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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. I have to agree, Reborn and Rejuvenation are easily the best Pokémon fan games in existence. I played a number of Pokémon fan games, and while some of those were quite entertaining, none of them gave me the same kind of challenge that Reborn and Rejuvenation are offering. I always wanted a Pokémon game where i can't just take the first 6 random Pokémon that i catch and beat the whole game with those alone. Reborn and Rejuvenation give me just that. Every gym leader has at full team of 6 Pokémon, and you are fighting them on a terrain that runs in the gym leaders favor. Just going for type advantages won't always win you the battle, since the terrain might just counter that in some cases. It's really fun to come up with tactics that use the terrain in your own favor. Battling other "boss type" trainers like the Rivals, or the higher ups of Team Meteor can also be quite the challenge, which i really like. Except for Fern.....that guy is, and will always be, nothing more than a big mouthed pushover. I am still not sure whether the player is supposed to hate him, or to make fun of him, because he is such a pathetic crossover between Gary Oak's personality (as displayed in the first season of the Pokémon Anime that is) and the trainer skills of Team Rocket's Jessie and James....
  2. Depending on what kind of use you want to make of your flying types there are a few ones that are quite nice. In terms of offense i would go with something like Crobat or Talonflame. For Gliscor is a nice bulky one for a defensive way of playing. Togekiss is a nice special attacker, quite bulky if you like, and also a very dreadful paraflincher. So yeah, depends on what you want to do with them....
  3. I am with @The Swordsman on this one. I think it is not only allowed, but also necessary for people to freely talk about things they don't like. Even more so if it concerns decisions that affect the subject at hand this much. In this particular case the fact that Pokémon are being cut from the Sword/Shield games is something that i don't want to support. And if some of the cut Pokémon are replaced by new Pokémon that look almost the same that is even more reason for people to voice their opinion on the matter. Anyway, if Game Freak and Nintendo really pull this stunt off i would not be surprised if Pokémon Sword/Shield would end up to be the worst selling games of the main series. Pokémon Sun/Moon already recieved some harsh critics for some of the decisions made there, which had to be fixed (or at least solved in a better way) in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. I can only speak for myself, but i won't support or buy any official main series Pokémon game that cuts Pokémon from the game for such ridiculous reasons.
  4. Soooooo.....just to clarify something right now: If somebody asks how another player can have a Pokémon that is not catchable in the current game version.... Is it still okay to explain to the person asking that the other guy used Debug Mode or similar mods? Or is that a violation of this new rule already? That being said, i think this rule is a good idea. Especially new players should not try to solve every little issue by using Debug Mode right away. It ruins the experience and may lead some people to the assumption that Reborn and Rejuvenation can't be beaten without cheating....
  5. Nah, it's just Silvally teaching Shuckle some new moves. The moves are called "Shuckle the f**k up" and "Organ Harvest" If you get the reference XD
  6. But they are still bug types......Charizard! I choose you!
  7. Haha, and yet the bug counter got cut in half, so i guess you finally tamed the AI....for now... Oh well, while we are all waiting for more updates i guess i can go and make some kids in our neighbourhood cry by beating them in a children's card game.... Yes, i am bored^^
  8. Am i imagining things, or did the bug score go WAY down? If i recall right it was 650 last time and now it's 315...Were half of the Bugs related to the AI?
  9. There are quite a lot of bugs that are to be fixed with EP19, but considering the troubles they seem to have with the AI i guess it will take some more time than expected....
  10. I just looked it up and i guess i was right. Mankey has a 20% chance of appearing on Route 22 for Yellow Version only. It was Red Version where it was available at Route 5 for it's earliest encounter. As for Blue Version it was only available through trading. Lastly in the Fire Red and Leaf Green Versions Mankey was also available with a striking 45% chance on Route 22 on both of them. As for not knowing every type weakness or resistance at that time.....i guess we were all there at one point when we started playing Pokémon, so who can blame a beginner for being a beginner?
