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Everything posted by ShogokiX
Well, for now i am sticking to not translate character names, but names of places will be translated, as this is common in the real world as well. And obviously i am translating everything that has its own name in other languages, like Pokémon, moves, abilities, items..... But just like i said, this is a side project of mine, and currently i am at all the lines of Gossip Gardevoir on TV, as that is one of the first things in the extracted text files..... Two of the things that i have noticed to be rather difficult to translate are jokes (especially puns) and Cain's singing. In terms of jokes you will want to translate it in a way that it keeps its meaning for the context of the dialogue, but still be funny. As for Cain's singing you may know what Pokémon Song that is, and you know which lines you are looking for. But these lines also have to match the context again, so you might need take another part of the same song to match that. Yes, Terra will be absolute NIGHTMARE to translate, as will Cain's sex related jokes be, at least in some cases....but i will either make something out of it, or start verbally going commando on Terra's lines XD
Well, according to Ame the randomizer won't be compatible with either of the 18.3 exe. But since you have more insight on what's going on in the development than i have, you might be able to give it a try and work something out. For now i will just keep using 18.2 on my randomizer files, while using 18.3 for my non-randomizer saves. I don't want to break anything on my end that i can't fix myself. Also i started translating the extracted text file, just because i felt like it......and even though i translated somewhere between about 200-300 lines of dialogue by now, i am still nowhere.....that slider bar on the side oy my window has not moved an inch yet. You were not kidding when you said i would need a fuckload of time....I'm not even expecting to actually get it done, as i only translate about 50 lines whenever i feel like it. Well, maybe if there was an official translation for the final version, i might take that a little more serious. Until then this translation will be a side project of mine.....
Good to know. I kept a copy of 18.2 just in case 18.3 would stop working on me. Guess i'll just use randomizer on that one, as that release was made for 18.2 anyway.
Well, i do have to admit that i did a couple of runs ever since the AI was reworked for 18.2. And 18.3 seems to work without any problems for me as well, as my only issues are of visual nature (as i posted in the 18.3 release topic already). With a better AI and less lag this game really improved quite a lot in my opinion. The only thing i still want to test out is whether the randomizer works with the "old" 18.3 Game.exe. It doesn't work with the new Game-z.exe, but that much was already stated by Cass in another topic where a mac user tried to run the randomizer on 18.3...
One easy way to install all fonts is to run the game as administrator. It will then tell you about missing fonts that are used by the game, and prompt to install them for you, at which point you obviously want to click yes.
Well, if there is ever going to be an official translation project you guys will at least have lots of volunteers to help you translate the game into quite a handfull of languages XD
Yes, of course, i can tell you all the places it might run off to: As you already know, the first time you see it is in the middle of the streets. Second time is always behind the Name Raters House. From there on it's random. The places it might appear, as long as it's daytime and the weather is clear or sunny, are these seven: 1.) Near the train station, just as you mentioned, 2.) Near Mosswater Factory, which is the one where you pass by if you are going from south Peridot to north Peridot, 3.) Behind the PokéMart in north Peridot, 4.) A little left from the fountain in north Peridot, 5.) At the trash containers in south east Peridot. 6.) In Seacrest's garden. 7.) Under Opal Bridge, which is where you get by following the train tracks to the right, leading to the Railnet. Simply find it a few more times and you can battle it.
So yeah, i just took a peek into the extracted text data as of EP18.3 and let me tell you, trying to translate this "shortly" before EP19 release is not gonna happen^^ I don't know how much new text will be added to EP19, and with lots of post-game content not even finished yet i would say that even Ame can't tell us 100% for sure.... Right now, no particular language. I just wanted to to ask about translating in general....
Yeah, i just found out XD Well.....i might decide to give it a try if i feel like it.....and once i have some free time on hand.....
Buuuuuut that might take a while to create that text file?
There is an option to do that in rmxp? Or are you referring to me manually writing down every single line of dialogue to create my own spreadsheet?
Yeah, i wanted to try that tool and my anti virus software was like "NOPE! not gonna happen!" I guess there isn't some kind of spreadsheet that includes every single line of dialogue in the game, all Pokémon related things like Pokémon names, Dex entries, moves, abilities, descriptions of moves/abilities and so on? Sure, if a spreadsheet like that existed, that would still need to translate everything, but it would be something most people who would like to help translate the game could work with XD
What exactly would one need in order to help translate the game? Official translation that is, not some translation mod.... Other than obviously fluent knowledge of both english and the language one wants to translate to.
