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Everything posted by ShogokiX
Well, i guess not many people would expect a GRASS type team to be centered around the Sand Tomb move. So yeah, as soon as he pushes that Tiki Button he might be in for a nasty surprise. Okay, to be fair...If he uses the telecommunicator Ame would tell him XD But unless he does, he won't expect Florinias so called "Desert Rose" strategy.
I don't know about incompetent, but gods are cruel sometimes... Or is it cruel because they are incompetent? A mystery that will never be solved by a mortal being....
Yeah, but in the end that is what an issue like that can do to a person....having any kind of complex can really do a number on your personality. I happen to know someone with a serious complex about her height....That girl goes full Edward Elric if you call her little/small/tiny XD True, but some of the Field Effect Read-Outs are (more or less) well hidden. The one for Desert Field in the Onyx Trainer School for example. You have to talk to that one guy specificly while standing on the right side next to him. If you talk to him from above what would make you think he would say or do anything different if you stand to the right side and talk to him again?
I guess i could throw in some more questions: 1.) What is your opinion on mobile games? 2.) Have you watched the Detective Pikachu movie? And if you did, how good was it in your opinion? 3.) What types would you like to see for a new Eeveelution? 4.) What is your favorite character class to use in Fire Emblem games? 5.) You could spent a day with ONE fictional character, no matter who it is. Who would it be?
Do i really need to spell this out for you? Yes, it is obvious that Fern has an inferiority complex. That still doesn't change the question whether he just acts like a big shot in an attempt to hide his issues, or if he lied to himself so much that he actually believes the things he says about being the top dog and the cool cat in town. If you repeat the same lies over and over you might forget it's a lie, even though you were the one who started it.
You don't even need to play that far to find out^^ You can clearly see his inferiority complex by the time you fight him before your gym battle vs Florinia. It's already pretty much obvious even at the point you first meet him.
Hahaha.... Sometimes i ask myself whether Fern really thinks he is that big of a deal, or if he's just begging to be murdered XD In my opinion Fern is the weakest among all recurring characters in Reborn. Also he bullied Shelly! He's just asking for punishment!
Of course i'm talking about my method^^ Now about EP 7.... Seven episodes in and he still hasn't discovered the most overpowered item in the game: Common Candy! And here i thought people are flooding his comment section to frickin USE those things. Aaaaand of course he almost got done in by Fern^^ This is what you get for not taking it serious if ppl tell you to train your Wonga (this sounds so wrong btw) "This guy is made after Seto Kaiba!" ... Screw the rules, i have money!
And here i thought AI stands for Arceus Incarnated
True, but it's a safe method that works every time. Like i said, it is highly dependant on luck to get Rockruff from the mystery egg. There is nothing wrong in using whatever you have at hand though. If i happen to get just the Mons i want from the various eggs, or even the static encounters in the earlier parts of the game, i would use those as well. Nothing wrong with that. My point is that you should always have a strategy you can use if you don't have the Mons that would turn a certain battle into a brain afk one hit KO fiesta.
Yeah, that might work, but you would need luck to get that specific Mon from the egg. I prefer strategies that work without relying on luck to get the right Mons. Charge Beam on Meowstic or Ampharos for Masqerain, Power Gem on Ampharos for Anorith^^ Or go for Primeape and Close Combat that Anorith^^
Someone understood what i was getting at. All this talk about how Shelly will wipe him is really boring. We don't even know if he'll make it through the next episode. Sure, the second gym may be easy mode with Combusken, but you never know where you run into one of dem unfortunate crits that kills off your best Mon. Also people are giving him so many hints and warnings in his comments that he may be able to prepare at least somewhat for the more difficult battles. Just like Pulse Tangrowth, where he admitted that he would likely have lost a few Mons if people didn't warn him.
While it is true that many people had underestimated Shelly on their first try, i think she is not as difficult as you make it sound. All you really need burst through her entire team are 1.) Meowstic with the moves Fake Out and Charge Beam 2.) Ampharos with Thunder Punch and Power Gem to replace Meowstic once it gets KO'd 3.) Any halfway decent fire type Pokémon that takes the second slot for this double battle. And that is just one simple method of dealing with her. Of course you could try other tactics, but this one always works without much preparation.
