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Everything posted by ShogokiX
Fair enough, but he was all like "Wonga, you wasted my encounter!" Well....he DOES have a Mightyena now, so that would take care of Espeon. As for Chatot he might want to get any of the electric type Mons that you can get as a static encounter. Mareep would be a nice one, but he would have to beat Taka in Malchous Forest first.
I still think he won't make it past Taka+ZEL in Beryl Ward. He does so little training with his team while constantly using Combusken to bail him out of everything. Also WHY does he count that Woobat in that part of the Railnet as his encounter? Ever heard of species clause?
Ok, let's be fair....that answer was obvious^^ But to be honest i feel like he rather needs a brain in the first place. I can understand why. If P5 was your first Persona game you might feel like the older titles lack something vital.....It was the same for my gf. She'll never understand why i like the older games as well XD Ok, back to topic^^ I got more questions: 1.) What is your favourite Persona in P5? 2.) Will you be playing Persona 5 the Royal? 3.) Have you played any Final Fantasy games? 4.) Since you only named female FE characters on my last set of questions: Who would be your favourite male characters for each of the same 4 games? 5.) If i told you there is a game that is a crossover between Persona and Fire Emblem, would you play it? I was going to insert another joke about collecting all the waifus in FE games, and make a Pokémon "gotta catch 'em all" joke out of it, but i better not push my luck.... Also: The game that is a crossover between Persona and Fire Emblem DOES really exist. It's called Tokyo Mirage Sessions and you need a Wii U to play it.
Hmmm....i gotta join the fun....Here are my questions: 1.) If Ame said you are Gardevoir, what Pokémon would you say she is? 2.) Who is your favourite Fire Emblem Character for each of the following titles: Awakening, Fates, Echoes, Three Houses 3.) Since you do like the Zelda series: Have you ever thought that Link was Zelda, because you didn't know his name was Link? 4.) What was the most infuriating thing to ever happen to you? 5.) If you could do a P5 style change of heart for one person that is somehow a celebrity.....be it a politican, a movie star, whatever....who would that be? And of course, since i am Shogoki, there needs to be a troll question: If i say Futaba is best girl in P5, would you fight me for that statement?
I'd like to ask a question regarding the passwords feature coming with EP19: If you decide to activate any number of passwords on a new save file, will there be any way to disable any passwords mid game? For example: Say you have nuzlocke + monotpye + hardcap activated. And somewhere mid game you suddenly want to get rid of hardcap. Will there be a way to turn it off without the use of debug mode?
There is only one Ditto in the game as of Ep18. You have 2 chances to get it. The first is chance is where you are trapped inside that cell in Blacksteam Factory, where you have to solve a puzzle by using the stolen Pokémon that are also being kept there. The second chance is the guy who sells the stolen Pokémon on 7th street, but only if you didn't already get Ditto at Blacksteam Factory. So yeah, if your Ditto has bad IVs you are pretty much out of luck. Your only option is to either get another Ditto by trading or using mods to change your Dittos Stats. If you want to use Mods i would highly recommend using the Sandbox Mode mod. This mod should serve all your needs without risking to break something by accident.
To be honest: Whenever i watch someone doing a nuzlocke i am just waiting for the moment that the guy loses one of his strongest / currently most useful Pokémon to a random crit. You'll never know when or where it might happen...
Butterfree XD
I wonder if he would freak out if he knew which Pokémon he already missed out on because he didnt keep his eyes open^^ like casually walking past that free Panpour, or missing out on Blitzle in the thunderstorm.
Yeah, would be pretty much boring if he ended it after getting whipped by Taka+ZEL.... People always tend to say that Shelly is the one where difficulty starts going up a notch, but Taka+Zel might hit really hard if you are playing a nuzlocke on your first time. He won't know what hit him. Especially if he doesn't start training all 6 members of his team soon.
