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Everything posted by ShogokiX
And with those drinking game rules you end up a drunken corpse after just one episode^^ Jokes aside, i am still holding on to my statement that Ttar won't make it past the Taka+ZEL battle in Beryl Ward. If he doesn't get wasted even before that. He may be able to make it past Aster and Eclipse and their 2 Rockruffs if he uses his Combusken, but he may also lose one or two of his other Mons first.... Well, that's what you get for leveling only one or two of the Pokémon on your team.
Yeah.....isn't that only after city restauration? Or did i miss something?
Even so he would still be allowed 3-4 static Pokémon at this point: The only statics in Opal Ward are the Pachirisu/Zigzagoon that is a Ziggy for him, and the Panpour/Pansear under the Opal Bridge. As for Lower Peridot Ward he had the most possible choices, being Whismur, Espurr/Minccino, Blitzle, Teddiursa, Kricketot and Gulpin before Julia. Plus Onix and Numel after Julia. But he got Gulpin, so that's out. If you count the Alleyways as a seperate place (which he did), the Tynamo in the Lower Peridot Ward Alley is still possible for him. And lastly the northern part of the Peridot Ward, where he could obtain Igglybuff, Surskit, Joltik/Grubbin or Budew. Plus Snubbul/Stufful (Snubbul for him) after Florinia. And if you count trading of course the Munna.
Why am expecting him to lose at least 2 of his Pokémon in the upcoming "boss fight"? Also he's cutting so many battles....how do we know he didn't already get one of his mons wasted during one of the cut battles? Aaaaaanyway~ The way he keeps using only 1 or 2 Mons he might be in REAL trouble once he faces Julia.....IF he even makes it past the "boss fight" of the Mosswater Factory in the next part XD And someone might want to tell him that he didn't get any of his static encounters up till now....except for Gulpin, which IS technically a static encounter, even though it's not visible....it's always there and you can't get a second one out of that trash bin. But i guess i won't tell him.....i want to see his face once he realises how much he underestimates this game^^
Wait a sec.....didn't you ask for help against Shelly just the other day? Did you catch an Espurr like i told you for the Shelly battle? If it's female it can learn Shadow Ball at level 31 once it evolves into Meowstic (at level 25). It will also learn moves like Extrasensory at level 35 or even Psychic at level 40. I'll also agree on the Moxie Migthyena that Candy suggested. That thing can Crunch (level 40) through Shades gym like a boss. Other than that you best bets would be to either train that Mawile of yours, or catch another Mawile in the Railnet right where you left Cain, Shelly and the orphanage kids. Those Mawile do have an encouter rate of 5% though.... But its worth it since they come with moves like Crunch or even Sucker Punch if you train them up for the gym. If you don't want that i would try catching a Duskull inside the Power Plant that is Shade's gym. As long as its level has not reached 33 it will know Shadow Sneak and evolves to Dusclops at level 37. And finally if you got that Whismur from the Lower Peridot Ward (only obtainable before beating Julia) it can be very strong against Shade if its ability is Rattled. In that case Whismurs evolved forms will have the ability Scrappy that allows them to hit ghost types with normal and fighting moves. Whismur evolves into Loudred at level 20 which evolves into Exploud at level 40. If you were to train until it evolves into Exploud you would get a really nice move set with moves like Echoed Voice, Uproar and even Crunch. And being a normal type it will be immune to ghost type moves.
Random Fusion Flare Lightning Rod Magicarp Starter incoming^^
Yeah well.....as far as i am concerned i have a very easy solution that fixes all the problems regarding Pokémon Sword an Shield. There are more and more videos popping up on Youtube that prove how Game Freak has lied to us so many times, and how they got lazy over the past years. If they keep talking about using the more powerful hardware of the Switch for "high quality animations" and "being more expressive", why couldn't they at least manage to show these "high quality animations" and "more expressive Pokémon" in their playable demos? And here comes my solution: If Game Freak really decides to go through with this and release a half baked game with tons of reused models and animations, and lots of cut content i will simply treat Pokémon Sword and Shield as if these games don't exist at all. Game Freak can either fix these games until their relase, or they don't exist.....easy as that. It's entirely up to them^^ There are no problems with the 8th gen if the 8th gen doesn't exist in the first place. Edit: 6 hours after this post i finally found time to watch the video that @Vinnie linked in his post just before mine. And i had a good laugh. But i agree on Lockstin's statement that Nintendo might need to get rid of Game Freak for future Pokémon games. I really recommend watching this video. Some of the things Lockstin says might not fit your opinion, depending on where you stand, but in the end he does talk facts. Still, it won't change the fact that i stand to what i said before adding the edit.
If i may i'd like to give you some advice that always worked out for everbody who tried so far. You may want to get yourself an Espurr. It doesn't matter what level or gender, all it HAS to have is the move Fake Out. Your Speed Boost Blaziken and a third Pokemon, preferably your Pachirisu should be all you need. Bring Ponita as backup. The 2 most dangerous Pokémon on Shelly's team are Illumise and Araquanid. Both will use Rain Dance. Illumise has Prankster, so you need to use Fake out to outspeed it. Yanmega has Speed Boost and CAN be a handfull, but will be easily outspeeded by your Blaziken if you keep it alive. Step 1: Stock up on some healing Items, you might need them. Step 2: Put your Espurr and Blaziken up front to start with them. Step 3: Espurr uses Fake Out on Illumise to prevent Rain Dance. Make sure to have Blaziken attack Illumise as well to score a KO. Step 4: Keep Blaziken alive but let Espurr go down. You want to get Pachirisu in before Araquanid comes out. Step 5: Use Pachirisus electric type moves to get rid of Arqauanid. That's about it. Works every time for me, and i am not even using a Torchick as my Starter.