You can't? I did....It's easy to brute force Shelly if you just take out Illumise on the first turn. A little Fake Out, have my other Mon brute force Illumise down and from there on out brute force the whole fight. No problems there^^ Of course, if it's your first run, you didn't use any guide and you don't know what's waiting for you, you might be in for a harsh defeat....that much i give you XD
Oh boy....here we go.....Fifty Shades of Cass and Ame.....now live on the Forums XD Jokes aside, i got new questions: 1.) Which characters in Reborn are designed after / supposed to be the counterparts of the devs? It's obvious for Ame, but are there others? 2.) We all know that Budew is the sworn nemesis of Ame. Which Pokémon would be your nemesis? 3.) Like i said before, Cain is my favorite character in Reborn. He's funny because he seems to be open minded, flirts with everyone and turns every conversation into a sex joke. But what is Cain's official sexual orientation? 4.) If you could change one thing about the official Pokémon games, what would it be? For me it would be nicknames. Some people give really ugly nicknames to the Mons they want to trade, and i hate the fact that i can't change these nicknames. 5.) Which are your favorite starter Pokémon for each of the 3 types?
And here i thought the fact that Cain's singing is a reference to several Pokémon songs was so obvious that everyone who ever watched the Pokémon anime would notice...guess i was wrong^^
Hahaha, good one, i just wanted to ask something similar XD Moar questions: 1.) If you are the trainer of Alolapix Ame, would you evolve her to Alola Ninetails, or would you keep your Alolapix as she is? 2.) You are a gym leader. What is your type and what would be your signature Pokémon? 3.) You are the leader of an evil organisation in the world of Pokémon. What would be your goal? 4.) Who came up with the idea for Cain? He's my favourite character in Reborn. 5.) And the obligatory troll question: By the power of Pulse Budew you got turned into a Budew yourself. Ame could turn you back, but she won't know it's you, because you can't talk any more. Also Ame got really mad and now she's killing Budew left and right with that hyper aggressive Charizard....what would you do?
I feel like asking some not so serious questions, so feel free to be creative (but still honest) with your answers: 1.) So we established that if you and Ame both were Pokémon, you would be Gardevoir, and Ame would be Alolapix. But what if only one of you was a Pokémon and the other one is the trainer. Would you be Ame's Pokémon, or her trainer? 2.) For some reason or another you end up in the world of any game you've played. This world is your reality now, and you can't go back. Which game world yould you like to be in, and which game world would be a nightmare for you? 3.) You have gained super powers. Superman, Son-Goku, All-Might, Saitama....they are nothing compared to you. But you have a fatal weakness that causes you to lose your powers whenever you are exposed to it. What is your super power and what is your weakness? 4.) Team Meteor unleashed a giant horde of Budew led by a Pulse Budew on Reborn City. The Budew are bullying Ame. You could save her, but the only Pokémon you could use right now is a hyper aggressive Charizard that doesn't listen to you and will most likely burn down half of Reborn City if you use it. Would you still use it to save Ame? 5.) You are the main character of an anime. You can either be a famous hero or an evil overlord. What's your choice? Have fun with these^^
Did you guys just try to roast Ame for saying the word "bitch"? Are you some kind of Budew? Shame on you! Fairy Dust! And lots of it.... And a few dead Shuckle, for animation testing XD
And yet he still said that this battle might have been a lose for him, if he hadn't taken the warnings seriously XD But i have to agree, this first Pulse Tangrowth is no big deal. At least he is taking the warnings more serious now....or at least he pretends that he does....
In that case you might find my first reaction kinda boring, because i was like "Hm.....so it's just some kind of forced evil mega evolving....." Well...it doesn't change the fact that i like the idea though. An evil organisation ACTUALLY doing evil things and committing actual crimes in a Pokémon game.
Well......Common Candy might not be the the only things blanked out and erased from his memory in terms of Reborn XD Watching him feels like he aimlessly wanders around until he somehow ends up on the right track, even if he DID recieve clear directions from the game in the first place.
And here i thought chess was something to eat.........wait.........that was cheese.... When was the last time you've been to Radomus gym? Next set of questions! This one is purely Fire Emblem themed: 1.) Adult or child Tiki. Which one do you like more? 2.) Do you play Fire Emblem on default (Permadeath) or easy mode? 3.) Are you more of a careful planning tactician, or more of a reckless charge in and kill type of player in FE? 4.) Are you one to make sure to get as many if not even ALL child characters on those FE games that have this feature? 5.) On the games that feature a player created unit: Do you prefer to create a male or a female character?
Haha, sure^^ That poor thing would just die on his team. It's better off with Cain.
If only he knew how useful this little bat can be in reborns early game.....