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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Poor Waynolt being abused by evil variable names. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to find it?
  2. Well, considering it's possible to change gender and shiny status in debug, i think it stands to reason that it should be possible to add these options to an NPC. And that would be a great benefit for everyone who has no clue about debug mode and is afraid to accidentally f up their game by messing with the wrong options. But given how many things changed in Ep19, i guess there is still a lot to do before the complete sandbox mode Ep19 update is being released XD The fact that there has been no further update yet is proof enough that this isn't just a quick 5 minute job.
  3. I would advise against using that one particular option. Officially this is still the open beta for Ep19, and there are lots of bug report coming in from players. As such there is no telling what may break if you skip through certain areas by walking through walls. If you want to use that, however, pls be aware that this is at your own risk and if anything breaks that's entirely on you.
  4. scroll up and there it is right next to Starlight Divide
  5. As far as i know Magearnas "original color" is not in Reborn. Howerer, the Reborn shiny version of default Magearna is the same color as "original color" shiny. And if you really prefer the "original color" pattern, you may as well edit the sprite, or ask nicely if someone could do that for you. I wouldn't be surprised if someone already did the work for private use and would be willing to share.
  6. Sounds nice. This will be a lot of fun once it's done.
  7. To be honest, while i would like to experiment around with sandbox mode and Ep19 a little more, i think i can wait for the community open beta to end before i go off the deep end of trying to break the game by creating overpowered monstrosities that could overpower even a "fullevs" password powered playthrough... or i'll just go off the deep end right now by combining the passwords nuzlocke, fullevs (max IV and EV on all stats for all opponents), 0ivs (0 IVs for all my mons), stopgains (0EV gains for my mons) and 0exp (my mons can't earn any exp).... yeah, sounds totally like something any sane person would do....
  8. Pretty sure the Murkrow you're talking about appears after Shelly's gym. In fact, i think you need to beat Shade in order for it to appear.
  9. If in doubt it always helps to see what happens if you remove the mod. If things work normal again, at least your save should be fine most of the time. Although with pickup and its base chance of actually picking up an item after a battle you might find yourself slaughtering the entire population of wild mons before you actually get an item XD I know, because i always keep a mon with pickup on my team during leveling phases. It's free healing items after all, i actually managed to get 99 full restore through pickup on higher levels in Ep18.
  10. In Ep19 any item you get through a Pokémon's pickup ability will be added to your inventory directly. You do not have to pick it off from your mon any more. But if you happen to GIVE your mon with pickup ability an item, pickup won't trigger any more, just as Aironfaar said.
  11. You know, i'm glad that you reworked the move relearning mod the way it is now. While waiting for Reborn Ep19 i have played a number of different other monster taming games, for one to kill some "waiting for Ep19" time, and also because i really wanted to know which games could prove to be a real alternative to official Pokémon games. I'm not going to drop any names here, but some of these games are very promising. And as a matter of fact, the games that i liked the most, although for different reasons, all had one thing in common: you could change the moves of your monsters at any time, as long as you were outside of battles. Those games all made it a default feature to swap between any moves a monster had learned at any time, either through leveling, breeding, or move tutors. I really like the fact that thanks to your mod this exact feature is now a thing in Pokémon Reborn.
  12. Sure thing, lemme just pick any random Level 5 Pokémon i have..... i'll send you a private message.
  13. And yet you managed to take the time to update the map files to fix the move tutors. I think that should be appreciated.
  14. Hello there, i just wanted to report a bug with the RelearnRework option of this mod. If you are trying to use the relearn option from the party screen on a Pokémon that doesn't have any moves to relearn, either because it's something like Ditto that doesn't learn any moves, or because it simply isn't high enough in level to learn anything, the game crashes. Would it be possible to change it so the game tells you something like "This Pokémon doesn't have any moves to relearn." or something instead of crashing? I also want to note that i did not have a heart scale in my inventory when this bug ocured, so i can't say whether it would trigger if i had a heart scale.
  15. It's good to know that the original author of this mod is still around and hasn't abandoned his work entirely. Although it has been a while between the release of Ep18 and this current Ep19 community beta.
  16. i guess your luck is for the trash bin. i killed two wild shinies today while leveling, so no problems with this mod. also this mod only replaces some png files, no edits to any scripts whatsoever. it can't influence your shiny encounter rate.
  17. wait, you're supposed to READ these posts? there ain't some magical, shining buttons to press without thinking? what have i been doing with my life? how AM i still alive? should i ask google, siri, or alexa for advise....?
  18. In the end, no matter how you put it, classic freeze does basically the exact same as sleep. It makes the afflicted Pokémon unable to act until the effect wears off or is cured. Do we need two status conditions that do exactly the same? Frostbite on the other hand, while it basically does exactly the same as burn, it lowers special attack instead of physical attack. That would be a nice gain and i'm rather surprised something like that wasn't created much earlier in the series as a counterpart to burn.
  19. Wait, WASHING? I thought we gamers don't do this whole washing and showering thing.....this is outrageous! I'm offended! Jokes aside, these new designs look good, and if someone really likes to keep the old ones, they can just copy them from Ep18. Can't wait to see the full extend of Ep19, as there will be a lot of things to explore, even in the older content.
  20. Yeah, but i can see where he's coming from. If you don't know about Rejuv's AP system, which, for @sheik14's information, is how you get the golden items that act as a way to use HMs instead of teaching them to a Mon, you'd probably assume that you would need a mod just like there is for Reborn. However, getting those AP isn't that difficult at all, especially getting enough AP for the early game golden items. As it seems you are a new player to Rejuvenation, i do not want to spoiler too much, but if you are looking for the golden items, you want to look around in East Gearen City, which is the town where you got your starter Pokémon.
  21. Let's be honest, both the Rejuv and the Reborn Wiki could use some serious updating. Although the Rejuv Wiki is in way more need right now XD
  22. Since it seems that the guys who made these mods in the first place haven't been active on these forums for a while, i doubt that these mods will be properly updated any time soon. So unless the original authors return, or someone else takes over and keeps the mods updated, i don't really see it happening.
  23. Hi there! I tried to adjust the controls to my liking and had to find out that the option to adjust controls was missing from the menu. After some browsing on the forums i found out this can now be done by pressing F1. However, there i noticed that you can't adjust all of the keys. For example, i am missing options for the quick use keys of items like the bike or the fishing rods. I'm also a little confused because only the F5 key works for quick use. Whatever i set to F3 or F4 can't be used if i press F3 or F4. The search feature on the PokéDex (Shift by default) also isn't working for me any more. Is there any way to bring back the old menu for control setup? And before anyone asks: Yes, i have updated Rejuv to the most recent version, which would be 13.0.2 at the point of me creating this topic.
  24. EP19 will be very interesting for sure. I've already made up my mind not to rely on my current EP18 saves at all and i will absolutely go for a fresh save once EP19 hits the public download section. With that being said, time to wreck some havoc by creating a new save right now and give myself a few of the strongest mons right from the get go...... Let's see.....6 Mons only, no legendaries, but as OP as somehow possible.....decisions, decisions....
  25. So.....if the max level will go beyond that of 100, will some of the mons learn new moves from there, or will it just be to increase your mons stats?
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