Mawile ist able to use Crunch and Sucker Punch.
  11. So we have basicly Cal, Bugsy and Fern who would find themselves in a nightmare come true upon getting close to queen Shelly's bug empire. I wonder what kind of punishment they would recieve....of course they need to be punished in different ways, since they commited different crimes against Shelly. But Fern must be punished most out of those 3, because he's Fern....he deserves it for being a big meanie to everyone. (Queen Shelly has spoken! She is just too gentle natured to simply call him an A-hole...) And of course Team Meteor, who were destroyed by an angry army of bug Pokémon taking revenge for everything Team Meteor has done to their queen and her friends.
  12. Right, i agree on that part. The question is indeed not IF he loses, but how far he will get before that happens. It is certainly possible to finish Reborn while playing a nuzlocke. However, this requires a certain amount of preparation on certain parts of the game. Doing a blind nuzlocke on your first playthrough will get you wasted at a certain point for sure. As for the point of gym leaders being difficult or not, i guess that's all up to how well you are prepared as well. Shelly for example is considered by many as a gym leader who takes the difficulty up a notch compared to the first 3 gym leaders. I had no problems beating her first try on my first playthrough though. That may be due to the fact that i had a Meowstic with Fake Out on my team. Even though i didn't know which Mons Shelly would use i knew she would set up the rain, and as soon as i saw Illumise at the start of the fight the Prankster + Rain Dance was obvious to me. Getting through all of Reborns EP18 with a team of only 6 Pokémon isn't that much of a deal though. Sure, you may struggle at certain points, and you will be spamming a decent amount of items during some battles, but it's certainly possible. On the other hand you have more money to spend on healing items, since you don't need a constant supply of pokéballs if you really go for a team of no more than 6 Pokémon. It took a while, but i managed to get to the end of EP18, so i know what i am talking about. Doing something like that however is something you want to do only after you beat the game at least once. It's funny though how actually doing this doesn't feel that impressive any more once you actually managed to pull it off. Might just be my personal opinion on that matter though..... However, that still doesn't change the fact that you want to train a few more than just 6 Pokémon for most of your playthroughs.
  13. The more interesting question would be: Are Shellys friends free to come and go as they like, or are they being forced by the bugs to stay as permanent guests to keep their beloved queen company? Also: If Shelly is having as many parties as she likes with her friends, where are all the snacks, all the cakes, all the luxury multi course 5-star meals coming from? After all, the bug empire wants to serve only the very best food to their queen and her guests.....
  14. All speculations aside we should wait and see what kind of approach TTar will try to continue his nuzlocke. With the small amount of Pokémon that he did catch up until now however he won't make it very much further. While the opinions on the difficulty level of Shelly's gym battle seem to differ, there is at least one thing we can all agree on: The fact that the difficulty level will go up even more the further he advances into the game. With some luck though DreamblitzX might get through to him and we'll see a TTar who finally takes Reborn more serious in the next episode.
  15. Fire WOULD have been a good strategy on Shelly, but he would also have needed any Pokémon that could have used Fake Out on Illumise. Also he would have to take out Araquanid before it could use its own Rain Dance. Then again, while he DID know that Rain Dance and Water Moves would be coming, he did not know which Mons would be coming or what moves / abilities they have. But yes, Ttar should pay more attention in general. This guy is relying so much on luck with his Reborn nuzlocke that it's hard to tell if he has any skill at all or if he even remotely knows what he's doing.... The most efficient thing he could do about now would be to do some backtracking to collect a few more Pokémon whereever he still has any kind of encounters left. And of course taking training his Pokémon more serious from now on. There are enough other guys on Youtube who lost their nuzlockes because they messed around too much. Best example would be the Penta-OP who wouldn't even have made it to Julia if not for their "special rule" that all 5 of them would have to lose to the same gym leader or "boss battle" in order for them to count as a lose.
  16. Now you're exaggerating XD Shelly is no Sith, and she's not anyones father..... (or mother in this case) Nope^^ Shelly is still a happy queen of the bug empire who likes to study all of her books and inviting her friends over to party......and ocassionally take over ZA WARUDO
  17. Since you added the tile puzzles for the different puzzles on Agathe Circus, would you also consider adding the puzzles from Obsidias Sweet Kiss Candy Shop (Swirlix) and Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop (Spritzee)? And for completions sake, since you have the devon corp in here, maybe even the magic square puzzle solution?
