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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. And then you have Bill, who turned himself into a Pokémon "by accident".....
  2. I got a question again: I was trying to mess around with Hoopa a little and i couldn't find the item "Prison Bottle" in sandbox mode. This item however is needed to transform Hoopa into its unbound form. Can you tell me where to get it in sandbox mode, @Waynolt? Just in case this item is missing: Would you add it to that NPC who already sells N-Solarizer, N-Lunarizer? Also, if that is not too much to ask: Would you add DNA Splicers, Gracidea and Reveal Glass to that npc as well? I Know you can get these in the room where the old psychologist is, but it would be nice to have everything in one place for convenience sake.
  3. Soooo....if machines go berserk in the world of Pokémon.....does that mean there will be an army of Porygonators voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger? Aww sheeet..... I just realized that Rotom is Skynet....
  4. I see, someone else who read the manga. I find it quite entertaining how much difference there is if you compare the the manga to the anime or the games. I mean, there are some key differences between the games and the anime as is, but the manga is a completly different thing entirely. And yes, the manga takes a lot of things more literally, and makes plot points out of it. Pokédex entries make for a good example here. Or criminal organisations being just that: criminals who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, including terrorism and murder. And lets not forget that people in the manga also often treat Pokémon like what they supposed to be. In Volume 1 for example Pikachu, being a MOUSE, is treated like a plague by the citizens. It steals food, damages property, and sabotages electric equipment and power supply networks to charge itself. Just as you would expect from a wild mouse or a rat living in the city in real life.
  5. Yeah....considering the things that happened in the game so far.... a little trail of blood is no biggie any more. But Reborn isn't your regular Pokémon game anyway. Have you ever read the manga? Reborn has more in common with the manga than with the anime or the games if you ask me.
  6. First of all: Welcome back, @DerxwnaKapsyla! Don't worry, your sandbox mode mod is in very good hands. @Waynolt has taken really good care of it. If you feel like you don't have the energy, don't feel bad about it. It happens sometimes.... On a side note you might want to know that sandbox mode got so popular that people have been asking for a Rejuvenation version of it.
  7. To kill some time i startet a new save file and i will try to train as many Pokémon as i can right from the start to create a huge time sink for me (and also to utterly crush any "important" opponent i will encounter with no mercy at all.) Also, because i want to know just how overpowered legendary Pokémon and Ultra Beasts are in Reborn i will do a parallel run where i want to use only one team consisting of only 6 Pokémon that are either legendary or Ultra Beasts. But i haven't decided which ones i use yet....only one thing is certain: i want to use Mewtwo and Rayquaza, since these have been my favorite legendary Pokémon for years. I wonder how far i can get with both projects until EP19 arrives.
  8. If i remember correctly Ultra Beasts are at Lvl. 60 when encountered in Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon. I guess we won't meet them that much earlier in Reborn as well, in terms of levels that is. The Ultra Beasts are quite strong, getting them too early would throw off the balance. But i guess i don't need to worry about that. Considering how much work was put into Reborn to make it a balanced, yet challenging experience, i highly doubt that we'll get the UBs that easy and thereby throwing any kind of difficulty out of the window.
  9. That might very well be the case, i have not touched the official games for quite some time^^ I do own Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon, but i do not remember any more....
  10. Hmmmm....wandering around the forest... suddenly wild Buzzwole appears..... Just like that?
  11. I just checked it and you are absolutely right. There are no bars for the ultra beasts. Unless they are somehow part of what one of the other bars stands for, this might just be a little mistake. Is this intentional, or did you just forget the progress bars for the Ultra Beast Pokémon @Amethyst and @andracass?
  12. Hmmm.... *scrolls down progress bars for 5 minutes, finally reaches the end* I somehow expected.....more^^ And here i thought i had to wait for a long time....but that won't even be enough time to watch all the episodes of the anime.... *One eternity later...* "And that, my children, is how Tyrantrum and his friends, the other fossil Pokémon, went extinct..."
