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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. The thumbnail clearly says Nuzlocke, but maybe he will see the many comments under his video telling him that he shouldn't do a Nuzlocke on his first playthrough.... We will see what it's gonna be....
  2. Hahaha.....his first time in Reborn and already a Nuzlocke? He's in for a bunch of nasty surprises XD Especially if he lets his comment section pick his starter Pokémon.... Then again....might be fun to watch. Despair is my favourite dish after all....
  3. Greninja is without a doubt one of the best starter Pokémon of the water type. You should make sure that is has the ability called Protean, since that one allows Greninja to change its type to the same as that of the attack you use. This not only gives you 50% more damage on ALL your moves, but also allows for type swapping to avoid weaknesses. Greninja comes with a great base speed and can be played as a very strong special attacker or a very decent physical attacker due to its great move pool available from TMs and move tutors. If your Greninja does not have the Protean ability just use an ability capsule on it.
  4. ShogokiX

    Yugi Oh.

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist is also available on Steam and features (as far as i know) every card that existed up to the end of Arc-V. There IS a new Version of this game called Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution, but as far as i know that one is currently for the switch only and has not officially been released outside of japan. This new Version also includes every card of the current VRAINS Season. Legacy of the Duelist, or its Remake that will release on August 20 for the Switch in the US and EU are currently the best official games if you want as many cards as possible. About fan games i gotta admit i know nothing, not playing anything else than Legacy of the Duelist^^ It has all the cards i need, up to Arc-V, which is good for me, since i don't like the new rules of VRAINS, and i can even play against other players online.
  5. As far as i have been understanding the Debug Mode didn't get updated because Jan stated that he is not a fan of people using debug tools and DreamblitzX wants to respect that since he feels the same. But anyway, as long as V12 does not have any bugs that prevent us from obtaining certain Pokémon (like the famous bugged Seviper Egg in the first gym, the ONLY way to obtain Seviper in V11), we don't really need any debug tools. The only other reason for using Debug Mode would be to add Pokémon to your party that you either can't have that early in the game, or that are not obtainable in the current version.
  6. Shelly has 2 Pokémon that can and will use Rain Dance. The first one is obviously her Illumise, which has the Prankster ability that raises the priority of her non damaging moves by +1, making it the same priority as Quick Attack for example. Her second Rain Dancer is Araquanid. Since you DO have a Combusken i dare to assume it is a Speed Boost user, otherwise there is no sense in picking this one as your starter over Infernape. Here is a good Strategy that will work with your team. You just need to keep Ampharos and Combusken alive for this, so bring some heal items. Now here is what you want to do: Step 1: Catch yourself an Espurr. Make sure it knows Fake Out. You can catch Espurr in the Aqua Gangs hideout, which is located in the Lapis Ward alleyway. As long as you make sure your Espurr knows Fake Out you can even use it for Shelly without training it. Step 2: Swap your Espurr for that Linoon on your team. Put Espurr and Combusken in the first 2 Slots of your Party. Step 3: Fake Out on Illumise on the first turn, while Combusken Flame Charges Illumise into a one hit KO. Shelly will most likely use her Masquerain to Struggle Bug your untrained low level Espurr. Step 4: Replace your fallen Espurr with Ampharos. It is likely that Shelly will bring out Araquanid to deal with Combusken. If she brings out any other Pokémon, make sure to keep Ampharos alive until Shelly swaps in her Araquanid. Step 5: Take down Araquanid with Thunder Punch and have your Combusken attack Araquanid as well just to make sure it goes down before it can use Rain Dance. Just remember that Araquanid is a water type, so do not use Flame Charge. Step 6: Keep Combusken alive to deal with the Speed Boost Yanmega. This should work against Shelly. After you get rid of Illumise by using that Espurr, Combusken and Ampharos can take down this gym with just the two of them. Just remember that Shelly's Pokémon tend to use a lot of water and rock type moves, which will hurt Combusken a lot. If anyone wants to add something to this strategy, feel free to do so. I just wanted to keep it as simple as possible.
  7. So basicly even those that we already could obtain in EP18 will be found somewhere else if i create a new save file? Oh well....i wouldn't mind getting Thunderbolt instead of Charge Beam from Julia after beating the first gym XD
  8. *immitates the voice of a stereotypical idiot character from a random anime abridged series* Hmmm....i guess someone is trying to give us a hint there....if only i was the main character so i would be able to figure out who it was and what kind of hint it is....
