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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Thx for the reply. In that case i will have to wait until i can catch a Seviper in the wild later in the game. Or is that egg the only way to get Seviper?
  2. Hi there! I just started playing Pokémon Rejuvenation and i have an issue with the first gym. It's about that hidden Seviper egg that i can't pick up. Reading my way through this topic i found someone saying you can get it on an unpatched v11, but since i just startet Rejuvenation recently i of course only have v11.3, which was supposed to have fixed this bug. Is there any other way to get my hands on this egg? I am sorry to dig up something that was supposed to be solved 3 months ago, yet since this still seems to be an issue i wanted to ask what else i can do.
  3. This question might be a little off topic, but did you ever consider to make a Rejuvenation version of this mod?
  4. Thx man, you´re awesome! Edit: About one hour later, after some testing around i found out that neither of Zygarde´s 4 special Moves have any animations at all. And "Land's Wrath" is not even doing anything. I use the attack, it says "Zygarde used Land's Wrath" and after that combat resumes without the move doing anything at all XD And Zygarde is not the only one whose special moves don't have any animations... Guess thats what i get for playing around with Pokémon that are not even catchable in Reborn yet without using mods. I don't think this is something you can fix, but i'm leaving this here in case anyone else stumbles upon something similar while using Sandbox Mode.
  5. Thanks for keeping up such a good job on this mod, Waynolt. Now there is only one thing i am missing and that would be the Zygarde's Gen 7 Stuff. Is there any way to switch Zygarde between its forms? I'm of course talking about the 10% and 50% forms, since it should switch to its 100% form by using its ability "power construct". So far i have only been able to get the 50% form that was its Gen 6 default form, but not the 10% form that was introduced in Gen 7. Also, i have not found any way to teach Zygarde all of its special moves. It can learn "Land's Wrath" like it could in X/Y, but not any of its moves that were added in Sun/Moon As far as i know you could teach it not only the moves "Extreme Speed" and "Dragon Dance" which it couldn't learn in Gen 6, but also the 3 new moves "Thousand Arrows", "Thousand Waves" and "Core Enforcer", which were added in Gen 7. Would be really cool if you can add that somehow.
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