  11. Correct me if i'm wrong, but couldn't you also catch a Mankey on Route 22? Thats the Route right next to Viridian City that leads to the Pokémon League Entrance. That should Brocks Pokémon pretty hard as well XD
  12. Most likely these people used the Party Debug Mod from this forum, since it's the easiest way and you don't need to have RPG Maker or other tools. Party Debug allows you to change basicly any values of the Pokémon in your current party. Catch yourself some random Pokémon and change it`s species to something like Mewtwo or Nihilego, change its level, gender, nature, ability and move set to your liking, and maybe even change their IVs and EVs.
  13. That sounds pretty strong indeed. Personally i still prefer Butterfree, since it can be very useful troughout the whole game, but Wormadame may be worth giving a shot on my next playtrough.
  14. In that case you may need to feed us some pics to feed the hype XD Or at least some jelly filled donuts....
  15. Hahahaha Someone is fast to defend her territory... Don't worry, i won't take Ame from you. I have a very cute girlfriend for myself. She may be a lazy bum at times and likes to be treated like a princess, but she's my princess^^
  16. Hahaha, yeah, right^^ Then again, who wouldn't want to date a cute girl....
  17. Hmmm....Butterfree^^ Easily one of the most underestimated early game Pokémon that can carry you all the way through the game. While not very useful in Reborns first arena due to the electric type, it has the advantage of a very nice move set and some very strong abilities. And as for the first Arena....Moxy Mightyena all the way^^ As for the question where the game starts to give you a lot of options i'd say that would be after you get the second badge. I mean, Reborn already does a good job giving you some Pokémon useful in the upcoming arena fights somewhere in the wilds around the locations close to the arena. But once you enter the Jasper and Beryl Wards, and of course the forests that are next to them, you really get a wide variety of Pokémon for every situation. By the time you challenge Corey it should be possible to own at least 1 Pokémon of every type.
  18. Brunch, eh? You sure it's not just you wanting to date her because her profile pic looks cute? Just kidding, i can't resist teasing people whenever i get the chance XD But you are right, those people who take so much of their time to develop this game really deserve lots of appreciation and respect.
  19. Even if progress is coming along slowly, it's still progress. And i am willing to wait for as long as it takes to finish this project. I mean....whatever happens, it can't get worse than Pokémon Sword and Shield, right? Also: Yes! The AI is evil! It eats Pokémon (and probably children as well) and likes to torment poor Ame and her team! And it's probably the evil twin of Nebby, since it also doesn't like to stay in the bag.....er....it's cage....
  20. I just heard my trap spring....did it catch the AI? Oh.....i somehow managed to catch a wild Ame^^ Can i keep it?
  21. *lays down a trail of cookies leading back to the AI's cage* *piles up the remaining cookies inside the cage* *sets up a trap that closes the gace once someone steps into the cage* Now let's hope Ame doesn't have a weakness for chocolate cream cookies XD
  22. I guess i already convinced the guy when i told him about my Cloyster. I am more of a fire type user, but Cloyster is among my first picks when it comes to ice type Pokémon.
  23. The name of your save file should be Game.rxdata. If you have backups activated there should be some more files in that same folder with a name pattern that goes like this: Number - PlayerName - Playtime - Badges.rxdata. To make this easier to understand, it should be something like "1387 - Shogoki - 15h44m - 3badges.rxdata". These are the backup files. All you have to do is take one of those files and rename it to Game.rxdata and the game will use this as your current save file to load the game from. If you don't know where to find your save files the easiest way is to use the windows search function to search for Game.rxdata and then open the file directory from the search menu.
  24. Since using Shell Smash to boost Cloyster is the whole point of that build, it would be stupid to throw that one move away. But sure, feel free to try other movesets... Although i don't think it's worth to count on that low SpDef by using an Assault Vest...
  25. I like myself some nice starter Pokémon any day, but my personal favorite type is the fire type! In second place would be dragon type, and third place is dark type. My Charizard is what Pikachu is for Ash: My best buddy since i started my career as a Pokémon Trainer!
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