  13. Even IF we are overthinking things here, right now that's all we have: Lots of time to make up the craziest possible theories on how the story will unfold in EP19. And i still like my theory of everyone getting turned into Budew, and a Pikachu wearing a Hat has to save the day with it's 10.000.000 Volt Tsunderebolt....because it's not like it likes you, baka!
  14. It might also be possible that the remaining story will happen first and the player going up against the Elite Four comes after everything else has happened and the world is saved. Of course there still is the post game, and i can easily imagine that some parts of the story actually happen in the post game after the Elite Four. I would not mind if the final part of the story begins after the player becomes champion.
  15. I guess we will see how many changes there will be in the end. I will first finish the story from my EP18 save file and maybe even do some post game stuff on it, and then i will start a new EP19 save and start looking for changes.
  16. Kimi no Na wa.....that's a really good choice. This movie is a masterpiece and i enjoyed watching it.
  17. A very unexpected plot twist can turn already great stories into even better ones. Especially with a story that is already a dark one to begin with. There are a some different scenarios of possible plot twist running through my head....
  18. So many choices, huh? Who will turn out to be a good guy, or maybe even a hidden hero in the end after all? Who is the true evil mastermind? Maybe someone who is supposed to be one of the dead characters is not even dead after all... And that one "dead" character, who we as the player character saw dying with our very own eyes, turns out to not only be alive after all, but also to be the TRUE evil! A character who needed a fake death to be able to pull the strings from the shadows... With nobody suspecting that character at all, because that person was supposed to be dead.... Hmm.....somehow i feel as if Amethyst is standing right behind me, glaring at me and saying "Good Job, Shogoki! You managed to spoiler the entire plot twist of EP19 without even being one of the people who knew about this! Now get eaten by Budew!"
  19. So there was someone else who saw what i was getting at when i said there might be a hint in there^^
  20. Perhaps that was intentional and meant to give us some kind of hint? But then it was changed back because it also might confuse some people? We should hire Detective Pikachu to solve this case for us!
  21. I aggree with @Abyssreaper99 on this one. 2 Years might be too long. Also there is so much that we don't know. Yes, they did let us know that post game developement will likely take a lot more time than the EP19 story part, but what else do we know? One of the few things we do know is the amount of Pokémon not obtainable as of EP18. At least not obtainable without using dev mode, sandbox. or similar tools. We do know that there are bugs that need fixing, attacks that lack animations, some even not working properly (like Land's Wrath doing absolutely NOTHING when used) Well, i guess you get my point. It's too early to start counting our horses and make assumptions on how long it will take until EP19 will be released.
  22. Yep^^ That pretty much sums up what will happen...
  23. Who said i was talking about ingame Ame? I said everyone and everything gets turned into Budew except for Amethyst. Why do you think i spelled her name out? You and me, and and EVERYONE! All will be Budew! Budew will be all! And only a Pikachu wearing a Cap can save us^^ I should know^^ i come from the future and i already saw all this^^ I'm an Absol! Absol are time travelers! How else do you think this power to warn people about incoming desaster works?
  24. Rather than turning every Pokémon into Budew, maybe Lin wants to turn every human into Budew? And then, as a Budew, you have to save the world by using your....wait....NO, NO, NO! Bad Shogoki! Not gonna do a pun about Water Sports and Worry Seed here. I already got pun-ished by my gf for the last joke i did on this topic.... Soo...the world ends with Budew....everyone and everything gets turned into Budew....except for Amethyst. And because she let that happen, she now truly is in A HELL OF HER OWN MAKING...... *roll dramatic music* Basicly, we are all doomed! Unless.....if Ame gave us the Ash Cap Pikachu and it's Z-Stone! Because it follows anime rules it's wearing plot armor and can 10.000.000 Volt Thunderbolt it's way through everything!
  25. Did you say Candy? *starts drooling* Ima Gulpin da Candy down like a Vanillite on a Sunny Day! An nobody gonna stop Meowth cause i quickly do a U-Turn back into the Unown of the Never-Ending Nightmare i came from! Just kidding^^ i'm just having a Blastoise here since i cooked up quite a tasty Wobbuffet for dinner XD
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