  9. Those are 4 wishes, my friend. A genie will always just grant you only 3.... Jokes aside....some options for a nuzlocke mode or randomizer mode do sound interesting, but i guess that would be so much work that it might be best solved by creating a mod that does this.
  10. Hahaha, yeah..... "Congratulations! You beat the most difficult boss in the game, thereby proving you don't even need this ultimate weapon at all.....but take in anyway! Now have fun smacking the final boss that looks like a lv.1 trash mob in comparison to the boss you just killed!" Final Fantasy is weird about that.....you either have to beat a boss that is a lot more difficult than the actual final boss, or you have to do some ridiculous side quest that consumes lots of time and is not even fun at all...remember FF X, where you had to play stupid Blitzball just to get Wakkas ultimate weapon? FF X is easily one of the best games of the series, but that Blitzball stuff was like "Can i please fight 3 Morbols at the same time instead?" But in terms of Pokémon you have to admit that some Mega Pokémon are easily as powerful as a legendary Pokémon. And it would make sense that you need to train your Pokémon a lot for them to be strong enough to fight and capture a legendary Pokémon. In that very same way it would also make sense that you need a certain amount of strenght and experience to control Mega Evolution or something as powerful as Z-Moves. That is exactly why i like the fact that you do not have Z-Moves right off the bat in Reborn and Rejuvenation. It has been the one thing that somehow bugged me the most in Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon that a new trainer gets access to something THAT powerful so early in the game. I mean you can easily beat the Gen 7 games without ever using a Z-Move anyway, so why are they going overkill right from the get-go?
  11. You know, i'm not angry because they just copypasted models and animations straight from the Gen 7 games for Sword an Shield. I wouldn't even be angry at all if we can't catch every Gen 1-7 Pokémon at release, as long as the remaining ones are included with a free update at a later point.... The thing that ticks me off is the fact that they are lying to our faces, telling us some BS about higher quality models and animations, while clearly reusing the Gen 7 models and animations, as it has already been proven by different sources. They're telling lies about wanting to be more expressive with each individual Pokémon.....yet the most expressive they ever were was Pokémon Stadium 1 and 2 on the Nintendo 64.....thats 20 years ago! And what do we get for Gen 8? Just look at the video linked in my last post on this topic...it's a joke, and not even a funny one...Pokémon are cut from the game for THAT? But well.....we will see if they finally got the message, or if Pokémon Sword and Shield needs to end as the worst selling game of the main series for them to finally understand.....
  12. Well......some way or another we WILL be able to get every item that is not obtainable as of EP18 somewhere in EP19.... I can imagine some of them just being "hidden" somewhere in plain sight in any parts of the game that we have already been up to now, or some being rewards for sidequests. I wouldn't even be surprised if some TMs, Mega Stones or other Items would be available as prizes for some kind of currency you obtain from the nightclub battles...
  13. To add insult to injury....if you feel like having a good laugh, you might wanna watch this one.... There you have it^^ So much for Nintendo lying to us, because why bother.... We are all just gullible idiots who WILL buy their game anyway....
  14. ESPECIALLY in the higher Elos.....never underestimate the sheer amount of players on ANY given game that are on the higher elos for some reason, even if they don't belong there for many reasons.... Yeah well.....it might be normal behavior for japanese people to treat others with respect, but this mentality seems to be limited to japan alone....
  15. Yeah, finally competing against the Reborn community with EVERY Gen 1-7 Pokémon at the ready will be so much fun. I have already started breeding, training and preparing some decent Mons, but i still need a lot of things that are currently not available in EP18, like certain TMs, Mega Stones and such.....
  16. You HAD to remind me about GTS, do you? I went through a full year of therapy because of that.... *GTS flashbacks incoming, screaming in pain* Nah, jokes aside, i agree on the fact that GTS is about the best example of what i am trying to say here.... "Hey, i have a 6 times 0 IV Magicarp! Trade me! I want your Solgaleo you spent 20 hours soft resetting to get decent IV and nature on it!" And well....if official Pokémon games had ingame chat during trades and battles.....let's just say it would be similar to what tends to happen A LOT on Pokémon Showdown.....
