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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. Well, considering how undeniable nice and comfy this year has been, i wouldn't even be surprised if things started to happen that are supposed to be impossible by any known laws of science..... And with christmas and new year just around the corner, things are bound to escalate anyway, as we all know there are those people who will not tolerate to change how they celebrate these days, even given the worldwide circumstances we are now in.... So grab your popcorn, order a pizza and ready your zombie survival equipment, cause this party is getting crazy! Sooooooo........yeah.....like i said.....at this point anything may happen......so i'm sitting here, waiting for my anime protagonist OP super powers to start appearing aaaaaaaany minute now......
  2. Well.....if "The AI is so broken I'm surprised it ever functioned", maybe that is exactly why it works in the first place XD So many issues stacked ontop of each other that it somehow makes a working AI ^^' And yet i can see why one would want to clean up that AI, as EP19 is supposed to be the final relase (aside from 1 or 2 bug fixing patches maybe) But hey, we've been waiting for EP19 patiently, so don't expect us to go anywhere if we have to wait a little longer.
  3. Well, well.....i finally managed to beat EP18 while only using Pokémon with weakness against the gym's type..... That one was......interesting XD Sooooo.....what will i do next?
  4. Well, it is no secret that the release of EP19 won't be for a while now. Unless Ame, Cass, and the rest of the dev team are pulling a prank on us, and suddenly shadow drop EP19 like Atlus shadow dropped Persona 4 on Steam. And i'd rather not bet on a Reborn shadow drop XD So you will definetely have a lot of time to do play through Reborn, or even Rejuvenation and Desolation, if you want to try these as well.
  5. No, uninstalling is pretty easy: All you have to do is make sure you remove all the files that were added by the mod: The 2 Sandbox mode files from the mod folder, and the 1 map file from the data folder that is named Map-05.rxdata. But be careful NOT to delete Map005.rxdata, as that one is part of the game files. (should be the Grand Hall map, if i'm not mistaken) That's really all there is to it. Glad i could help.
  6. Normally i wouldn't suggest using mods as your first solution, but we're talking about a lost EXP Share here.... The easiest way for you would be to download the mod "Sandbox Mode", which can be found here: With this mod you can enter the Grand Hall and use the PC, to go to a special area this mod provides. Here you can find a lot of NPCs that can give you any item you want, including the EXP Share. However, as long as this mod is installed, you cannot use any online features, so make sure to uninstall that mod again, if you wish to do online trading or online battling. While this mod certainly can make any regular playthrough WAY too easy, it is also a very easy way to recover any important items you somehow managed to lose.
  7. Reborn certainly has quite a few appealing features. Not only can you capture every single Gen 1-7 Mon (except for the legendaries, which won't be available without debugging or modding until the EP19 update) without needing to trade with another player, but can even fully evolve those that usually would need to be traded to evolve. The higher difficulty really shows off what Pokémon COULD be, if Nintendo and Game Freak would finally decide to implement an optional higher difficulty mode for experienced players (which we won't ever see, because let's face it: Nintendo and Game Freak want their Pokémon games to be so easy that even people who have absolutely no idea what they are doing can beat the game). And one of my personal favorite features is the very versatile field effect feature, because in a real battle it would make perfect sense to make use of your surroundings, or that the area you are battling in would be an advantage for certain Pokémon, while others would certainly be at a real disadvantage. The official manga and anime did this, so i see no real reason why the games can't do it as well. I have finished a lot of playthroughs of Reborn EP18, and currently i am attempting to beat the game by doing all gym battles only by using Pokémon that are weak to the gym's primary type. And i can tell you, that one is a lot of struggle, but it's fun to try out strategies that wouldn't be considered as viable in any ordinary situation^^
  8. To be honest, i don't think that the bases are clashing too much with the backgrounds at all. Compared to the old cave backgrounds they fit even better with the new ones. That, of course, is my personal opinion. But once the new bases are done, they might fit even better. Can't tell as of now XD
  9. Yes, Reborn does work with multiple save file support in the current version. However, please keep in mind that there are still a few minor bugs. Nothing game breaking though. For example, if you want to select your other save files, it only says "Save Slot 2", "Save Slot 3" and so on, instead of telling you which character it is^^ But in general, this is still more convenient than having to copy/paste your save files around manually XD
  10. Just here to report that i took down both Radomus and Luna in the meantime. Luna was interesting, as i had mutliple mons that were weak to dark but knew moves that are strong against dark type. Like my Meowstic that knows Signal Beam. Or my Lunatone with Moon Blast XD. Also some clear aiming at second types, like Exeggutor with grass moves for TTar.
  11. There are only 2 leagues i have attempted and not won yet: Reborn and Rejuv. Both for obvious reasons.
  12. Hahaha, speaking from the heart. Yeah, same here! Either i can bring my A-Team, or i'm not going at all......do i look like stupid Ash Ketchum?
  13. This is Anna we're talking about! Whatever you decide to bring, she already knew it...
  14. Wait, isn't there a healing machine right next to where you fight Arc? Or am i confusing this now with the fight vs Victoria?