  18. Generally speaking you should always train a few more than just 6 Pokémon. If you train somewhat between 10 and 15 Pokémon in total you should have no problem to reach the end of Ep18's story. In case of a nuzlocke though you may want to train up a few more than that since you could lose a Pokémon at any time due to various reasons. And if the only Pokémon you have left to replace the fallen ones are some low level Pokémon you caught somewhere between your first 2 badges you would have to train a lot to get those into shape if you are Level 50+ already.....
  19. Those kind of things are not only contraband items, posession and/or dealing with those leads to death sentence. You'll get Exeggutor'd by Beedrill and then the little Weedle will be Gulpin you down like some Rare Candy, so they may grow into strong new Beedrill. The bug empire will grow even stronger and will expand way beyond the borders of the Reborn region...... And lil Shelly, being the heart of the swarm, will be sitting on her throne, being all like Kakuna Matata, happily smiling while still having tea with the player, Cain, Heather, Luna, and her other friends. And Fern is running for his live, because the bugs still remember that he made their queen cry^^ And then one day Ame will finally finish EP 19 only to see that Shelly has already taken over world domination....
  20. Do you mean actual daycare breeding, which should be not allowed in a nuzlocke as far as i know, or are you referring to the daycare couple sidequest that rewards an egg if you talk to the girl in Onyx Ward? But yeah, since TTar does actually listen to you to some degree, you might want to hint him in the right direction, to pick up as many of the possible encounters he missed so far as his own rules would allow him to do. I know i said that i enjoy watching his nuzlocke because it's interesting to see how far one can go by sheer luck, but TTar needs to realize that he won't get much further into the game if he doesn't start taking the game more serious soon. He missed lots of possible encounters, and he neglected proper training. And although he did train all of his Mons (except for Peanut) to level 35 for Shelly he did lose Tiki. And even that only happened because he missed so many possible encounters and didn't take training the Mons he had more serious.
  21. Why am i imagining a group of Leavanny all buffed up like Buzzwole? Edit: And they are sparkling like Major Armstrong in Fullmetal Alchemist XD
  22. Our little Shelly is now the bug princess, sitting on a throne in her hive. Guarded by her loyal Pinsir and Heracross, flying around on her Yanmega whenever she wants to go outside, and with Vespiquen feeding honey to her, so she may become the insect queen of the glorious bug empire that will rule over all of Reborn one day^^ ...after beating up team Meteor single handed and having tea with Cain an the player of course XD
  23. I am honestly amazed that he didn't lose already. Not only is he making so many beginners mistakes all the time, he also has a luck streak that feels like he's cheating. I mean.....he's not exploring proplerly....he already missed several chances to get some really decent static Pokémon, and he even missed a few chances for regular encounters by now. He's not training properly and instead wins the gyms and boss fights mostly by either sheer luck or by somehow cheesing his way through the fights. And even though he recieved multiple hints, warnings and lots of useful tips he's not taking the game serious at all. Although he didn't lose many Pokémon by now, the ones he did lose he only lost because of poor decisions. Even Tiki only had to die because he didn't take the game more serious. But maybe he needed to lose his strongest Pokémon first to finally take Reborn more serious. Don't get me wrong though. I enjoy watching this nuzlocke. But i am neither a fan nor do i dislike him in any way. I just happen to find it really entertaining to see how far one can get by sheer luck. And i am just analyzing from a neutral perspective.
  24. I have 2 things to note for you: First thing would be you missed the egg from the obsidia slums in your list of eggs. It's the one that contains Drowzee, Bronzor, Ducklett or Cacnea. Second thing would be that you can't get Vullaby from the mystery egg that you get from the police station. Since i have been taking notes for myself for some time now i looked up the official EP18 Location Spreadsheet and it says Vullaby is not in that egg.
  25. I always found Shelly to be easy^^ She may be able to take you by surprise on your first try, but she is nowhere near as difficult als people always make it sound. Anyways.....no more pushing the Tiki button from now on XD Wanna take random guesses who will be his next "panic" Pokémon?
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