What part of it? Feel free to tell me XD
And now the dev team members are busy playing Fire Emblem Three Houses^^ Well.....i can relate to that....who wouldn't want to catch all the waifus? *Train station announcement voice* "The train to Weeb City has now arrived!" Ah, that's mine....well....c u later Feraligatr! NYAHAHA!!!
He'll come to realise the error of his ways. Sooner or later.....probably later..... ......MUCH later.......
One would think he would've learned his lesson by now, but hey.....he somehow made it through the first gym. But seriously.....he starts training his Pokémon, yet doesn't even train them properly... The Bidoof and the Woobat are still on same level they were caught. Also, he could just have trained his Poochyena up to level 18, evolve it to Mightyena and he could have swept through Julias Pokémon practicly brain afk by just spamming Bite. Weeeeellllll~ Ep.5 will tell us if he learned his lesson this time....
Well......People DID tell him NOT to do a nuzlocke on his first playthrough.... He probably got his butt handed by the Solrock+Lunatone battle. Isn't that quite normal that people who do let's plays to fail at the games they play? Like standing around (or running in circles) for half an episode because they can't figure out where to go next... Or like messing up the easiest boss fights even after the game explicitly told them what they have to do? I always thought THAT is the reason why people watch let's plays....to make fun of how bad they are at the games....
Yeah...bout that Teddiursa....i tried to get that the other day and it disappeared after i found it a few times. I searched all of the places where it should spawn, but is was nowhere to be found. But since i saved just before i started the hunt i could try again and got it in the end. So yeah....some kind of bug in that event i guess....
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Y U DO DIS TO MEEEEEHHH??? But jokes aside....pls tell us there won't be any roaming legendary Pokémon....... ......... ......... ......... ...pretty please?
I am not a big fan of legendary Pokémon roaming around the world, to be found as random encounters. Back in the Gold and Silver days i went enrage so many time while hunting down the legendary dogs because the things kept teleporting around the map. I have no problem though if you have to visit a number of different places in order to do a quest line that ultimately leads to the places where these Pokémon are waiting to be captured. And we are talking about a fan gam here. I am sure Ame and her dev team are a little more creative than just putting them into the world as roaming Pokémon and be like "Have fun..."
Since he does play a nuzlocke i wonder how many times he will slip up and either don't catch a Pokémon even if he still could, or catch a Pokémon even if he already did capture one in that place. Reborn can be confusing about that at times. Some people do count the back alleys as seperate locations, some don't, and places like seacrest garden and the pool are technically both in Lower Peridot Ward, so he can't catch a Pokémon in both places.... Also i wonder how long it will take for him to realise the importance and tactical use of Common Candy.
Then again that's good for us. If they don't need to create new maps they can save at least a little bit of time. Not that we will get EP19 anytime soon, but still....look at the bright side XD
Or in case you are too afraid to mess up anything in Debug Mode there is also another solution i can offer, which would be the Sandbox Mode mod. Created by DerxwnaKapsyla and maintained by Waynolt this mod can do a lot of things without messing with debugging features. One of the NPCs in there can change the IVs for you and there are trainers with Lvl. 1 Pokémon that are just there for fast EV training. Here is a link to the Sandbox Mode mod:
A Budew terrorizing Ame might be a cool wallpaper as well XD Jokes aside... How about a Wallpaper of the first encounter with Cain in the Grand Hall, where he's all like "Heeey~ You're cute!" I would like to see his Nidoran sitting next to him, face palming itself like "OMG, here we go again...." Or you could just draw an epic fight scene from the first encounter....the player facing off against Cain and Victoria.....in a 3 way battle!
"No Budew (and Shuckle) were hurt during the testing of this new feature." A lot of Oh well....sometimes great science demands small sacrifices....
Maybe that's his default recording setting and he just doesnt know better?
And the best part is: If you are into it you can grab any halfway decent image editing software and tinker around with the sprites as you like. I didn't like the shiny Flareon sprite, so i changed it. Have a look at them if you like. Feel free to use them if you want. Heck, i wouldn't even mind if this one ends up as the official EP19 sprite for shiny Flareon.