Power Gem does not have an animation. At least not in EP18 of Reborn. Maybe in another fan game you played?
Hell yeah, tons of fun while messing around with the game incoming XD Usually i like to mod my games until they break....now i won't even be needing mods to break this one ^^' One question though: Will it be possible to turn off any of those changes mid game? Your post said Nuzlocke mode can be turned off after losing a battle. Let's say you activate hard cap, but don't want that any more for some reason at any point in the game. Will there be an option (preferably from the menu) to turn off one (or all) of the passwords you entered at the start of your save file?
Personally i would pick either Treecko or Bulbasaur as a grass type starter, depending on whether i want my starter to be offensive or defensive. Sceptile is a very strong attacker, also quite fast for a grass type. It is the single fastest non legendary grass type, outspeeded only by Shaimin, which in turn is outspeeded by Mega Sceptile, and it can be played on either physical or special attacks quite well. Even a mixed set might be an option. Venusaur is a great staller with a nice choice of stalling options to choose from. What it misses in Speed it more than makes up for in it's ability to withstand attacks that don't hit one of it's weaknesses. Mega Venusaur is even more of a beast and i used it a lot on competetive matches. It can put the opponent to sleep, poison or paralyze it, use Leech Seed, Giga Drain is not only a strong attack but also a strong recovery move, and if you go for Chlorophyll + Solar Beam it can even be a heavy hitter in offense terms if combined with a Pokémon that sets up sunny weather.
Yeah, i thought so.....but i got another Pokémon with Electric Terrain shortly after that, so....yeah....it's not like it's gone....it's just on another Pokémon XD
Yeah, bout that.....does the Mareep even HAVE Electric Field? I tried soft resetting for about an hour and didn't get that move, so i just took what i could have by going for decent IV, Ability and nature.....but the moves did not change once....
Yeah well..... i just took my Nidoking and my Ditto to get a female Nidoran, since i was way too lazy to catch a new one. Worked out and now i can try breeding these to try the things that i wanted......
Somehow this reminds me of a friend of mine..... After i told him about Pokémon Reborn he wanted to do a Nuzlocke on his first playthrough. Well....he didn't play any other Pokémon game any other way than Nuzlocke them in any way possible... I warned him, told him about the differences between Reborn and official games, especially the way higher difficulty, but he was like "You said you can pick out of EVERY starter of all 7 Gens, and every Pokémon can have it's hidden ability....how hard can this be?" Long story short.....he got trashed by Julia. And then he was like "Dude, this game is insane! ....... I LIKE IT!!!" And after that he started a normal playthrough and still got his butt handed to him every now an then, even though i gave him some useful hints now and then....
Man, i'm having brainfarts.... I was breeding some Mons because i wanted to try out a few things in preparation for a good EP19 team....and i totally forgot you can't breed Nidoqeen XD I knew you can't breed Nidorina and Nidoqueen in the official games as well, but since this is a fan game i was kinda hoping that this would not be the case in Reborn.... Still.....is there a canonical reason that explains why you could breed with Nidoran male, Nidorino and Nidoking if you used Ditto, but only with the female Nidoran, and not with Nidorina and Nidoqueen?
And yet, despite the fact that fan game development teams are tiny compared to the dev teams on the original games, AND despite the fact that they do have a way smaller amount of resources at hand they STILL make better games......ohhhhh the irony... As for the legal terms....well, of course the creators of the official games want to protect their franchise, but seriously.....even a blind person can see that the popularity those fan games have is because of the things that they do right or even better compared to the original games. So WHY are the developers of the official games not learning ANYTHING from that?
Still not believing that he'll make it past the Taka+ZEL Battle in Beryl Ward....
That is exactly what fan games are for^^ For proving again and again that fans can make better games than the original developers.
Well.....considering how he almost lost to a ducklett this might just end the way i predicted.....or even before that.... Pokémon Reborn doesn't show any mercy to players who decide to nutzlocke it on their first playthrough....
While you are at it, some of the pages are quite outdated^^ Does this wiki even get updated any more?
If you have any more questions feel free to ask. This community will help you out in one way or another.
Yes, Water Pledge might have been a good choice, You get that by going to the Lapis Ward and in one of the houses to the very north is a man that teaches any starter Pokémon the Pledge move of their respective type for 3 Shards of the respective color (green, red and blue shards of course) As for Hydro Pump i am with Kronos on this one. It MAY have a whopping 120 base damage, but the fact that it has a 80% accuracy and only 5 AP make this move a no go for a Pokémon used for a playthrough. Yes, Greninja will obtain a very nice move pool once you get the right TMs. It can be played in some very interesting, rather "unusual" ways....trust an old competetive player on that one^^ I had like 6 different Greninja, some of them just for trolling some very salty people....
yeah....bout that....he won't even MAKE it to that battle if he really does try to nutzlocke Reborn on his first playthrough. If he really does the nutzlocke, i'd say he'll make it to the Taka+ZEL fight in Beryl Ward at best. If he doesn't get wasted by Julia right away XD
When it comes to a good set of early game Choices of Pokémon you might want to consider getting a Caterpie. Butterfree might be weak against the first gym, but it will be a big help in the next 5 or 6 gyms at least and might even carry you all the way. For the first gym i recommend getting a Mightyena with Moxie ability. You need to catch a Pochyena with the Ability Rattled to get one. It evolves at Lvl. 18 and can solo clear the first gym by spamming Bite. The Espurr that Hyena2305 mentioned is a good coice as well, but since there can also be a Minccino at the same place (it's a 50/50 chance) you might not be able to get that, since the Pokemon found there is set at the beginning of the game.