  15. Yes, there are already theories floating around about that one. You might want to look around on the forums a little. I can't tell you which topics to look for from memory though. But as far as i can tell you from what i last saw, there were some people who also saw that same let's play, or discovered the message by coincidence as well.
  16. Since you are interested in what i did with Noel, i'll give you another update. I now managed to beat him by using normal type Pokémon. I only used normal types that don't have any second type, but i made good use of their move sets. Lopunny was exceptionally useful in terms of damage, while Blissey tanked the living shit out of the special attackers like Porygon Z. Also Audino made for a great Wish user. Also some Ditto trolling was involved, as Ditto itself is a mono normal type until it transforms. So next up is Radomus, which will be a fun battle, as i already have something planned for that dude. But first i have to make it through the stuff that comes between the gyms.
  17. That won't cut it, as the only rule that i have set for this playthrough is that during gym battles i may only use Pokémon with types that are weak to the gym's primary type, which in Noel's case would be normal type. As there has to be a weakness to the gym's primary type, i also can't use dual typed Pokémon if the second type is either resisting or even immune to the gym's primary type. If i were to go for second types, i would be limited to only using Pokémon that are weak to all second types Noel's team has to offer, which would be fighting, psychic, flying and fairy. They would need to be weak to all 4 of these types. Not many Pokémon fit that bill....Counting only Pokémon i could have up to that point.....Stufful and Bewear would be the only possible choices, if i am not misaken.... Which brings me back to the fact that there are no types weak to normal. So there are only 3 things i can do here: 1. End the run, as i am unable to have a Pokémon weak to normal. 2. Don't count Noel's gym and just bash him with my strongest Mons. 3. Make up a special rule just for this gym, which is the option i chose: Fight normal with normal!
  18. I actually took her down with Misty Terrain and Grassy Terrain. Aromatisse and Tangrowth were really useful. Also you wouldn't have guessed what a heavy hitter Ludicolo has been. Zen Headbutt and Hydropump really killed half of her team XD But hey, as a grass type it's weak against poison, so it was legit^^ Well, never underestimate Rain Dance plus Swift Swim....... I also took down Serra....she got stoned like they did with criminals in the middle ages..... Now i have a problem: WHAT am i doing with Noel? There are no types weak to normal type......guess i'll make that one a normal vs. normal fight XD
  19. That depends on the setup of the league entirely......for now i am wrecking my brain for a way to beat Aya.....That one is quite the problem XD This might take longer than any gym until now.....hahaha........ *Darkest Dungeon flashbacks*
  20. Hmmm....as far as i am concerned i would say what i am currently pulling of with this challenge is both a lot of careful strategic planning, as well as a pretty big chunk of luck indeed. This whole thing depends on strategies that most people wouldn't consider under normal circumstances. And for some gym battles i really did need multiple tries. Not really sure i want to record all of that to delete dozens of fails afterwards XD Ok, some tactics are pretty easy to pull off.....Like a Goldeen with the Lightning Rod ability (just like i used to beat Julia) DOES seem like a legit strategy in a "normal" Pokémon battle... Then again, if my opponent would switch in a Pokémon with type disadvantage on purpose in a real Pokémon battle i would assume that he's either VERY confident about outspeeding and knocking out my Mon first, or he wants me to attack his weakness to trigger an item or ability to destroy me afterwards. The only other explanation would be that he doesn't have anything that is not somehow weak to my active Mons, which might be the case if he's down to his last 2 Mons or so....
  21. Well, i'm not gonna make a post for each leader i defeated.....right now i am preparing for Kiki, so yeah, i took down Shelly and Shade. It's getting more difficult, but i am pretty confident that i can make it through all of Ep18 before the release of Ep19 XD I can feel you though....this pandemic is bad enough as it is.....We have a rather low infection rate where i live, and because of that we have people protesting against the safety measures for protection against this virus.... Yes, i am not trying to make a stupid joke here. We ACTUALLY have thousands of people here that are organizing protests against wearing a mask, and who are seriously claiming that the virus does not exist and the government just wants to enslave us all..... I really need to stay home and play more games right now, before i start venting my anger on those idiots......
  22. Why don't you try it for yourself? Just a fair warning though: You might want to stock up on healing and reviving items, and you want to train your Mons a lot. Think outside of the box! If you want to go through with this kind of challenge you will need tactics you normally wouldn't consider..... Then again, how many people in their right minds would consider doing something like this in the first place.....Okay, i would, obviously.....
  23. Hey, i'm bored^^ I played Reborn in almost every way possible. From just normal playthroughs to the worst kind of self imposed challenges you could put on yourself, including several kinds of nuzlocke variants.... Also, i beat Corey.... Who'd think that picking Granbull, Leavanny, Pansage and Carnivine could be this effective.....i also had Tangela and Swirlix with me, but they didn't get to be used XD Next up is Shelly, and i'm really curious to find out how much destruction Pansage is going to bring to the stage there XD
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