  17. Hmm....i just don't know what to make out of Pokémon Sword/Shield any more. Most of the upcoming "features" that were revealed up to now don't fit my taste at all and the fact that there will be a lot of Pokémon be cut from the game just topped it off for me. That was just the one thing that was an absolute no-go for me, no matter what kind of excuse they may have for it. Maybe i could have lived with "features" like Max Raid Battles that (at least in my opinion) will clearly be a problematic feature due to the nature of how people tend to behave online... Yes, there may be games like Splatoon, where it somehow managed to work out in a good way for most of the times, but looking at online gaming in general the usual behavior of people that i see whenever playing with completly random people is either a) trolling, b) egoism all the way, or c) just plain rude people who think flaming and insulting everybody for no reason will solve all problems. I'm not saying that this applies to EVERYONE you randomly encounter, but chances are high that you will get at least one of those on a quite lot of your Teams for Max Raid Battles... Then again.....maybe that's just how i see it because i have too much experience playing MMOs and MOBAs....or i'm just getting too old and this kind of behavior is considered "normal" these days.... But hey, there is a good side to Gen 8: The internet is overflowing with fan arts and memes^^ And everyone loves memes XD
  18. Yeah, poor Shuckle just wants to get it's own evolution aaaaaany minute now^^
  19. I can't wait to see all the new animations in the actual game. And i also hope that you manage to fix the moves that did absolutely nothing. Now i have a question: With EP19 we will finally be able to get every TM that was not obtainable in EP18. Will all of these be in the post game, or will we get some more TMs in the earlier parts of the game?
  20. Yeah well....the community being split up is a natural result of what is going to happen with Sword/Shield. Anyone of you playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game? The physical cards, not the digital games. The Yu-Gi-Oh! community was split up as well when the 6th gen brought new rules to the table that force you to use the new cards if you want to play your old ones properly. Of course a lot of players were not amused by this and either quit playing the game or stopped buying the new cards and keep playing by the old rules of gen 5. What i want to say is that we might get a similar situation with the Pokémon community. Those people who don't like what Nintendo and Game Freak are doing with Sword/Shield will just stop buying the new games and either quit Pokémon entirely or stick to playing the 7th gen games or fan games that do a better job than the official games. And then there is also the fact that Pokémon might be getting a strong competition from an upcoming game called Temtem. I'll be checking that out once the game will be in early access in September on Steam. As for the Switch Lite i am not sure if that would be for me. They clearly said that the Switch Lite will only support games that can be played in handheld mode. Any game that requires the console mode to be played will not run on the Switch Lite. The idea itself is nice though.
  21. Yeah, same here. If there are things that i don't like about the new games, i will keep talking about it if i feel like it. Also for the ghost type "Shy Guy" gym leader....you know, that guy reminded me of a german Youtuber who goes by the name "GermanLetsPlay". That guy uses an Avatar that wears a mask just like that and the guy himself is pretty much known for the fact that he refuses to show his face. Then again, i can understand why he values his privacy.
  22. Ah yes, finally a decent earthquake animation. And it's not just some lame screen shake like in most other games i know. Now i want EP19 even more!
  23. We also need Ash Cap Pikachu and Battle Bond Greninja somehow obtainable as an event in late game XD
  24. If you want some decent early game Pokémon i would also catch a Poochyena. It evolves at Lvl. 18 and Mightyena has some pretty nice abilities. While Quick Feet may come in handy at times, the thing you really want though are either Intimidate or Moxie. A Mightyena with any nature that boosts attack stat and the Moxie ability will sweep through the first gym like crazy by just using Bite. If you don't get Moxie, at least go for Intimidate and use Howl to boost your attack.....works as well in the first gym, but may require the use of a Potion or two to set up. Also, if we are talking about really good early game Pokémon you should never underestimate a Butterfree. It has a good special attack and special defense stat and does not only learn some decent bug and flying type moves, but also some decent psychic type moves and the 3 powder attacks Sleep Powder, Stun Spore and Poison Powder. It does not really matter which ability you get, since Compound Eyes increases your hit rate, while Tinted Lens lets you do double damage on "not effective" moves. It may be useless in the first gym, but after that this thing might become one of your playmakers...
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