Official translation or not, it would be wise to wait for the release of EP19 anyway. But once that is done i would not be surprised if there would be an official help request topic on the forums for people who want to help with translations.
e18.3 has been released for all OSes!
ShogokiX replied to andracass's topic in News and Announcements
This is just another side note from my part, but it seems that the $ symbol, which is the well known Pokedollar symbol in the games, is displayed as a regular Dollar symbol in the Game-z.exe, while still being displayed as the Pokedollar in 18.3 Game.exe. Again, nothing big, just a visual bug that i just wanted you to know about. -
Messing with people is Lin's special move^^ There is a reason why even Sirius and Solaris are afraid of her, even though these two are cold blooded murderers who already killed a number of people to achieve their goals... I wonder what kind of theories TTar will come up with to explain why everyone is so afraid of her.....
Because our cat hates bath time, but likes to go outside and collect fleas.....gotta catch em all^^ And just as i wrote that post my GF decided it was bath time once again and you could hear the cat complaining and trying to escape the bath tub XD
Are you mocking Shaggy and his unlimited power? I bet Shaggy is already playing the finished EP19 and already finished it 3 times!
The question is which kind of nuzlocke is more entertaining to watch? One where the player is well prepared and likely to win his battles with minimal losses, where you as the viewer might learn a few new tricks as well? Or one where the player is going in unprepared, struggling like cat trying to escape the bath tub, losing lots of Pokémon in the process, giving you a good laugh at his suffering? TTar is definetely one of the second type. But in his case there is an additional question: Is it more entertaining to watch him struggle, or to watch him spinning even more bizzare theories with every new episode?
With the release of EP19 there will be a password system added to the game. One of those passwords will include a no HM option that allows you to use any HM on any Pokémon without teaching them said HM move, as long as you own the HM and the badge required to use it. It is basically the same thing that the currently availabe mod pack mentioned by Bre_a_d does with one of its options. So no, there won't be any "HM replacement items" like the golden items featured in Rejuvenation.
That may very well be the case, there have been a lot of changes for, as you would agree, rather obvious reasons^^ That is exactly the reason.
There is a much simpler reason that comes to mind immediately when someone says he's got "reasons" why he wants older episodes. In previous episodes some rather strong Pokémon and TMs were available rather early in the game, which are now only obtainable very much later in the game, or in case of some TMs not available at all any more in Ep18. Just one example: Ralts used to be available right after you beat Aya, free the children from the old Yureju building and escaped through the railnet. That is 5 badges into the game. Now it is only available after you return from Agate Circus, which is 13 badges into the game. The reason for this is because both Gardevoir and Gallade are so strong they could easily destroy most of the gyms up to this point by themselves. Another example are the TMs for Ice Beam and Thunder Bolt. Both of these, and a few more, were available in earlier versions of the game, but are not obtainable at all in Ep18, unless you are cheating that is. If you were to play older episodes up to the point where you obtained these strong Pokémon and TMs and then save your game, you could switch to the current version of the game and play as normal, but with Pokémon and TMs in your possession you are not supposed to have at your current progress in the game, or not supposed to have at all in terms of some TMs.
e18.3 has been released for all OSes!
ShogokiX replied to andracass's topic in News and Announcements
Yes, and although i didn't upload another screen for the battle UI, that one is still the same as well: the PP are a few pixels higher than before. But like i also said before: it's a minor issue, that is why i am posting it here, since it's not that important. This is just a visual annoyance, not a game breaking/game crashing problem. -
e18.3 has been released for all OSes!
ShogokiX replied to andracass's topic in News and Announcements
The "mod" is a texture pack by Pyrolusite, it's called Pyrolusitium Z. You can get it here on the forums. There have been a few updates to that recently, and he's still at it, as he's not entirely satisfied with it XD Also, i do not intend to sound rude here, but i just tested it on an unmodded version of 18.3, and here are the results: Just like last time, left one is regular Game.exe, right one is Game-z.exe. -
e18.3 has been released for all OSes!
ShogokiX replied to andracass's topic in News and Announcements
Just on a side note, has anyone else noticed that in the Game-z.exe some lines of text are a little off by a few pixels? Nothing big to be honest, as far as i noticed so far it's two things that i noticed are slightly off: Please note that the left screenshot is the Game.exe, while the right screenshot is the Game-z.exe for both examples. Now as this one is not a major bug but rather only a little visual annoyance at best i didn't want to post it on the bug report topic, as i feel like that topic should be reserved for real, potentially game breaking or game crashing issues.